Normal From Height Texture 示例
This material graph sample demonstrates how to convert a height value from a height texture to normals.此材质图表示例演示了如何将高度值从高度纹理转换为法线。
The Normal From Height Texture node is accountable for conversion from a heightmap to normals. So the Height texture (Texture 2D node) and the Height Value are connected to it and the Normal Tangent Space result is used for normals of the material.Normal From Height Texture 节点负责从高度图到法线的转换。因此高度纹理(Texture 2D 节点)和高度值连接到它,Normal Tangent Space 结果用于材质的法线。
Albedo, Metalness and Roughness values are obtained from the corresponding parameters.反照率、金属度和粗糙度值是从相应的参数中获得的。
Normal From Height Texture sampleNormal From Height 纹理样本
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.
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