When the virtual scene contains a large number of objects, both identical and unique, managing each of them is a very complicated task. Moreover, when such objects are represented in the scene as separate meshes, the performance significantly drops.当虚拟场景包含大量相同且唯一的对象时,对其进行管理是一项非常复杂的任务。而且,当这些对象在场景中表示为单独的网格时,性能会大大降低。
UNIGINE allows managing a great number of objects as a single object by using clusters (Mesh Cluster) and clutters (Mesh Clutter). It simplifies a spatial tree of nodes (in the World Hierarchy, there will be one or several objects instead of thousands), thus increasing the performance. UNIGINE允许通过使用 clusters (Mesh Cluster)和 clutters (Mesh Clutter)将大量对象作为单个对象进行管理。它简化了节点的空间树(在世界层次结构中,将有一个或几个对象而不是数千个对象),从而提高了性能。
Using Clusters使用集群#
Clusters allow you to manage a lot of objects as a single object, while keeping the ability to independently edit each mesh baked in the cluster. 簇使您可以将多个对象作为一个对象进行管理,同时保持独立编辑群集中烘焙的每个网格的能力。
Mesh Cluster contains only identical meshes. So, if you need to create a complex construction that contains several types of identical meshes (like the tube construction on the picture below), you will have to bake several mesh clusters: Mesh Cluster仅包含相同的网格。因此,如果您需要创建一个复杂的结构,其中包含几种类型的相同网格(如下图所示的管结构),则必须烘烤多个网格簇:
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Mesh Clusters in World Hierarchy世界层次结构中的网格集群 |
Meshes Baked to Mesh Cluster (Click to watch the video tutorial)烘焙到Mesh Cluster的网格(单击以观看视频教程) |
The detailed instructions on baking meshes to the cluster can be found in the corresponding article referenced above, as well as in the Content Optimization video tutorial.有关将网格烘焙到群集的详细说明,可以在上面引用的相应文章以及 Content Optimization 视频教程中找到。
Using Clutters使用杂波#
Clutters are almost the same objects as clusters. The main difference is that Mesh Clutter scatters objects randomly and doesn't allow editing each object baked into the clutter individually. However, such peculiarity makes the clutter objects more preferable from the perspective of the performance. 杂波与簇几乎相同。主要区别在于, Mesh Clutter 会随机分散对象,不允许单独编辑放入杂波中的每个对象。但是,从性能的角度来看,这种特殊性使得杂物更可取。
The detailed instructions on baking meshes to the clutter can be found in the corresponding article referenced above, as well as in the Content Optimization video tutorial.有关将网格烘焙到混乱的详细说明,可以在上面引用的相应文章以及 Content Optimization 视频教程中找到。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.