Table of contents
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- Unigine Basics
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. What is an 'Engine'? How Games and 3D-Applications Are Made?
- 1.2. Getting Started with UNIGINE
- 1.3. Getting to Know UnigineEditor
- 1.4. Content in Your Projects
- 2. Managing Virtual Worlds
- 2.1. World Structure and Built-In Objects
- 2.2. Instancing Objects
- 2.3. World Settings
- 3. Preparing 3D Models
- 3.1. Scene Geometry
- 4. Materials
- 4.1. Materials Basics
- 4.2. Working With Materials in Editor
- 4.3. Textures in Materials
- 4.4. Creating Your Own Materials
- 4.5. Working with Texture Editor
- 5. Cameras and Lighting
- 5.1. Cameras
- 5.2. Lighting
- 5.2.1. Light Sources
- 5.2.2. Static and Dynamic Lighting
- 5.2.3. Light Maps
- 5.2.4. Global Illumination
- 6. Implementing Application Logic
- 6.1. Basics
- 6.2. PROJECT1: ArchViz
- 6.3. Working With Components in Editor
- 6.4. Solutions for Common Cases
- 6.4.1. Processing the Input (keyboard, mouse). Intersections
- 6.4.2. Moving and Rotating an Object
- 6.4.3. Working With Time (IFps)
- 6.4.4. Creating and Removing Nodes Via Code
- 6.4.5. Managing Materials
- 6.4.6. User Interface
- 6.4.7. Playing Sounds
- 7. Making Cutscenes and Recording Videos
- 7.1. Animations With Tracker
- 7.2. Making Videos With Video Grabber
- 8. Preparing Your Project for Release
- 8.1 Building Your Application
- 8.2. Packing Your Files
- 8.3. Launcher Configuration
- 8.4. Removing Unused Assets
- 8.5. Copying User Files
- 8.6. Practice
- 9. Physics
- 9.1. Built-In Physics Module
- 9.2. Collision Detection and Raycasting
- 10. Optimization Basics
- 10.1. Performance Profiling Tools
- 10.2. Basic Optimization Techniques
- 10.2.1. Working with Content
- 11. PROJECT2: First-Person Shooter
- 11.1. Assembling a First-Person Setup With Controls
- 11.2. Shooting Implementation
- 11.3. Adding Visual Effects
- 11.4. GUI for Crosshair and Current Game Stats
- 11.5. Adding Enemies With AI
- 11.6. Health and Damage
- 11.7. Controlling the Game Process
- 11.8. Assembling the Final Build
- 12. PROJECT3: Third-Person Cross-Country Arcade Racing Game
- 12.1. Assembling the Vehicle
- 12.2. Setting Up The Camera
- 12.3. Implementing Vehicle Physics
- 12.4. Implementing Controls
- 12.5. Creating a Landscape
- 12.6. Implementing Gameplay
- 12.7. Assembling the Final Build
- 13. PROJECT4: VR Application With Simple Interaction
- 13.1. Developing VR Applications
- 13.2. Creating an Application Using the Template
- 13.3. Extending Basic Functionality
- 13.3.1. Attaching Object to HMD
- 13.3.2. Restricting Teleportations
- 13.3.3. Changing Controller Grip Button to Trigger
- 13.3.4. Adding Interactive Area
- 13.3.5. Changing Material by Laser Pointer
- 13.3.6. Customizing Menu
- 13.3.7. Adding a New Interactable Object
- 13.4. Assembling the Final Build
- 14. Conclusion
- 入门指南
- 快速开始
- 里面有什么?
- Project Workflow(项目工作流)
- 程序员快速入门指南
- 介绍
- 编程快速参考
- 1. 设置项目
- 2. 创建可控字符
- 3. 实施玩家射击
- 4. 生成物理对象
- 5. 实施颜色区域
- 6. 播放背景音乐
- 7. 管理游戏规则
- 8. 创建最终用户界面
- 9. 创建项目的最终构建
- VR入门
- 类和组件概述
- 系统要求
- 视频教程
- 界面
- SDK Browser界面
- Editor界面
- 场景视口
- 要领
- 导入3D模型
- 实例化节点
- 材质
- 照明
- Tracker工具
- 全局照明
- 内容优化
- 贴花
- 使用Microprofile进行性能检查
- 纹理
- 程序纹理
- 比特掩蔽
- 音频源和声音效果
- 缓存的阴影
- 水
- 物理
- C#组件系统
- 景观地形
- 体积云
- “必须知道”节点引用
- 使用Sandworm生成地理参考地形
- 高级
- Microprofile为艺术家
- 实用建议
- 基础
- 从Autodesk Maya到UNIGINE将模型导出
- 从Blender到UNIGINE将模型导出
- 从Maxon Cinema 4D到UNIGINE将模型导出
- 从Autodesk 3ds Max到UNIGINE将模型导出
- 使用自定义IDE编辑源代码
- 在启动时更改默认世界
- 自定义开机画面
- 禁用启动画面
- 使用纹理剖析器优化性能
- 使用PhysicalWater使物体漂浮并模仿水流
- 配置细节级别(LOD)
- 使用自动生成的细节级别
- 从最终构建版本中删除未使用的资源
- 将资源转移到另一个项目
- 使用随机发生器:交换和转换对象,以便有更多的变化
- 使用簇刷编辑器
- 轻松替换资源
- 捕获屏幕截图和帧序列
- 使用清理器从项目中删除未使用的资源
- 资源的浏览器
- 将场景从Unity迁移到UNIGINE
- 限制对象的过度可见范围
- 在编辑器中创建当前视点的摄像头
- 从特定空间去除不需要的粒子
- 锁定摄像机变换
- 使用偏转器改变粒子轨迹
- 通过Git为项目启用版本控制
- 通过SVN为项目启用版本控制
- C#编程
- 使用C#将用户信息打印到控制台
- 从C#组件访问项目资源
- 从C#组件访问节点
- 创建基于.NET API的C#项目
- 在Visual Studio Code中调试C#项目
- 在Visual Studio中调试C#项目
- 自定义加载画面
- 使用触发器按边界检测节点
- 使用物理触发器捕获物理对象
- 使用节点触发器来检测节点状态的变化
- 使用相交用鼠标选择对象
- 处理碰撞物体之间的接触
- 为C#项目创建最终版本
- 添加脚步声
- C++编程
- 创建C++项目
- 创建C++项目 (CMake)
- 为C++项目创建最终版本
- 渲染
- 启用平面反射
- 将全局光照烘焙到体素探针
- 将反射烘焙到环境探针
- 使用缓存阴影
- 使用可编写脚本的材质
- 将全局照明烘焙到光照贴图
- 重用光照贴图以获得细节级别
- 使用粒子系统产生火花
- 通过光照贴图颜色动态调整烘焙的光照
- 如何使用附加混合结合烘焙照明和反射
- 自定义环境照明
- 使薄几何体在远处可见
- 删除受阴影区域内环境探针创建的不需要的反射
- 为植被创建基于顶点颜色的动画
- 设置自适应摄像头曝光
- 自定义表面纹理
- 创建和使用流程图
- 用测光表分析灯光
- 使用材质编辑器创建自定义的后期处理效果
- 启用全景空间动态全局照明(PSDGI)
- 专业(SIM)
- 快速入门使用IG模板
- 操作准则
- Animation
- 虚拟世界的构成
- 虚拟世界的管理
- 属性(properties)
- 层次结构和继承
- 组件系统
- C++组件系统
- C#组件系统
- 渲染图
- Rendering Sequence
- 平行分割阴影映射 (PSSM)
- 抗锯齿
- Fast approXimate Anti-Aliasing (FXAA)
- Temporal Anti-Aliasing (TAA)
- Subpixel Reconstruction Anti-Aliasing (SRAA)
- Supersampling
- 交错光渲染
- 阿尔法混合
- 输出方式
- 立体渲染
- 使用Separate插件分离图像输出
- 四路缓冲立体声支持
- 多显示器渲染
- 多显示器和投影渲染与SpiderVision插件
- Quick Start
- 设置视口
- 多显示器和多投影预设
- 投影配置
- 校准网格
- 带 Surround 插件的 3 监视器输出
- 全景渲染
- 使用DLSS和FSR升级
- 物理
- 物体
- Cloth Body
- Dummy Body
- Fracture Body
- Path Body
- Ragdoll Body
- Rigid Body
- Rope Body
- Water Body
- Shapes
- Collision Detection
- Joints
- 物理模拟
- 位屏蔽
- 导入系统
- 导出系统
- 文件系统
- 异步数据流
- 内存分配器
- SDK浏览器2
- 处理项目
- 许可和许可类型
- 许可激活
- 管理公司帐户和许可证
- 如何计算座位和通道
- 如何安装和激活 Editor For Sim
- 附加组件 (Add-Ons)
- Airport Assets
- Eastern European Countryside
- Docs Sample Content
- IG Aviation
- Industrial Assets
- Road Tool Constructor
- Scans
- Vegetation
- VideoTexture Plugin
- Weather
- Georeferenced Terrain Generation
