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Unigine::Geometry Class

Header: #include <UnigineMathLibGeometry.h>

This class is used to represent a collection of generic 3d math functions such as line plane intersection, closest points on two lines, etc.

Geometry Class


void getClosestPointOnLine ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Scans the specified line segment and searches for the point closest to the reference point. The found point is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Reference point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Line start point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - Line end point.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

void getClosestPointOnLine ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Scans the specified line segment and searches for the point closest to the reference point. The found point is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Reference point.
  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Line start point.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - Line end point.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

bool getClosestPointOnTriangle ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Scans the specified triangle and searches for the point closest to the reference point. The found point is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Reference point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the point is inside the triangle; otherwise, false

bool getClosestPointOnTriangle ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Scans the specified triangle and searches for the point closest to the reference point. The found point is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Reference point.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the point is inside the triangle; otherwise, false

bool getClosestPointsOnLines ( const Math::dvec3 & p00, const Math::dvec3 & p01, const Math::dvec3 & p10, const Math::dvec3 & p11, Math::dvec3 & ret_0, Math::dvec3 & ret_1 ) #

Scans the two specified lines and searches for the pair of closest points. The closest points of the first and the second lines are put in the respective return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p00 - Start point of the first line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p01 - End point of the first line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p10 - Start point of the second line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p11 - End point of the second line.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret_0 - First return vector.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret_1 - Second return vector.

Return value

true if the lines cross; otherwise, false

bool getClosestPointsOnLines ( const Math::vec3 & p00, const Math::vec3 & p01, const Math::vec3 & p10, const Math::vec3 & p11, Math::vec3 & ret_0, Math::vec3 & ret_1 ) #

Scans the two specified lines and searches for the pair of closest points. The closest points of the first and the second lines are put in the respective return vectors.


  • const Math::vec3 & p00 - Start point of the first line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p01 - End point of the first line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p10 - Start point of the second line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p11 - End point of the second line.
  • Math::vec3 & ret_0 - First return vector.
  • Math::vec3 & ret_1 - Second return vector.

Return value

true if the lines cross; otherwise, false

bool irayBoundBoxIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & idirection, const Math::dvec3 & min, const Math::dvec3 & max ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a ray and a bounding box. The same function as rayBoundBoxIntersection(), but it uses the inverse of the ray direction, which increases performance.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & idirection - Inverse direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & min - Min coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.
  • const Math::dvec3 & max - Max coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given bounding box; otherwise, false.

bool irayBoundBoxIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & idirection, const Math::vec3 & min, const Math::vec3 & max ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a ray and a bounding box. The same function as rayBoundBoxIntersection(), but it uses the inverse of the ray direction, which increases performance.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & idirection - Inverse direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & min - Min coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.
  • const Math::vec3 & max - Max coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given bounding box; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a line and a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a line and a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a line and a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point of the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if there is an intersection between a line and a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point of the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec4 & plane, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec4 & plane, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point of the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool linePlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point of the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given line intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

void orthoBasis ( const Math::vec3 & v, Math::vec3 & tangent, Math::vec3 & binormal ) #

Creates an ortho transformation. Output tangent and binormal vectors are put in corresponding return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & v - Input vector.
  • Math::vec3 & tangent - Return vector.
  • Math::vec3 & binormal - Return vector.

void orthoBasis ( const Math::dvec3 & v, Math::dvec3 & tangent, Math::dvec3 & binormal ) #

Creates an ortho transformation. Output tangent and binormal vectors are put in corresponding return vectors.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v - Input vector.
  • Math::dvec3 & tangent - Return vector.
  • Math::dvec3 & binormal - Return vector.

Math::quat orthoTangent ( const Math::vec3 & tangent, const Math::vec3 & binormal, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Creates the ortho triangle tangent space basis.


  • const Math::vec3 & tangent - Tangent vector.
  • const Math::vec3 & binormal - Binormal vector.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal vector.

Return value

Tangent basis.

Math::quat orthoTangent ( const Math::vec4 & tangent, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Creates the ortho triangle tangent space basis.


  • const Math::vec4 & tangent - Tangent vector.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal vector.

