Implements the basic render functionality of the mesh. Can be used for the following objects:
- ObjectMeshStatic
- ObjectMeshDynamic
- ObjectMeshSkinned
- ObjectMeshCluster
- ObjectMeshClutter
- ObjectMeshSplineCluster
You can find the source code for this abstract material here: <SDK>/data/core/materials/abstract/mesh/mesh.abstmat
The abstract material for a mesh has features implemented as internal states that can be enabled on demand in the child material:
Name | Description |
Engine | Essential features of the Mesh material. |
Post Processing | Post Processing effects that are supported by the material. |
Specular AA | Specular Anti-Aliasing feature. |
Tessellation | Mesh Tessellation feature. |
Engine group.
alpha_fade | |
Description: | Adds smooth transitions in the areas neighboring with visibility limits of the mesh (defined by fade and visibility settings for a surface to which the material is assigned). Can be used for smooth transitions between LODs. |
Internal: | true |
Default: | false |
gbuffer | |
Description: | Enables writing of deferred buffers for the material. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | true |
lightmap | |
Description: | Enables lightmaps for the geometry to which this material is assigned. |
Internal: | true |
Default: | false |
wireframe_antialiasing | |
Description: | Enables antialiasing of wireframes for the geometry to which this material is assigned. |
Internal: | true |
Default: | false |
force_velocity | |
Description: | Enabling this option forces the Engine to calculate velocity required for the mesh to support TAA. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
dynamic | |
Description: | Enables writing to velocity buffer. |
Internal: | true |
Default: | false |
Condition: | (!force_velocity) |
static_shadow | |
Description: | Enables using the Unigine::mesh_static_shadow material instead of this material for shadows. Disabled for forward materials that support ObjectMeshStatic or ObjectParticles. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
Condition: | (!tessellation_shadow && !custom_depth) |
custom_depth | |
Description: | Enables writing custom depth to the Z-Buffer. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | 0 |
custom_depth_shadow | |
Description: | Flag indicating whether custom depth affects shadows. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | true |
Condition: | (custom_depth) |
tessellation | |
Description: |
Enables tessellation for the geometry to which this material is assigned. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
emission | |
Description: |
Enables emission rendering. This effect simulates glow from extremely bright surfaces and can be used to create self-luminous objects (lamps, fire, etc.) |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
auxiliary | |
Description: | Enables auxiliary rendering pass for the material. Can be used for custom post-effects, such as thermal vision, etc. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
blend_src | |
Description: | Option used to scale the source color (the color of an overlaying material). |
Editable: | false |
Default: | src_alpha |
blend_dest | |
Description: | Option used to scale the destination color (the color of an obscured material). |
Editable: | false |
Default: | one_minus_src_alpha |
transparent | |
Description: | Transparency type of the material. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | none |
overlap | |
Description: |
Render polygons, to which the material is applied, on the top of the render. This can be used for UI elements. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
two_sided | |
Description: |
Render polygons, to which the material is applied, two times per lighting pass. This option should be disabled to gain performance, when you don't need both sides of polygons to be rendered. |
Editable: | false |
Default: | false |
depth_test | |
Description: |
Toggles depth testing for the material on and off. This can be used to make objects occluded by others visible (e.g. a character behind a wall). |
Editable: | false |
Default: | true |
depth_mask | |
Description: | A flag indicating if writing in the depth buffer is enabled for a material (only for Object). |
Editable: | false |
Default: | true |
Post Processing#
The following states define bits in the material mask:
Specular AA#
tessellation_shadow | |
Description: | Enables tessellation for the shadow pass. |
Default: | false |
Condition: | (tessellation) |
Here's the list of available shader code that includes types for the current abstract material. These custom shaders are included in the abstract material's shader in the corresponding place via marker.
All shader code that you describe here (variables, functions, defines, constants, etc.) is included in every other type of shader: vertex, control, evaluate, fragment.