- Procedural Generation Assets
- Demos
- C# Component Samples
- Animation
- Cameras
- Character Controller
- Components
- Complex Solutions
- Create Nodes
- Input
- Materials
- Navigation
- Objects
- Sounds
- Tracker
- Transformation
- Water Global
- Weapon Clipping
- Widgets
- World Intersection
- C# Third Person Platformer
- C++ Samples
- Animation
- Basics
- Input
- Intersection
- Landscape Terrain
- Multi-View
- Navigation
- Network
- Objects
- Physics-Based Animation
- Players
- Render to Texture
- Complex Solutions
- Tracker
- Water Global
- Widgets
- C++ SIM Samples
- Drone Simulator
- Earthworks
- Fox Hole
- Mars
- Oil Platform
- Oil Refinery
- Orbits
- ROS Vehicle
- Superposition
- Syncker
- Viewer
- VR Sample
- API Samples
- C++ API
- Animation
- Import
- Logics
- Nodes
- Physics
- Render
- Scripts
- Systems
- Widgets
- WindowManager
- C# API
- Nodes
- Physics
- Scripts
- Systems
- Widgets
- 3rd Party
- QT
- Dear ImGui
- Other
- Sounds
- Network
- Photon Integration Sample
- Changelog
- UnigineEditor
- 界面概述
- 布局自定义
- 上下文菜单
- 资源工作流程
- 资源类型
- 资源和运行时文件
- 创建和导入资源
- FBX导入指南
- CAD导入指南
- 纹理导入指南
- 从Blender导出3D模型
- 从Autodesk Maya导出3D模型
- 从Autodesk 3ds Max导出3D模型
- 从Maxon Cinema 4D导出3D模型
- 组织资源
- 从其他项目复制资源
- 优化资源
- Content Profiler
- Profiling Textures
- Profiling Surfaces
- Cleaner工具
- 资源之间的联系
- 升级资源
- 项目文件
- Version Control
- VCSIntegration Plugin
- Git
- Subversion
- 管理包
- 设置和首选项
- 编辑器设置和热键
- 世界设置
- 渲染设置
- Screen
- Upscalers
- Visibility Distances
- Textures
- Lights
- Transparent
- Shadows
- Tessellation
- Global Illumination Settings
- Bent Normal
- Denoise
- Subsurface Scattering
- Dynamic Reflections
- Decals
- SSBevel
- SSDirt
- Landscape
- Terrain
- Water
- Clouds
- Vegetation
- Environment
- Occlusion Culling
- Camera Effects
- Color Correction
- Buffers
- Streaming
- Materials Quality
- Custom Post Materials
- Debug Materials
- Custom Composite Materials
- Wireframe Color
- 全球物理设置
- 全局声音设置
- 控制设置
- 项目开发
- 打包用于发布的最终版本
- Managing Worlds
- 场景导航
- 创建节点
- 选择和放置节点
- 节点的组织方式
- Node Dependencies
- 导出节点
- 实例化节点
- 调整节点参数
- 转换和通用参数
- 视觉表现
- 属性(Properties)
- 物理与声音
- 地理坐标
- Setting Up Materials
- Organizing Materials
- 强制着色器编译
- 设置属性
- 组织属性
- 照明
- 环境
- 光源
- 阴影
- 全球照明
- BakeLighting窗口
- 光照贴图
- 基于体素的GI
- 环境探针(Environment Probes)
- 光度计
- 倒影
- 设置相机
- Using Visual Debugging
- 使用可视帮助器
- 编辑曲线
- Sandworm
- Sandworm界面
- 工作流
- 创造景观
- 添加蒙版
- 添加植被
- 添加道路
- 添加点对象
- 添加管道、围栏、电力线
- 添加建筑物
- 生成地形和对象
- 来源及其参数
- Elevation 和 Imagery
- Mask
- Buildings
- Vegetation
- Points
- Roads
- 生成设置
- Export Area
- Data Types
- Projection
- Curvature
- Quality
- Distributed Generation and Headless Mode
- Output Directories and Files
- 常問問題
- 使用编辑器工具执行特定任务
- 制作过场动画:动画和摄像机控制
- Tracker 中的基本操作
- 创建特定类型的轨道
- 使用示例
- 在应用程序中运行轨道
- 捕获屏幕截图和帧序列
- 为更现实的环境添加变体
- 使用Impostors Creator生成Impostors
- 编辑Global Terrain
- 编辑Landscape Terrain
- Batch Rename
- 草和杂物对象的遮罩编辑器
- 基于画笔的对象放置
- Texture Editor
- Brush Tool
- Pencil Tool
- Eraser Tool
- Smooth Tool
- Smudge Tool
- Contrast Tool
- Brightness Tool
- Saturation Tool
- Replace Color Tool
- Invert Tool
- Flow Map Tool
- Draw Mesh Data Tool
- Ambient Occlusion Tool
- Curvature Tool
- Leaks Tool
- Color Picker Tool
- 如何擴展編輯器功能
- 设置环境以开发编辑器插件
- 创建您的第一个编辑器插件
- 在编辑器插件中管理资源
- VR Editor Plugin
- ImGuiSamples Plugin
- 工具集
- Plugins for 3D Editors
- Plugins for 3ds Max
- Plugins for Maya
- Performance Profiling Tools
- 性能分析器
- Microprofile
- USC Interpreter
- Archiver
- Resource
- Upgrade Script
- 运行时生成器
- 嵌入式节点类型
- Nodes
- Node
- Node Reference
- Dummy Node
- Layer
- Trigger
- Objects
- Dummy Object
- Static Mesh
- Skinned Mesh
- Dynamic Mesh
- Mesh Cluster
- Mesh Clutter
- 地形
- Landscape Terrain
- Landscape Layer Map
- Configuring Details
- Configuring Visualization and Performance
- Importing Heightmaps
- Import from World Creator 2
- Import from Quadspinner GAEA
- Import from World Machine
- Import from Houdini
- Import from Instant Terra
- Global Terrain
- Global Terrain Details
- Terrain for a FlightSim: Best Practices
- Text Object
- Water
- Global Water
- Water Mesh
- Sky
- Cloud Layer
- Grass
- Grass Settings
- Tutorial: Adding Grass
- 广告牌(Billboards)
- 用于广告牌的恒星生成器
- GUI Objects
- GUI Mesh
- Effects
- Particle System
- Particles Deflector
- Particles Spacer
- Volumetric Objects
- Volume Box
- Volume Sphere
- Volume Omni
- Volume Projected
- Fields
- Field Spacer
- Field Animation
- Field Height
- Field Shoreline
- Field Weather
- Physicals
- Physical Wind
- Physical Force
- Physical Noise
- Physical Water
- Physical Trigger
- Decals
- Projected Decal
- Orthographic Decal
- Mesh Decal
- 光源
- 光源参数
- Omni Light
- Projected Light
- World Light
- Environment Probe
- Voxel Probe
- Planar Reflection Probe
- Geodetics
- Geodetic Pivot
- World Nodes
- World Trigger
- World Clutter
- Switcher
- Occluders
- Occluder
- Occluder Mesh
- Transforms
- Transform Path
- Transform Bone
- World Expression
- World Spline Graph
- Sound Objects
- Sound Source
- Sound Reverb
- Pathfinding Objects
- Navigation Areas
- Navigation Sector
- Navigation Mesh
- Obstacles
- Obstacle Box
- Obstacle Sphere
- Obstacle Capsule
- Players
- Player Actor
- Player Dummy
- Player Persecutor
- Player Spectator
- 编程
- 基本原理
- 编程概述
- 引擎体系结构
- 执行顺序
- 应用逻辑系统
- 引擎初始化
- 引擎主循环
- 引擎停机
- 放置代码的位置
- 使用智能指针
- Accessing Nodes and Files via Properties
- API中的线程安全
- 矩阵变换
- 相机矩阵
- Event Handling
- 事件处理回调
- 搭建开发环境
- Windows开发环境
- Linux开发环境
- 使用范例
- 通过代码管理Landscape Terrain
- 高级汽车物理系统(C++)
- Custom Import Plugin
