Weather Add-on
The Weather add-on provides a set of ready-to-use sample weather effects: Weather附加组件提供了一组现成的示例天气效果:
- Raindrops, streaks and splashes雨滴,条纹和飞溅物
- Windshield wiper effect 挡风玻璃刮水器效果
- Lightning strikes 雷击
- Snowfall effect with wet flakes landing on the camera lens降雪效果,湿片落在相机镜头上
- 3 types of screen frost effect with adjustable intensity三种强度可调的屏幕霜效果
- Volume fog 体积雾
Opening the World开放世界#
To open the world containing weather effects:打开包含天气影响的世界:
- Download the Weather add-on from Add-On Store.从附加组件商店下载天气附加组件。
- Add the downloaded add-on (UPACKAGE file) to your project by dragging it into the project data/ folder in the Asset Browser. In the Import Package window that opens, click the Import Package button and wait until the add-on contents are imported.将下载的附加组件(UPACKAGE 文件)拖到 Asset Browser 中的项目 data/ 文件夹中,将其添加到您的项目中。在打开的 Import Package 窗口中,单击 Import Package 按钮并等待加载项内容导入。
- In UnigineEditor, click File -> Open World (Ctrl + O) or open the Asset Browser window. The file is available in the data/ directory.在UnigineEditor中,单击File -> Open World(Ctrl + O)或打开Asset Browser窗口。 weather_samples.world文件位于data/目录中。
Node references to weather effects are located in the data/UnigineWeather/fx/ directory.节点对天气影响的引用位于data/UnigineWeather/fx/目录中。
The add-on requires the UnigineWeather plugin, which can be added using the following command-line option on the application start-up:该附加组件需要UnigineWeather插件,可以在应用程序启动时使用以下命令行选项添加该插件:
-extern_plugin UnigineWeather
The plugin can be run on Windows only.插件只能在Windows上运行。
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