Return value

Tangent basis.

void orthoTransform ( const Math::dvec3 & v, Math::dmat4 & transform ) #

Creates an ortho transformation. The transformation is put in the return matrix.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v - Input vector.
  • Math::dmat4 & transform - Return matrix.

void orthoTransform ( const Math::vec3 & v, Math::mat4 & transform ) #

Creates an ortho transformation. The transformation is put in the return matrix.


  • const Math::vec3 & v - Input vector.
  • Math::mat4 & transform - Return matrix.

float pointPolygonDistance ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Returns the distance from a point to a polygon.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Polygon plane.

Return value


double pointPolygonDistance ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Returns the distance from a point to a polygon.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Polygon plane.

Return value


float pointPolygonDistance ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Returns the distance from a point to a polygon.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Polygon plane.

Return value


double pointPolygonDistance ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Returns the distance from a point to a polygon.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Polygon plane.

Return value


bool pointPolygonInside ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a polygon.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal to the polygon plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given polygon; otherwise, false.

bool pointPolygonInside ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices, const Math::dvec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a polygon.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::dvec3 & normal - Normal to the polygon plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given polygon; otherwise, false.

bool pointPolygonInside ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a polygon.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal to the polygon plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given polygon; otherwise, false.

bool pointPolygonInside ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices, const Math::dvec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a polygon.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.
  • const Math::dvec3 & normal - Normal to the polygon plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given polygon; otherwise, false.

void pointTriangleCoordinates ( const Math::vec2 & point, const Math::vec2 & v0, const Math::vec2 & v1, const Math::vec2 & v2, float & a, float & b ) #

Calculates barycentric triangle coordinates. The coordinates are put in corresponding return variables.


  • const Math::vec2 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec2 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec2 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec2 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • float & a - Return variable.
  • float & b - Return variable.

void pointTriangleCoordinates ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, float & a, float & b ) #

Calculates barycentric triangle coordinates. The coordinates are put in corresponding return variables.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • float & a - Return variable.
  • float & b - Return variable.

void pointTriangleCoordinates ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2, double & a, double & b ) #

Calculates barycentric triangle coordinates. The coordinates are put in corresponding return variables.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • double & a - Return variable.
  • double & b - Return variable.

double pointTriangleDistance ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Returns the closest distance from a point to a triangle.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Triangle plane.

Return value


float pointTriangleDistance ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Returns the closest distance from a point to a triangle.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Triangle plane.

Return value


bool pointTriangleInside ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a triangle.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal to the triangle plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given triangle; otherwise, false.

bool pointTriangleInside ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2, const Math::dvec3 & normal ) #

Checks if a point is inside a triangle.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & normal - Normal to the triangle plane.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given triangle; otherwise, false.

bool pointTriangleInside ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2 ) #

Checks if a point is inside a triangle.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given triangle; otherwise, false.

bool pointTriangleInside ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Checks if a point is inside a triangle.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Point.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second vertex of the triangle.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third vertex of the triangle.

Return value

true if the point is inside the given triangle; otherwise, false.

Math::vec4 polygonPlane ( const Math::vec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices ) #

Returns the polygon plane.


  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.

Return value

Polygon plane.

Math::dvec4 polygonPlane ( const Math::dvec3 * vertex, int[] indices, int num_indices ) #

Returns the polygon plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int[] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.

Return value

Polygon plane.

Math::vec4 polygonPlane ( const Math::vec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices ) #

Returns the polygon plane.


  • const Math::vec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.

Return value

Polygon plane.

Math::dvec4 polygonPlane ( const Math::dvec3 * vertex, unsigned short [] indices, int num_indices ) #

Returns the polygon plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • unsigned short [] indices - Array of vertex indices.
  • int num_indices - Total number of vertex indices.

Return value

Polygon plane.

Math::vec3 projectOntoPlane ( const Math::vec3 & v, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal ) #

Calculates the projection of a vector onto a given plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & v - Input vector.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

Projection of the input vector onto the plane.