- 将模型直接导入内存
- 使用C++组件系统
- 自定义鼠标光标和行为
- 基本对象运动
- Creating and Attaching a Cloth
- Creating a Car with Wheel Joints
- A Simple Mechanism Using Joints
- 导航和寻路
- 创建路由
- 在有障碍物的导航区域内创建2D路线
- 在连接的导航扇区内创建路线
- Creating Pylons and Wires Using Ropes
- Dynamic Meshes
- Enabling Selective Surface-Based Collision
- Playing Sounds on Collisions
- Intersections
- Mesh Class
- Working with Console
- Sharing Data
- Splitting Logic Between Several WorldLogic Classes
- Manipulator Widgets
- 在运行时制作屏幕截图
- 碰撞接触处理
- Controlling Sound Sources Globally
- 制作第一人称射击游戏(C#)
- C++
- Creating C++ Application
- Creating C++ Plugin
- C++ Integration Samples
- Integration Workflow
- Unigine Integration into Qt Application
- C++ Usage Examples
- Extending UnigineScript
- Library's Namespace
- Variable Export
- Constant Export
- Function Export
- Class Export
- Data Structure Export
- Callbacks
- Serialization
- UnigineScript Containers
- C#
- Creating C# Application
- Debugging C# Components
- Garbage Collector
- C# API Reference
- C# Integration Samples
- Integrating with Frameworks
- C# Usage Examples
- C# Component System
- Plugin Class
- Package Class
- Widget Dialog
- Extending UnigineScript
- Callbacks
- UnigineScript Containers
- Variable Export
- UnigineScript
- Creating UnigineScript Application
- Adding Scripts to the Project
- The Language
- Structure of a Program
- Data Types
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Selection Statements
- if-else
- switch-case
- Iteration Statements
- for
- while
- do-while
- forloop
- foreach
- foreachkey
- Jump Statements
- return
- goto
- break
- continue
- Other Statements
- yield
- wait
- call()
- thread()
- Containers
- Functions
- Scope. Namespaces
- Object Oriented Programming
- Interface Class
- Preprocessor Directives
- Templates
- Language Features
- System Functions
- String Global Functions
- Script Debugging
- Handling Ownership When Using Scripts
- High-Level Systems
- UnigineScript Basic Utilities
- Unigine::Widgets
- User Interfaces for Unigine::Widgets
- Input System
- Dialogs Script
- Samples
- Objects
- cluster_00
- cluster_01
- dynamic_00
- dynamic_01
- dynamic_02
- dynamic_03
- dynamic_04
- dynamic_05
- gui_00
- gui_01
- gui_02
- gui_03
- gui_04
- gui_05
- mesh_00
- mesh_01
- Plugins
- app_surround_00
- gpu_monitor_00
- Shaders
- scriptable_00
- Cache Files
- 统一的Unigine着色器语言 UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
- UUSL关键字和类型
- UUSL Common Intrinsic Functions
- UUSL GBuffer结构
- UUSL Parameters
- UUSL Textures and Buffers
- UUSL语义学
- UUSL Tessellation
- UUSL Color Spaces
- UUSL Matrices
- UUSL Noise
- UUSL Pack Utils
- UUSL Parallax
- UUSL计算着色器
- 创建用于后处理的自定义着色器
- Plugins
- FbxImporter Plugin
- CadImporter Plugin
- GeodeticsPlugin
- GPU Monitoring with GPUMonitor Plugin
- Kinect2 Plugin
- LeapMotion Plugin
- Ultraleap Plugin
- Syncker Plugin
- Syncker-Specific Options
- Implementing Syncker Logic for a Custom Project
- 系统选单
- Teslasuit Plugin
- VRPN Plugin
- FMOD Plugin
- UsdExchanger插件
- WebStream插件
- File Formats
- Unigine Language Object Notation
- Mesh File Formats
- Materials Files
- Base Material File Format
- ULON 基材文件格式
- Groups
- Options
- States
- Conditions
- Textures
- Shaders
- Passes
- Parameters
- Expressions
- Scripts
- Binds
- User Material File Format
- Property File Format
- Spline File Format
- 材质和着色器
- 抽象材质
- Mesh
- Mesh Transparent
- Mesh Unlit
- Decal
- 启动命令行选项
- Console
- 配置文件
- Rebuilding the Engine Tools
- Rebuild in Windows via Visual Studio
- Semi-automatic Compilation with Build Script
- 使用密码保护数据
- 窗口管理
- Loading and Splash Screens
- UI Files
- Containers
- Widgets
- Localization
- RC Files
- Skin Layout
- Usage Example
- 双精度坐标
- Usage
- 性能分析器
- 引擎版本
- TCP/UDP Port Numbers
- 应用程序接口
- Animations-Related Classes
- AnimationBind Class
- AnimationBindMaterial Class
- AnimationBindNode Class
- AnimationBindPropertyParameter Class
- AnimationBindRuntime Class
- AnimationCurve Class
- AnimationCurveBool Class
- AnimationCurveDouble Class
- AnimationCurveFloat Class
- AnimationCurveInt Class
- AnimationCurveQuat Class
- AnimationCurveScalar Class
- AnimationCurveString Class
- AnimationCurveUGUID Class
- AnimationFrame Class
- AnimationMask Class
- AnimationModifier Class
- AnimationModifierBones Class
- AnimationModifierBool Class
- AnimationModifierDVec2 Class
- AnimationModifierDVec3 Class
- AnimationModifierDVec4 Class
- AnimationModifierDouble Class
- AnimationModifierFVec2 Class
- AnimationModifierFVec3 Class
- AnimationModifierFVec4 Class
- AnimationModifierFloat Class
- AnimationModifierIVec2 Class
- AnimationModifierIVec3 Class
- AnimationModifierIVec4 Class
- AnimationModifierInfo Class
- AnimationModifierInt Class
- AnimationModifierMat4 Class
- AnimationModifierNode Class
- AnimationModifierQuat Class
- AnimationModifierScalar Class
- AnimationModifierString Class
- AnimationModifierTrack Class
- AnimationModifierUGUID Class
- AnimationModifierVec2 Class
- AnimationModifierVec3 Class
- AnimationModifierVec4 Class
- AnimationObject Class
- AnimationObjectMaterial Class
- AnimationObjectNode Class
- AnimationObjectPropertyParameter Class
- AnimationObjectRuntime Class
- AnimationObjectTrack Class
- AnimationPlayback Class
- AnimationTrack Class
- Animations Class
- Containers
- Container Functions
- ArrayMap Classes
- ArrayMap Class
- ArrayMap::Iterator Class
- ArrayVector Class
- BiMap Class
- HashMap Class
- BucketHashMap Class
- HashSet Class