Using the following structures you can get access to the base and user data in these shaders: vertex, control, evaluate, fragment.
Name | Arguments | Description |
INIT_BASE_DATA | (none) | Initializes the base structure variables (available in all shaders). |
TYPE — type of the user data NAME — name of the user data |
Initializes user data that will be interpolated between vertices and passed through the shader pipeline. |
TYPE — type of the user data NAME — name of the user data |
Initializes user data that won’t be interpolated between vertices but still will be passed through shader pipeline. |
INIT_BASE_DATA initializes the following set of semantics:
Name | Type | Description | Access |
INIT_POSITION | float4 | Adds position | |
INIT_FRONTFACE | bool | Adds an input semantic indicating primitive face (frontface or not). | (none) |
INIT_DATA_POSITION | float3 | Adds view-space position. | |
INIT_DATA_OBLIQUE_FRUSTUM | float | Adds oblique frustum. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_ALPHA_FADE | float | Adds alpha fade. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_TESSELLATION_FACTOR | float | Adds tessellation factor. Requires tessellation enabled. | |
INIT_DATA_TESSELLATION_MIP | float | Adds a custom tessellation mip semantic. Requires tessellation enabled. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_TESSELLATION_SCALE | float | Adds a custom tessellation scale semantic. Requires tessellation enabled. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_UV | float4 | Adds a custom uv coordinate semantic. | |
INIT_DATA_NEW_POSITION | float3 | Adds a custom new position semantic. Updates automatically. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_OLD_POSITION | float3 | Adds a custom old position semantic. Updates automatically. | (none) |
INIT_DATA_COLOR | float4 | Adds a custom color semantic. | |
INIT_DATA_BINORMAL | float3 | Adds a custom binormal semantic. | |
INIT_DATA_NORMAL | float3 | Adds a custom normal semantic. | |
INIT_DATA_SIGN_BINORMAL | float | Adds a custom binormal sign semantic. |
Performs operations (e.g., transformations) on individual vertices received from the Input Assembler stage. You can use the provided Input data to modify Output data.
Input Data#
Name | Type | Description |
VERTEX_IN_POSITION | float3 | Vertex position in object space |
VERTEX_IN_UV | float4 | UV coordinates of the vertex |
VERTEX_IN_COLOR | float4 | Color of the vertex |
VERTEX_IN_BASIS | float4 | Basis quaternion in space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_TANGENT | float3 | Tangent of the basis in object space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_BINORMAL | float3 | Binormal of the basis in object space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_NORMAL | float3 | Normal of the basis in object space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
DATA_SIGN_BINORMAL | float | Sign of the binormal in object space. |
VERTEX_IN_TRANSFORM | float4x4 | Transforms from object space to view space. |
VERTEX_IN_MODELVIEW | float4x4 | Transforms from world space to view space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_IMODELVIEW | float4x4 | Transforms from view space to world space. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_INSTANCE | uint | Object’s batched instance ID. |
VERTEX_IN_TIME | float | Current global engine time elapsed since the engine initialization in ms. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
VERTEX_IN_GAME_TIME | float | Current game time that relates to Game::setScale and Game::setIFps. Updates automatically to correctly calculate velocity. |
Use these variables as they are automatically updated during the material processing (for example, due to velocity calculations the vertex shader is executed twice).
Output Data#
Name | Type | Description |
DATA_POSITION | float3 | Vertex position in view space |
DATA_TANGENT | float3 | Vertex tangent in view space |
DATA_BINORMAL | float3 | Vertex binormal in view space |
DATA_NORMAL | float3 | Vertex normal in view space |
DATA_UV | float4 |
Contains a set of vertex UV coordinates:
DATA_COLOR | float4 | Vertex RGBA color |
DATA_TESSELLATION_FACTOR | float | Mesh tessellation factor. Available only when tessellation state is enabled. |
All tessellated vertex data get interpolated here.