Math::dvec3 projectOntoPlane ( const Math::dvec3 & v, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal ) #

Calculates the projection of a vector onto a given plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v - Input vector.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

Projection of the input vector onto the plane.

bool rayBoundBoxIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec3 & min, const Math::dvec3 & max ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a bounding box. The same function as irayBoundBoxIntersection(), but the latter has higher performance due to reduction of division operations, as the ray direction is replaced by the pre-calculated inverse of the ray direction.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & min - Min coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.
  • const Math::dvec3 & max - Max coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given bounding box; otherwise, false.

bool rayBoundBoxIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec3 & min, const Math::vec3 & max ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a bounding box. The same function as irayBoundBoxIntersection(), but the latter has higher performance due to reduction of division operations, as the ray direction is replaced by the pre-calculated inverse of the ray direction.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & min - Min coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.
  • const Math::vec3 & max - Max coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given bounding box; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec4 & plane, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a ray and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec4 & plane, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a ray and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a ray and a plane. If the function returns true, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a ray and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool rayTriangleIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & point, const Math::vec3 & direction, const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a triangle.


  • const Math::vec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given triangle; otherwise, false.

bool rayTriangleIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & point, const Math::dvec3 & direction, const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2 ) #

Checks if a ray intersects a triangle.


  • const Math::dvec3 & point - Starting point of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & direction - Direction of the ray.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

true if the given ray intersects the given triangle; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec4 & plane ) #

Checks if a segment intersects a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec4 & plane ) #

Checks if a segment intersects a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if a segment intersects a plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal ) #

Checks if a segment intersects a plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec4 & plane, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a segment and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec4 & plane, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line segment and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec4 & plane - Plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::vec3 & p0, const Math::vec3 & p1, const Math::vec3 & plane_point, const Math::vec3 & plane_normal, Math::vec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line segment and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::vec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::vec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

bool segmentPlaneIntersection ( const Math::dvec3 & p0, const Math::dvec3 & p1, const Math::dvec3 & plane_point, const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal, Math::dvec3 & ret ) #

Calculates the intersection of a line segment and a plane. If the function returns 1, the point of intersection is put in the return vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & p0 - Start point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & p1 - End point of the line segment.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_point - Point on the plane.
  • const Math::dvec3 & plane_normal - Normal to the plane.
  • Math::dvec3 & ret - Return vector.

Return value

true if the given segment intersects the given plane; otherwise, false.

double triangleArea ( const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle area.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle area.

float triangleArea ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle area.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle area.

Math::dvec3 triangleNormal ( const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle normal vector.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle normal vector.

Math::vec3 triangleNormal ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle normal vector.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle normal vector.

Math::vec4 trianglePlane ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle plane.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle plane.

Math::dvec4 trianglePlane ( const Math::dvec3 & v0, const Math::dvec3 & v1, const Math::dvec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle plane.


  • const Math::dvec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::dvec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle plane.

Math::vec4 triangleTangent ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, const Math::vec2 & t0, const Math::vec2 & t1, const Math::vec2 & t2 ) #

Returns the triangle tangent space.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t0 - Tangent vector of the first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t1 - Tangent vector of the second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t2 - Tangent vector of the third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle tangent space vector.

Math::vec4 triangleTangent ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2, const Math::vec2 & t0, const Math::vec2 & t1, const Math::vec2 & t2, const Math::vec3 & normal ) #

Returns the triangle tangent space.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t0 - Tangent vector of the first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t1 - Tangent vector of the second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec2 & t2 - Tangent vector of the third triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & normal - Normal.

Return value

Triangle tangent space vector.

Math::vec4 triangleTangent ( const Math::vec3 & v0, const Math::vec3 & v1, const Math::vec3 & v2 ) #

Returns the triangle tangent space.


  • const Math::vec3 & v0 - The first triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v1 - The second triangle vertex.
  • const Math::vec3 & v2 - The third triangle vertex.

Return value

Triangle tangent space vector.

void TriangleRasterize ( Vertex * vertex, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, Shader & shader ) #

Positions the given triangle within the given screen coordinates, rasterizes it and applies the specified shader to each pixel.


  • Vertex * vertex - Pointer to vertex structure.
  • int x0 - The X coordinate of the top left corner of screen space.
  • int y0 - The Y coordinate of the top left corner of screen space.
  • int x1 - The X coordinate of the bottom right corner of screen space.
  • int y1 - The Y coordinate of the bottom right corner of screen space.
  • Shader & shader - Shader.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 2024-12-13
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