- BucketHashSet Class
- Hasher Class
- Map Class
- Pair Class
- Set Class
- Tree Classes
- Tree Class
- Tree::ConstIterator Class
- Tree::Iterator Class
- Vector Classes
- Vector Class
- Vector::ConstIterator Class
- Vector::Iterator Class
- VectorStack Class
- Common Functionality
- Async Class
- ScopedLock Class
- ScopedReaderLock Class
- ScopedReentrantLock Class
- ScopedWriterLock Class
- Atomic Class
- BackoffSpinner Class
- Mutex Class
- ReentrantMutex Class
- RWMutex Class
- Blob Class
- Callback-Related Classes
- CallbackBase Class
- CallbackBase1 Class
- CallbackBase2 Class
- CallbackBase3 Class
- CallbackBase4 Class
- CallbackBase5 Class
- Event-Related Classes
- EventConnection Class
- EventConnections Class
- Signal Class
- Checksum-Related Classes
- Checksum Class
- CRC32 Class
- MD5 Class
- SHA1 Class
- SHA256 Class
- Compress Class
- ConsoleVariableFloat Class
- ConsoleVariableInt Class
- ConsoleVariableString Class
- ConsoleVariableVec2 Class
- ConsoleVariableVec3 Class
- ConsoleVariableVec4 Class
- Curve2d Class
- Expression Class
- ExternClass Class
- FunctionBase Class
- File Import Classes
- Import Class
- Importer Class
- ImportAnimation Class
- ImportCamera Class
- ImportGeometry Class
- ImportLight Class
- ImportMaterial Class
- ImportMesh Class
- ImportNode Class
- ImportProcessor Class
- ImportScene Class
- ImportSurface Class
- ImportTexture Class
- File Export Classes
- Export Class
- Exporter Class
- Image Class
- ImageConverter Class
- Interpreter Class
- Json Class
- Log Class
- Logic Classes
- EditorLogic Class
- SystemLogic Class
- WorldLogic Class
- Component System Classes
- C++
- ComponentBase Class
- ComponentSystem Class
- ComponentVariable Class
- C#
- Component Class
- ComponentSystem Class
- AssetLink Class
- AssetLinkNode Class
- OS Functions
- Palette Class
- Path Class
- Plugin Class
- Property Class
- PropertyParameter Class
- Ptr Class
- Reflection Class
- RegExp Class
- Resource Class
- Stream Class
- String Class
- StringArray Class
- StringPtr Class
- StringStack Class
- Thread Class
- Time Class
- Timer Class
- TypeInfo Class
- UlonArg Class
- UlonValue Class
- UlonNode Class
- Unigine Namespace Items
- Utils Class
- Variable Class
- Xml Class
- Controls-Related Classes
- Input Class
- InputEvent Class
- InputEventKeyboard Class
- InputEventMouseButton Class
- InputEventMouseMotion Class
- InputEventMouseWheel Class
- InputEventVRAxisMotion Class
- InputEventVRButton Class
- InputEventVRButtonTouch Class
- InputEventVRDevice Class
- InputEventSystem Class
- InputEventText Class
- InputEventTouch Class
- InputEventJoyDevice Class
- InputEventJoyButton Class
- InputEventJoyAxisMotion Class
- InputEventJoyPovMotion Class
- InputEventPadButton Class
- InputEventPadDevice Class
- InputEventPadAxisMotion Class
- InputEventPadTouchMotion Class
- InputGamePad Class
- InputJoystick Class
- InputVRBaseStation Class
- InputVRController Class
- InputVRDevice Class
- InputVRHead Class
- InputVRTracker Class
- Controls Class
- ControlsApp Class
- ControlsDummy Class
- Engine-Related Classes
- BootConfig Class
- CustomSystemProxy Class
- Config Class
- Console Class
- Editor Class
- Engine Class
- EnginePtr Class
- engine.system Functions
- EnginePlugins Class
- Game Class
- GameIntersection Class
- LoadingScreen Class
- Memory Class
- Profiler Class
- Properties Class
- Sound Class
- Sounds Class
- SystemDialog Class
- SystemInfo Class
- UserConfig Class
- Visualizer Class
- World Class
- Filesystem Functionality
- Dir Class
- File Class
- FileSystem Class
- FileSystemAssets Class
- FileSystemMount Class
- AsyncQueue Class
- File System Functions
- Package Class
- PackageUng Class
- UGUID Class
- GUI-Related Classes
- Gui Class
- UserInterface Class
- Displays Class
- EngineWindow Class
- EngineWindowGroup Class
- EngineWindowViewport Class
- WindowManager Class
- WindowEvent Class
- WindowEventDpi Class
- WindowEventDrop Class
- WindowEventGeneric Class
- Widget Class
- WidgetButton Class
- WidgetCanvas Class
- WidgetCheckBox Class
- WidgetComboBox Class
- WidgetDialog Class
- WidgetDialogColor Class
- WidgetDialogFile Class
- WidgetDialogImage Class
- WidgetDialogMessage Class
- WidgetEditLine Class
- WidgetEditText Class
- WidgetExternBase Class
- WidgetExtern Class
- WidgetGridBox Class
- WidgetGroupBox Class
- WidgetHBox Class
- WidgetHitTestArea Class
- WidgetHPaned Class
- WidgetIcon Class
- WidgetLabel Class
- WidgetListBox Class
- WidgetManipulator Class
- WidgetManipulatorRotator Class
- WidgetManipulatorScaler Class
- WidgetManipulatorTranslator Class
- WidgetMenuBar Class
- WidgetMenuBox Class
- WidgetScroll Class
- WidgetScrollBox Class
- WidgetSlider Class
- WidgetSpacer Class
- WidgetSpinBox Class
- WidgetSpinBoxDouble Class
- WidgetSprite Class
- WidgetSpriteNode Class
- WidgetSpriteShader Class
- WidgetSpriteVideo Class
- WidgetSpriteViewport Class
- WidgetTabBox Class
- WidgetTreeBox Class
- WidgetVBox Class
- WidgetVPaned Class
- WidgetWindow Class
- Math Functionality
- Math Functionality (C#)
- Geometry Class (C#)
- Math Common Functions (C#)
- Math 2D Functions (C#)
- Bounds-Related Classes (C#)
- BoundBox Struct (C#)
- BoundFrustum Struct (C#)
- BoundSphere Struct (C#)
- WorldBoundBox Struct (C#)
- WorldBoundFrustum Struct (C#)
- WorldBoundSphere Struct (C#)
- Random Struct (C#)
- Bits8 Struct (C#)
- Bits16 Struct (C#)
- Bits32 Struct (C#)
- Bits64 Struct (C#)
- bvec4 Struct (C#)
