Particles Spacer is a volumetric field that has no visual representation, but physically interacts with Particle Systems (other objects are not affected). The Particles Spacer is used to cut out particles generated by a Particle System from a certain volume, for example, to avoid rendering of rain or snow inside a car or under a bridge. It can have a box, cylinder, capsule, sphere, or ellipse shape and can be arbitrarily positioned or rotated to cover the necessary area.Particles Spacer 是一个没有视觉表示的体积场,但物理上与 Particle System交互(其他对象不受影响)。Particles Spacer用于从一定体积中挡断由粒子系统产生的粒子,例如,避免渲染汽车内或桥下的雨或雪。它可以是盒子、圆柱体、胶囊、球体或椭圆形状,并且可以任意定位或旋转以覆盖必要的区域。
See also另请参阅#
- The ParticlesFieldSpacer class to manage Particles Spacers via API通过API管理Particles Spacers的ParticlesFieldSpacer类
Adding Particles Spacer添加粒子挡断体积#
To add a Particles Spacer to the world via UnigineEditor, do the following:要通过UnigineEditor添加一个Particles Spacer到世界,请执行以下操作:
In the Main Menu, choose Create -> Particle System -> Particles Spacer.在主菜单中选择Create -> Particle System -> Particles Spacer。
Place the Particles Spacer in the world to cover the area where particles are to be cut out:把Particles Spacer在世界上覆盖粒子被挡断的区域。
注意Make sure that the Spacer interaction flag is set for materials applied to grass or water.确保为应用于草或水的材质设置了Spacer interaction标志。
Editing Particles Spacer编辑粒子挡断体积#
In the Particles Field Spacer section (Parameters window -> Node tab), the following parameters of the Particles Spacer can be adjusted:在Particles Field Spacer部分(Parameters窗口→Node选项卡)中,Particles Spacer的以下参数可以调整:
Adjusting Spacer Form调整垫片形状#
Setting Bit Masks设置位掩码#
Bit masks listed below enable you to fine tune interactions and functionality of a Particles Field to achieve the desired effect and optimize performance.下面列出的位掩码使您能够微调 Particles Field 的相互作用和功能,以达到预期的效果和优化性能。
Particles Field Mask | Bit mask enabling you to control interactions of the Particles Spacer with particles. The Spacer will affect particles generated by a Particle System only if they both have matching masks.位掩码使您能够控制Particles Spacer与粒子的相互作用。只有当粒子系统生成的粒子都具有匹配掩码时,Spacer才会影响它们。 |
Viewport Mask | A Viewport mask. A bit mask for rendering the Particles Spacer in the current viewport. For the Particles Spacer to be rendered into the viewport, its mask should match the camera Viewport mask (at least one bit). This can be used to selectively disable Spacer functionality for a certain camera view without disabling the Spacer itself (e.g. it is not necessary to cut out rain or snow inside a car, when the car is viewed from above).Viewport 掩码。 用于在当前视口中渲染 Particles Spacer 的位掩码。 对于要渲染到视口中的 Particles Spacer,其掩码应与相机 Viewport 掩码相匹配 (至少一位)。 这可用于有选择地禁用特定摄像机视图的 Spacer 功能,而无需禁用 Spacer 本身(例如,当 汽车是从上面看的)。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.