The game must output some audio besides the bullet hit sound effect. To play the background music we will use the component system once again.游戏必须输出一些音频除了子弹击中音效。播放背景音乐,我们将再次使用的组件系统。
Let's create the node with a Music Player component that plays the looped music from the game start.让我们创建的节点Music Player组件从游戏开始,毛圈的音乐。
- Open your IDE, create a new C++ component, and call it MusicPlayer.打开你的IDE,创建一个新的c++组件,并称之为MusicPlayer。
Copy the code below and paste it to the corresponding files in your project and save them in your IDE. Build and run the solution to generate the MusicPlayer property.复制下面的代码粘贴到相应的文件在您的项目并保存您的IDE。构建和运行的解决方案生成MusicPlayer财产。
MusicPlayer.h (C++)#pragma once #include <UnigineComponentSystem.h> #include <UnigineSounds.h> class MusicPlayer : public Unigine::ComponentBase { public: // declare constructor and destructor for our class and define a property name. COMPONENT_DEFINE(MusicPlayer, ComponentBase) // declare methods to be called at the corresponding stages of the execution sequence COMPONENT_INIT(init); COMPONENT_SHUTDOWN(shutdown); // background music asset PROP_PARAM(File, background_music); protected: void init(); void shutdown(); private: Unigine::AmbientSourcePtr music; };
MusicPlayer.cpp (C++)#include "MusicPlayer.h" REGISTER_COMPONENT(MusicPlayer); using namespace Unigine; void MusicPlayer::init() { music = AmbientSource::create(background_music); music->setLoop(1); music->setGain(0.5f); // start playing the music on initialization music->play(); } void MusicPlayer::shutdown() { if (music) music.deleteLater(); }
- Create a new Dummy Node, rename it to "music_player" and place it somewhere in the world.创建一个新的Dummy Node,将它重命名为"music_player"和它在世界上的地位。
- Assign the MusicPlayer component to the music_player node.分配到music_player节点MusicPlayer组件。
Assign the imported music asset (programming_quick_start/music/ost.mp3) to the Background Music field of the MusicPlayer component.指定导入的音乐资源(programming_quick_start/music/ost.mp3)的Background Music字段MusicPlayer组件。
- Save changes to the world, go to File->Save World or press Ctrl+S hotkey.拯救世界的变化,去File->Save World或者按Ctrl+S热键。
- Run the project in your IDE to check out the background music.在IDE运行项目检查的背景音乐。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.