- dmat4 Struct (C#)
- dvec2 Struct (C#)
- dvec3 Struct (C#)
- dvec4 Struct (C#)
- ivec2 Struct (C#)
- ivec3 Struct (C#)
- ivec4 Struct (C#)
- mat2 Struct (C#)
- mat3 Struct (C#)
- mat4 Struct (C#)
- quat Struct (C#)
- vec2 Struct (C#)
- vec3 Struct (C#)
- vec4 Struct (C#)
- Math Functionality (C++)
- Predefined Constants
- Auxiliary Types
- Bounds-Related Classes (C++)
- BoundBox Struct
- BoundFrustum Struct
- BoundSphere Struct
- WorldBoundBox Struct
- WorldBoundFrustum Struct
- WorldBoundSphere Struct
- Geometry Class
- Math Common Functions
- Math 2D Functions
- Math Exponential Functions
- Math Matrix Functions
- Math Trigonometrical Functions
- Color Spaces Functions
- Bits Class
- BitStream Class
- bvec4 Class
- Concave Class
- ConcaveConvexCompare Class
- Convex Class
- dmat4 Class
- dvec2 Class
- dvec3 Class
- dvec4 Class
- half Class
- hvec2 Class
- hvec3 Class
- hvec4 Class
- ivec2 Class
- ivec3 Class
- ivec4 Class
- mat2 Class
- mat3 Class
- mat4 Class
- Noise Class
- Polygon Class
- quat Class
- Random Class
- SHBasis Class
- svec4 Class
- vec2 Class
- vec3 Class
- vec4 Class
- Node-Related Classes
- Node Class
- NodeAnimationPlayback Class
- NodeDummy Class
- NodeExtern Class
- NodeExternBase Class
- NodeLayer Class
- NodeReference Class
- NodeTrigger Class
- Decals-Related Classes
- Decal Class
- DecalMesh Class
- DecalOrtho Class
- DecalProj Class
- Field-Related Classes
- Field Class
- FieldAnimation Class
- FieldHeight Class
- FieldShoreline Class
- FieldSpacer Class
- FieldWeather Class
- Geodetics-Related Classes
- Ellipsoid Class
- GeodeticPivot Class
- GeodeticsTransformer Class
- Lights-Related Classes
- BakeLighting Class
- Light Class
- LightEnvironmentProbe Class
- LightVoxelProbe Class
- LightPlanarProbe Class
- LightOmni Class
- LightProj Class
- LightWorld Class
- LightLensFlare Class
- Objects-Related Classes
- Object Class
- ObjectBillboards Class
- ObjectCloudLayer Class
- ObjectDummy Class
- ObjectDynamic Class
- ObjectExtern Class
- ObjectExternBase Class
- ObjectGrass Class
- ObjectGui Class
- ObjectGuiMesh Class
- ObjectIntersection Class
- ObjectIntersectionNormal Class
- ObjectIntersectionTexCoord Class
- ObjectLandscapeTerrain Classes
- ObjectLandscapeTerrain Class
- TerrainDetail Class
- TerrainDetailMask Class
- Landscape Class
- LandscapeLayerMap Class
- LandscapeMapFileCreator Class
- LandscapeMapFileCompression Class
- LandscapeMapFileSettings Class
- LandscapeFetch Class
- LandscapeImages Class
- LandscapeTextures Class
- ObjectMeshStatic Class
- ObjectMeshCluster Class
- ObjectMeshClutter Class
- ObjectMeshDynamic Class
- ObjectMeshSkinned Class
- BonesRetargeting Class
- ObjectMeshSplineCluster Class
- ObjectParticles Class
- ParticleModifier Class
- ParticleModifierScalar Class
- ParticleModifierVector Class
- ParticlesField Class
- ParticlesFieldDeflector Class
- ParticlesFieldSpacer Class
- ObjectSky Class
- ObjectTerrainGlobal Class
- TerrainGlobalDetail Class
- TerrainGlobalLod Class
- TerrainGlobalLodHeight Class
- TerrainGlobalLods Class
- TileSet Class
- TileSetFile Class
- ObjectText Class
- ObjectVolumeBox Class
- ObjectVolumeOmni Class
- ObjectVolumeProj Class
- ObjectVolumeSphere Class
- ObjectWaterMesh Class
- ObjectWaterGlobal Class
- Players-Related Classes
- Player Class
- PlayerActor Class
- PlayerDummy Class
- PlayerPersecutor Class
- PlayerSpectator Class
- Sound Nodes-Related Classes
- AmbientSource Class
- SoundReverb Class
- SoundSource Class
- World Nodes-Related Classes
- WorldClutter Class
- WorldExpression Class
- WorldExternBase Class
- WorldExtern Class
- WorldIntersection Class
- WorldIntersectionNormal Class
- WorldIntersectionTexCoord Class
- WorldOccluder Class
- WorldOccluderMesh Class
- WorldSplineGraph Class
- SplineGraph Class
- SplinePoint Class
- SplineSegment Class
- WorldSwitcher Class
- WorldTransformBone Class
- WorldTransformPath Class
- WorldTrigger Class
- Networking Functionality
- Socket Class
- SSLSocket Class
- Pathfinding-Related Classes
- Navigation Class
- NavigationMesh Class
- NavigationSector Class
- Obstacle Class
- ObstacleBox Class
- ObstacleCapsule Class
- ObstacleSphere Class
- PathRoute Class
- PathRouteIntersection Class
- Physics-Related Classes
- Contact Class
- ShapeContact Class
- Physics Class
- PhysicsIntersection Class
- PhysicsIntersectionNormal Class
- Bodies-Related Classes
- Body Class
- BodyCloth Class
- BodyDummy Class
- BodyFracture Class
- BodyParticles Class
- BodyPath Class
- BodyRagdoll Class
- BodyRigid Class
- BodyRope Class
- BodyWater Class
- Joints-Related Classes
- Joint Class
- JointBall Class
- JointCylindrical Class
- JointFixed Class
- JointHinge Class
- JointParticles Class
- JointPath Class
- JointPrismatic Class
- JointSuspension Class
- JointWheel Class
- Physical Nodes-Related Classes
- Physical Class
- PhysicalForce Class
- PhysicalTrigger Class
- PhysicalNoise Class
- PhysicalWater Class
- PhysicalWind Class
- Shapes-Related Classes
- Shape Class
- ShapeBox Class
- ShapeCapsule Class
- ShapeConvex Class
- ShapeCylinder Class
- ShapeSphere Class
- Plugins-Related Classes
- GPUMonitor Plugin
- GPUMonitor Class
- GPUMonitorPlugin Class
- SpiderVision Plugin
- BlendZonesData Class
- CalibrationGridData Class
- ColorCorrectionData Class
- DebugData Class
- SpiderVision::Manager Class
- DisplaysConfig Class
- EasyBlendData Class
- GroupData Class
- MasksData Class
- ViewportData Class
- WallGroupData Class
