Aliasing is a gradation of inclined lines of the image. This effect prevents the player from perceiving visual information as something continuous, and can be expressed in a sharp transition between the pixels, groups of pixels, or frames.锯齿是图像倾斜线的渐变。这种效果会阻止播放器将视觉信息感知为连续的事物,并且可以在像素,像素组或帧之间的急剧过渡中表现出来。
Usually, the problem of aliasing is considered as a problem of edges. For instance:通常,混叠问题被认为是边缘问题。例如:
In a static picture, aliasing is visible at the boundaries of objects and polygons – anywhere, where there is a sharp contour. If a screen has a high resolution, then in statics, aliasing does not bring much discomfort. But in dynamics, the situation is quite different, as the picture starts to flicker. This is especially noticeable in VR, where the area of active vision is even smaller, and in this case, even the smallest pixels are very important. Moreover, the helmet itself does not remain in a static position, but in micro-motions, and when camera movements are overlapped on objects with sharp contours or fine details in the textures (specular aliasing, transparency aliasing, normals aliasing), the picture starts to flicker even more.在静态图片中,在对象和多边形的边界处(轮廓清晰的任何地方)都可以看到锯齿。如果屏幕具有高分辨率,则在静态模式下,混叠不会带来太多不适。但是在动态情况下,情况却大不相同,因为图片开始闪烁。这在VR中尤其明显,在VR中,主动视觉的区域甚至更小,在这种情况下,即使最小的像素也非常重要。此外,头盔本身不会保持静止状态,而是微动,并且当摄像机的运动重叠在轮廓清晰或纹理上有精细细节(镜面锯齿,透明度锯齿,法线锯齿)的物体上时,图片开始闪烁得更多。
When a player looks at such a picture in the helmet, it causes discomfort because almost all the pixels in the image receive high-frequency noise (looks like fast flickering).玩家观看头盔中的此类图像时,会引起不适,因为图像中的几乎所有像素都受到高频噪声的影响(看起来像是快速闪烁)。
To fight the problems of aliasing, different smoothing algorithms are used. Basically the term "anti-aliasing" refers to any technology that eliminates the staircase effect (or "jaggies") on inclined (neither strictly vertical nor horizontal) edges of objects and lines including details in textures etc.为了解决混叠问题,使用了不同的平滑算法。基本上,“消除锯齿”一词是指消除对象和线条(包括纹理等)的倾斜(严格垂直和水平)边缘上的阶梯效应(或“锯齿”)的任何技术。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.