The built-in Brush Editor allows you to change the Landscape Terrain relief on the spot with the help of brushes. In the editing mode, you can draw various terrain features, such as rocky ground and other craggy details. All brushes modify only the selected Landscape Layer Map.内置的画笔编辑器允许您在画笔的帮助下现场更改 Landscape Terrain 浮雕。在编辑模式下,您可以绘制各种地形特征,例如岩石地面和其他崎岖的细节。所有画笔只修改选定的 Landscape Layer Map。
To start editing a Landscape Layer Map, select Landscape Paint Mode on the toolbar.要开始编辑 Landscape Layer Map,请选择 Landscape Paint Mode工具栏.
You can also click the Brush Edit button in the Landscape Asset section of the Node tab in the Parameters window.您还可以单击 Parameters 窗口中 Node 选项卡的 Landscape Asset 部分中的 Brush Edit 按钮。
The Active Tool window will open:Active Tool 窗口将打开:
In the Objects section, there is a list of all Landscape Layer Map objects available in the world. To edit the required Landscape Layer Map, choose it either in the Objects section or in the World Hierarchy window.在 Objects 部分,有一个世界上所有可用的 Landscape Layer Map 对象的列表。要编辑所需的 Landscape Layer Map,请在 Objects 部分或 World Hierarchy 窗口中选择它。
After the LandscapeLayerMap texture asset is created, editing tools become available in the Parameters section of Active Tool.创建 LandscapeLayerMap 纹理资源后,编辑工具在 Active Tool 的 Parameters 部分中可用。
To reset all changes made to a Landscape Layer Map, Reimport all its data. 重置对 Landscape Layer Map 所做的所有更改,重新导入它的所有数据。
- To draw with a brush, select it, click LMB and drag the mouse.要使用画笔绘制,请选择它,单击 LMB 并拖动鼠标。
- To change the brush size, use the mouse wheel.要更改画笔大小,请使用鼠标滚轮。
- To switch to the brush tool, press B.要切换到画笔工具,请按 B。
- To switch to the Eraser tool, press E.要切换到橡皮擦工具,请按 E。
- To invert the brush of the current tool, press and hold Ctrl.要反转当前工具的画笔,请按住 Ctrl。
- To switch to the Smooth tool, press V.要切换到平滑工具,请按 V。
- To grab the height / color / mask intensity (depending on the brush type) at the current point of terrain and set it as a brush value, press Alt + LMB.要获取当前地形点的高度/颜色/遮罩强度(取决于笔刷类型)并将其设置为笔刷值,请按 Alt + LMB。
The information on controls is also available at the bottom of Active Tool.控件的信息也在 Active Tool 的底部。
Select Masks选择面具#
The list of masks contains all masks available for Landscape Layer Map. You can select one or several masks using the Ctrl or Shift buttons.掩码列表包含可用于 Landscape Layer Map 的所有掩码。您可以使用 Ctrl 或 Shift 按钮选择一个或多个掩码。
The following tools are available for modifying the terrain:以下工具可用于修改地形:
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Applies the settings defined for the selected Brush in the Brush Settings depending on the selected mask or masks.根据选定的蒙版或蒙版应用为 Brush Settings 中选定的画笔定义的设置。 |
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Erases albedo and height data.擦除反照率和高度数据。 |
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Blurs image, height, or mask data based on the Brush Settings.根据 Brush Settings 模糊图像、高度或蒙版数据。 |
Brush Editor contains a set of available brushes with various forms that can be modified as necessary by adjusting their Brush Settings. You can also add your own brushes by clicking the Plus icon.画笔编辑器包含一组具有各种形式的可用画笔,可以通过调整它们的 Brush Settings 来根据需要进行修改。您还可以通过单击加号图标添加自己的画笔。
Brush Settings画笔设置#
Depending on the selected tool, the following brush settings may be available:根据所选工具,以下画笔设置可能可用:
Size | Size of the brush. To change the value, the mouse wheel can also be scrolled.画笔的大小。要更改值,也可以滚动鼠标滚轮。 |
Spacing | Distance between the brush marks in a stroke, in pixels.笔划中画笔标记之间的距离,以像素为单位。 |
Angle | Angle of the brush marks, in degrees.刷痕的角度,以度为单位。 |
Color Srgb | Convert the brush color to SRGB.将画笔颜色转换为 SRGB。 |
Color | Color of the brush. You can pick a screen color, if necessary.画笔的颜色。如有必要,您可以选择屏幕颜色。 |
Color Intensity | Intensity of the color applied to the terrain. The value in the range from 0 to 1.应用于地形的颜色强度。范围从 0 到 1 的值。 |
Masks Override | Override detail masks:
Height Blend Mode | Blending mode for the Height brush:
Height | Height value for the brush.画笔的高度值。 |
Opacity | Strength of the brush when applying the layer color. Lower values create a more translucent brush, and higher values create a more opaque brush. Multiple applications of the brush with low opacity to the same place create a more opaque image.应用图层颜色时画笔的强度。较低的值会创建更半透明的画笔,而较高的值会创建更不透明的画笔。将低不透明度画笔多次应用到同一位置会创建更不透明的图像。 |
Contrast | Hardness of the brush. Lower values create a softer brush.刷子的硬度。较低的值会创建更柔和的画笔。 |
Intensity | Intensity for the eraser.橡皮擦的强度。 |
Smooth Intensity | Intensity of the blur.模糊的强度。 |
Opacity | Image file containing the opacity map to be used for the brush.包含要用于画笔的不透明度贴图的图像文件。 |
Clutters Refresh Rate | Delay period for all Mesh Clutter updates following the mask changes, in seconds, if the brush is dragged continuously. The mask of Landscape Terrain being edited should be also assigned to the clutter as the terrain mask to trace these changes.如果连续拖动画笔,则蒙版更改后所有 Mesh Clutter 更新的延迟时间(以秒为单位)。正在编辑的 Landscape Terrain 的掩码也应分配给杂波,因为地形遮罩跟踪这些变化。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.