- WarpGridData Class
- Kinect Class
- engine.surround Functions
- ARTTracker Class
- IG Plugin
- DISConnector Plugin
- DIS::Connector Class
- HLAConnector Plugin
- HLA::Connector Class
- CIGIConnector Plugin
- CIGI::Connector Class
- CigiAerosolResponse Class
- CigiAnimationNotify Class
- CigiArticulatedControl Class
- CigiArticulatedShortControl Class
- CigiAtmosphereControl Class
- CigiCelestialControl Class
- CigiComponentControl Class
- CigiComponentShortControl Class
- CigiEarthModelDef Class
- CigiEntityClampedControl Class
- CigiEntityControl Class
- CigiEnvironmentControl Class
- CigiEnvironmentPolygonControl Class
- CigiEnvironmentRequest Class
- CigiEventNotify Class
- CigiHatHotExtResponse Class
- CigiHatHotRequest Class
- CigiHatHotResponse Class
- CigiHostPacket Class
- CigiHostUserDefined Class
- CigiIGControl Class
- CigiIGMessage Class
- CigiIGPacket Class
- CigiIGUserDefined Class
- CigiLosExtResponse Class
- CigiLosResponse Class
- CigiLosSegmentRequest Class
- CigiLosVectorRequest Class
- CigiMaritimeControl Class
- CigiMaritimeResponse Class
- CigiPositionRequest Class
- CigiPositionResponse Class
- CigiRateControl Class
- CigiSegmentDef Class
- CigiSegmentNotify Class
- CigiSensorControl Class
- CigiSensorExtResponse Class
- CigiSensorResponse Class
- CigiStartOfFrame Class
- CigiSymbolCircleDef Class
- CigiSymbolClone Class
- CigiSymbolControl Class
- CigiSymbolLineDef Class
- CigiSymbolShortControl Class
- CigiSymbolSurfaceDef Class
- CigiSymbolTextDef Class
- CigiTerrestrialControl Class
- CigiTerrestrialResponse Class
- CigiTrackerControl Class
- CigiTrajectoryDef Class
- CigiViewControl Class
- CigiViewDef Class
- CigiVolumeDef Class
- CigiVolumeNotify Class
- CigiWaveControl Class
- CigiWeatherControl Class
- CigiWeatherResponse Class
- IG Manager Class
- IGConfig Class
- Component Class
- ComponentBaseInterface
- IGIntersection Structure
- ArticulatedPart Class
- CollisionSegment Class
- CollisionVolume Class
- Converter Class
- Entity Class
- LightController Class
- Meteo Class
- MeteoCameraEffects Class
- MeteoPositionParam Structure
- Region Class
- SkyMap Class
- SymbolsController Class
- SymbolsPlane Class
- Symbol Class
- SymbolPolyline Class
- SymbolCircle Class
- SymbolText Class
- ViewBase Class
- ViewGroup Class
- View Class
- Water Class
- WeatherLayer Class
- WeatherLayerCloud Class
- WeatherLayerPrecipitation Class
- FMOD Plugin
- Bank Class
- Bus Class
- Channel Class
- ChannelGroup Class
- DSP Class
- DSPType Class
- EventDescription Class
- EventInstance Class
- FMOD Class
- FMODCore Class
- FMODEnums Class
- FMODStructs Class
- FMODStudio Class
- Sound Class
- VCA Class
- LeapMotion Plugin
- LeapMotion Class
- Arm Struct
- Bone Struct
- Finger Struct
- Hand Struct
- Ultraleap Plugin
- Ultraleap Class
- UltraleapDevice Class
- UltraleapArm Class
- UltraleapBone Class
- UltraleapFinger Class
- UltraleapHand Class
- Steam Plugin
- Steam Class
- SteamLeaderboard Class
- Syncker Plugin
- Manager Class
- Syncker Class
- Master Class
- Slave Class
- Teslasuit Plugin
- TeslaSuitGeneral Class
- Suit Class
- SuitManager Class
- VRPN Plugin
- VrpnClient Class
- VrpnAnalogDevice Class
- VrpnButtonDevice Class
- VrpnTrackerDevice Class
- Rendering-Related Classes
- Camera Class
- EngineExpression Class
- Ffp Class
- Material Class
- Materials Class
- Mesh Class
- MeshRender Class
- MeshAnimation Class
- MeshDynamic Class
- Primitives Class
- Render Class
- RenderEnvironmentPreset Class
- Renderer Class
- RenderState Class
- RenderTarget Class
- ResourceFence Class
- ResourceExternalMemory Class
- Shader Class
- CPUShader Class
- StructuredBuffer Class
- Texture Class
- TextureRamp Class
- Viewport Class
- VR-Related Classes
- VR Class
- VREyeTracking Class
- VRHandTracking Class
- VRBone Class
- VRHand Class
- VRMixedReality Class
- VRMarkerObject Class
- 创建内容
- 3D模型要求
- Art Assets Conversion
- 内容优化
- 几何优化
- 处理大量对象
- 设置细节层次
- 使用冒名顶替者
- 打开和关闭节点
- 遮挡剔除
- 优化草丛
- 纹理优化
- 材料优化
- 灯光优化
- 动态反射优化
- 水优化
- 地形优化
- 物理优化
- VR最佳实践
- 材质
- Hierarchy and Inheritance
- Material Editor
- 材质示例
- Blackbody 示例
- Blend By Height 示例
- Boiling 示例
- Cubemap Texture 示例
- Custom Code 示例
- Custom Subgraphs 示例
- Displacement 示例
- Dissolve 示例
- Energy Shield 示例
- Fade By Depth 示例
- Fresnel Effect 示例
- Glass 示例
- Hair Shading 示例
- Ice 示例
- Interior Mapping 示例
- Loop 示例
- Melting 示例
- Multi-Layered Material 示例
- Normal From Height Texture 示例
- Normal From Height Value 示例
- Object-Space Normal Map 示例
- Tangent-Space Normal Map 示例
- Panner 示例
- Portals 示例
- Procedural Tiles 示例
- Rain 示例
- Ramp Texture 示例
- UV Tiling and Offset 示例
- Vertex Animation 示例
- Vertex Color 示例
- Reparent to Graph Material
- Material Nodes Library
- Miscellaneous
- Material Node
- Final Node
- To Int Node
- Portal In Node
- Portal Out Node
- Expression Node
- Function Node
- Sub Graph Node
- Loop Begin Node
- Loop End Node
- Rotate Space Node
- Transform Space Node
- Reflect Node
- Refract Node
- Time Node
- Rotate UV Node
- Compose Float2 Node
- Compose Float3 Node
- Compose Float4 Node
- Compose Int2 Node
- Compose Int3 Node
- Compose Int4 Node
- Compose Float By Exponent Node
- Decompose Float By Exponent Node
- Color Saturation Node
- Contrast Node
- Flowmap Panner Node
- Flowmap Panner Simple Node
- Levels Node
- Posterize Node
- RGB To Luma Node
- HUE To RGB Node
- RGB To HCV Node
- RGB To HSV Node
- HSV To RGB Node
- RGB To HCY Node
- HCY To RGB Node
- RGB To HCL Node