Input Data#
- Use prefix IN_EVAL_ instead of IN_ (e.g. IN_EVAL_DATA_POSITION(index)) in order to get a non-interpolated value for the specific vertex of the current patch, where index is a triangle vertex index ranging from 0 to 2.
- All IN_#DATA_NAME here will implicitly call IN_INTERPOLATE_DATA().
Name | Arguments | Description |
Name — name of the texture slot UV — texture uv value |
Samples a texture. |
Name — name of the texture slot UV — texture uv value Offset — texture uv offset value |
Samples a texture with mipmap offset. |
Produces color values for each interpolated pixel fragment. You can use the provided Input data to modify Output data.
Input Data#
Name | Type | Description |
DATA_NORMAL | float3 | Normal in view space |
DATA_BINORMAL | float3 | Binormal in view space |
DATA_TANGENT | float3 | Tangent in view space |
DATA_UV | float4 |
A set of UV coordinates
DATA_COLOR | float4 | Vertex color |
DATA_ALPHA_FADE | float | Alpha fade value |
Output Data#
Name | Type | Default | Description |
OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO | float3 | (0, 0, 0) | GBuffer albedo color modifier |
OUT_FRAG_OPACITY | float | 1 | Alpha of the current pixel |
OUT_FRAG_OPACITY_THRESHOLD | float | 0.5 | Opacity threshold |
OUT_FRAG_METALNESS | float | 0 | GBuffer metalness value |
OUT_FRAG_ROUGHNESS | float | 0 | GBuffer roughness value |
OUT_FRAG_SPECULAR | float | 0 | GBuffer specular value |
OUT_FRAG_MICROFIBER | float | 0 | GBuffer microfiber value |
OUT_FRAG_NORMAL | float3 | DATA_NORMAL | Normal in view space |
OUT_FRAG_TRANSLUCENT | float | 0 | GBuffer translucent value |
OUT_FRAG_BEVEL | float | 0 | Bevel radius |
OUT_FRAG_CAVITY | float | 0 | Cavity mask |
OUT_FRAG_CONVEXITY | float | 0 | Convexity mask |
OUT_FRAG_EMISSION | float3 | (0, 0, 0) | Emission color value (requires enabled emission) |
OUT_FRAG_AUXILIARY | float4 | (0, 0, 0, 0) | Auxiliary color value (requires enabled auxiliary) |
OUT_FRAG_DELTA_DEPTH | float | 0 | Delta depth (requires enabled custom_depth) |
Usage Examples#
Normal Mapping#
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh>
Texture2D normal = "core/textures/"
Color albedo = [1 1 1 1]
// optimization
State static_shadow = true
State vertex_velocity = false
Shader vertex_struct =
Shader common =
float3 color_to_normal_ts(float4 color)
float3 normal;
normal.xy = color.xy * 2.0f - float2_one;
normal.z = sqrt(saturate(1.0f - length(normal.xy)));
return normalize(normal);
float3 sample_normalmap(float2 uv, float3x3 rotate_view_to_tangent)
float4 normalmap = TEXTURE(tex_normal, uv);
float3 normal = color_to_normal_ts(normalmap);
return mul3(normal, rotate_view_to_tangent);
Shader fragment =
const float3x3 rotate_view_to_tangent = matrix3Row(DATA_TANGENT, DATA_BINORMAL, DATA_NORMAL);
OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO = var_albedo.rgb;
OUT_FRAG_NORMAL = sample_normalmap(DATA_UV.xy, rotate_view_to_tangent);
Albedo Texture#
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh>
Texture2D albedo = "core/textures/common/"
Color albedo = [1 1 1 1]
// optimization
State static_shadow = true
State vertex_velocity = false
Shader vertex_struct =
Shader common =
float3 sample_albedo(float2 uv)
return TEXTURE(tex_albedo, uv).rgb * var_albedo.rgb;
Shader fragment =
OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO = sample_albedo(DATA_UV.xy);
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.