- HCL To RGB Node
- RGB To HSL Node
- HSL To RGB Node
- RGB To YUV Node
- YUV To RGB Node
- RGB To YCbCr Node
- YCbCr To RGB Node
- RGB To YCgCo Node
- YCgCo To RGB Node
- Overlay Node
- Srgb Node
- Srgb Inverse Node
- Screen UV To View Direction Node
- Position to Screen UV Node
- Fast Position To Screen Uv Node
- Depth To Position Node
- Reorient Normal Blend Node
- Reorient Vector Blend Node
- Normal Reconstruct Z Node
- Position to Normal Node
- Specular to Metalness Node
- Calc Mip Level Node
- Calculate TBN Node
- Normalization TBN Node
- Normal To TBN Node
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping Node
- Parallax Simple Node
- Face Forward Node
- Vertex Interpolation Node
- Pack Unit Vector To Octahedron Node
- Unpack Octahedron To Unit Vector Node
- Pack 1212 To 888 Node
- Pack 888 To 1212 Node
- Pack 88 To 16 Node
- Pack 16 To 88 Node
- Pack 44 To 8 Node
- Pack 8 To 44 Node
- Pack 1616 To 8888 Node
- Pack 8888 To 1616 Node
- Refraction Simple For Thick Objects Node
- Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thick Objects Node
- Refraction Simple For Thin Objects Node
- Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thin Objects Node
- Refraction Raymarched Node
- Reflection Simple Node
- Reflection Raymarched Node
- HDRI Raymarched Node
- SSAO Raymarched Node
- SSGI Raymarched Node
- Specular Ambient Occlusion Node
- Screen Space Subsurface Scattering Node
- Triplanar Color Node
- Triplanar Normal Node
- Blend By Height Node
- Blend By Height Simple Node
- Tiling and Offset Node
- Normal From Height Value Node
- Normal From Height Texture Node
- Depth Fade Node
- Interior Mapping Texture 2D Node
- Interior Mapping Cubemap Node
- Blackbody Node
- Fresnel Node
- Fresnel PBR Node
- Tree Animation Node
- Grass Animation Node
- Animation Time Node
- Animation Old Time Node
- Get Vector From Basis Node
- Angle Between Vectors Node
- Flipbook Node
- Anisotropic Specular Brdf Node
- Hair Shading Node
- Curvature Node
- Ggx Brdf Importance Sampling Node
- Replace Color Node
- Float Correction By Ramp Node
- Color Correction By Ramp Node
- Mirror UV Node
- Material Quality Switch Node
- Input
- Is Auxiliary Pass Node
- Is GBuffer Pass Node
- Is Shadow Pass Node
- Is Baking GI Node
- Is Lightmap Node
- Is Front Face Node
- View Direction Node
- Camera Direction Node
- Camera Offset Node
- Camera Position Node
- Camera Near Node
- Camera Far Node
- Camera INear Node
- Camera IFar Node
- Matrix Projection Node
- Matrix IProjection Node
- Matrix Camera Projection Node
- Matrix Camera IProjection Node
- Matrix Modelview Node
- Matrix IModelview Node
- Matrix Old Modelview Node
- Matrix Old IModelview Delta Node
- Matrix Old IModelview Node
- Oblique Frustum Plane Node
- Screen Resolution Node
- Screen IResolution Node
- Screen Coord Node
- Screen Coord Before Upscale Node
- Upscale Factor Node
- Screen UV Node
- Vertex Tangent Node
- Vertex Binormal Node
- Vertex Normal Node
- Vertex Color Node
- Vertex Position Node
- Vertex Depth Node
- Vertex UV 0 Node
- Vertex UV 1 Node
- Vertex ID Node
- Instance ID Node
- Material Mask Node
- Up Node
- Down Node
- Forward Node
- Back Node
- Right Node
- Left Node
- Vertex Front Face Node
- Object Position Node
- Object Scale Node
- Sun Direction Node
- Moon Direction Node
- Float Node
- Float2 Node
- Float3 Node
- Float4 Node
- Color (Float3) Node
- Color (Float4) Node
- Int Node
- Int2 Node
- Int3 Node
- Int4 Node
- Bool Node
- Frame Node
- IFps Node
- Game Scale Node
- Settings Nodes
- Parameters
- Bool Parameter Node
- Combobox Parameter Node
- Static Int Parameter Node
- Color Parameter Node Parameter Node
- Float Parameter Node
- Float2 Parameter Node
- Float3 Parameter Node
- Float4 Parameter Node
- Group Parameter Node
- Int Parameter Node
- Int2 Parameter Node
- Int3 Parameter Node
- Int4 Parameter Node
- Slider Parameter Node
- Texture2D Parameter Node
- Texture2DArray Parameter Node
- Texture2DInt Parameter Node
- Texture3D Parameter Node
- TextureCube Parameter Node
- TextureRamp R Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RG Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RGB Parameter Node
- TextureRamp RGBA Parameter Node
- Logical
- Equal Node
- Greater Node
- Less Node
- Less Or Equal Node
- Greater Or Equal Node
- Logical And Node
- Logical Or Node
- Logical Negative Node
- Bits And Node
- Bits Or Node
- Bits Xor Node
- Bits Negative Node
- Bits Shift Left Node
- Bits Shift Right Node
- Branch Node
- Combobox Switch Node
- Check Range Node
- Has Bit Node
- Decal-Related
- Decal Distance Fade Gradient Node
- Decal Material Mask Node
- Decal Matrix Projection Node
- Decal Matrix IProjection Node
- Decal Plane Node
- Decal Projected Normal Node
- Decal Projected Position Node
- Decal Radius Node
- Decal Scene Material Mask Node
- Decal Scene Normal Node
- Decal Scene Position Node
- Math
- Add Node
- Subtract Node
- Multiply Node
- Frac Node
- DDX Node
- DDX Coarse Node
- DDX Fine Node
- DDY Node
- DDY Coarse Node
- DDY Fine Node
- DDXY Node
- Clamp Node
- Saturate Node
- Power Node
- Ceiling Node
- Floor Node
- Absolute Node
- Sign Node
- Base-E Logarithm Node
- Base-2 Logarithm Node
- Base-10 Logarithm Node
- Base-2 Exponential Node
- Base-E Exponential Node
- Increment Node
- Decrement Node
- Mod Node
- FMod Node
- Divide Node
- Divide Int Node
- Reciprocal Node
- Maximum Node
- Maximum Possible Float Node
- Maximum Possible Half Node
- Maximum Possible Int Node
- Minimum Node
- Minimum Possible Float Node
- Minimum Possible Int Node
- Rerange Node
- Square Root Node
- Reciprocal Square Root Node
- Round Node
- Multiply And Add Node
- ModF Node
- Step Node
- Smooth Step Node
- Length Node
- Length Squared Node
- Normalize Node
- Cross Node
- Dot Product Node
- Lerp Node
- Lerp3 Node
- Lerp Contrast Preserving Node
- Inverse Lerp Node
- Golden Ratio Node
- Pi Node
- Pi2 Node
- Pi05 Node
- Reverse Bits Node
- Is Finite Node
- Is Infinity Node
- Is Nan Node
- All Node
- Any Node
- First Bit High Node
- First Bit Low Node
- Distance Node
- Matrix
- Matrix2 Node
- Compose Matrix2 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix2 By Row Node
- Compose Matrix3 Node
- Compose Matrix3 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix3 By Row Node
- Compose Matrix4 Node
- Compose Matrix4 By Column Node
- Compose Matrix4 By Row Node
- Get Matrix Column Node
- Get Matrix Row Node
- Get Matrix Value Node
- Set Matrix Column Node
- Set Matrix Row Node
- Set Matrix Value Node
- Is Ortho Node
- Basis X Node
- Basis Y Node
- Basis Z Node
- Determinant Node
- Orthonormalize Node
- Scale Node
- Translate Node
- Transpose Node
- Inverse Node
- Inverse Transform Node
- Decompose Euler Node
- Rotate Euler Node
- Rotate Axis Node
- Rotate X Node
- Rotate Y Node
- Rotate Z Node
- Decompose Transform Node
- Compose Transform Node
- Matrix Multiply 3x3 Node
- Matrix Multiply 4x4 Node
- Ortho Node
- Frustum Node
- Perspective Node
- Cube Transform Node
- Matrix Object To Absolute World Node
- Matrix Object To Camera World Node
- Matrix Object To View Node
- Matrix View To Object Node
- Matrix View To Absolute World Node
- Matrix View To Camera World Node
- Matrix Absolute World To View Node
- Matrix Absolute World To Object Node
- Matrix Camera World To View Node
- Matrix Camera World To Object Node
- Trigonometry
- ArcCosine Node
- ArcSine Node
- ArcTangent Node
- 2-Argument ArcTangent Node
- Cosine Node
- Hyperbolic Cosine Node
- Sine Node
- Hyperbolic Sine Node
- Tangent Node
- Hyperbolic Tangent Node
- Degrees To Radians Node
- Radians To Degrees Node
- Textures
- Light Map Texture Node
- Surface Custom Texture Node
- Texture 2D Node
- Texture 2D Array Node
- Texture 2D Int Node
- Texture 3D Node
- Texture Cube Node
- Sample Texture Node
- Texture Resolution Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Albedo Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Normal Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Shading Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Velocity Node
- Texture Buffer Curvature Node
- Texture Buffer Auxiliary Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Opacity Node
- Texture Buffer Depth Opacity Fast Node
- Texture Buffer Direct Lights Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Lights Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Diffuse Final Node
- Texture Buffer Indirect Specular Final Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Old Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Old Reprojection Node
- Texture Buffer Screen Color Opacity Node
- Texture Buffer Clouds Screen Node
- Texture Buffer GBuffer Material Mask Node
- Texture Buffer Normal Fast Node
- Texture Buffer Refraction Node
- Texture Buffer Refraction Mask Node
- Texture Buffer SSAO Node
- Texture Buffer SSGI Node
- Texture Buffer SSR Node
- Texture Buffer Transparent Blur Node
- Texture Buffer Auto Exposure Node
- Texture Buffer Auto White Balance Node
- Texture Buffer Bent Normal Node
- Texture Buffer DOF Mask Node
- Texture Ramp R Node
- Texture Ramp RG Node
- Texture Ramp RGB Node
- Texture Ramp RGBA Node
- Procedural
- Bayer Noise Node
- Blue Noise Node
- Blue Noise TAA Node
- Blue Noise 256x256 Static Node
- Blue Noise 256x256 Animated Node
- Blue Noise Temporal Node
- Vogel Disk Node
- Hammersley Node
- Alpha Fade Noise TAA Node
- Checker Noise Node
- Fibonacci Sphere Node
- Fibonacci Hemisphere Node
- Material Library
- billboards_base
- billboards_cloud_base
- billboards_impostor_base
- clouds_base
- decal_base
- decal_terrain_hole_base
- grass_base
- grass_impostor_base
- gui_base
- landscape_terrain_base
- landscape_terrain_detail_base
- mesh_base
- Physically Based Materials
- particles_base
- render_composite
- sky_base
- terrain_global_base
- volume_cloud_base
- volume_fog_base
- volume_light_base
- volume_omni_base
- volume_proj_base
- volume_shaft_base
- water_global_base
- water_mesh_base
- Postprocess Materials
- post_sensor
- Debug Materials
- debug_materials
- Custom Materials
- Scriptable Materials
- Art Samples
- Main Samples
- Animated Character
- Billboards
- Camera Effects and Color Correction
- Car Visualization
- Clouds
- Cluster
- Clutter
- Cross Section
- Custom Post Effects
- Decals
- Depth of Field
- Environment
- Impostors
- Interior
- Landscape
- Lens Flares
- LOD System
- Mipmaps
- Occluders
- Particles
- Post Sensors
- Simlights
- SSBevel
- SSDirt
- Vegetation
- Volumetrics
- Water
- Wildfire
- World Spline Graph
- Material Examples
- Clear Coat
- Cloth
- Flowmap
- Hair Shading
- Materials Hierarchy
- Multi-layered Material
- Parallax
- Ramp Texture
- Retroflective Shading
- Subsurface Scattering
- Tessellation
- Transparent Materials
- Triplanar Mapping
- Unlit Materials
- Lighting
- Global Illumination
- Lights
- Reflections
- Tutorials
- 添加变形目标
- 植被:创作技巧
- 创建天气效果
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