Rendering of the Grass object can also reduce the performance. Grass optimization means reducing the number of the grass polygons rendered each frame. This can be achieved by using the specific grass settings.渲染Grass对象也会降低性能。草草优化意味着减少每帧渲染的草草多边形的数量。这可以通过使用特定的草设置来实现。
Setting Up Step for Cell Division设置细胞分裂步骤#
For optimization purposes, the grass field is split into cells forming a grid. These cells are rendered one by one, from the camera to the horizon. Each cell requires 1 DIP call, so the higher number of cells, the lower the performance. The number of cells is determined by two parameters - the Size of the grass field and the Step by which the grass field is split into cells. 出于优化目的,将草场拆分为形成网格的单元。从摄影机到地平线,这些单元一一渲染。每个单元需要1个DIP呼叫,因此单元数越多,性能越低。单元格的数量由两个参数确定-草地的Size和将草地分为多个单元格的Step。
There are two requirements for these parameters that should be met:这些参数应满足两个要求:
- The size of the field should be divided by the step exactly, with no remainder by division.字段的大小应精确地除以步骤,没有除法的余数。
- The step value should stay within the recommended optimal range of [10;25], as the small enough cells are rendered fast and smoothly while the large cells may take more time for rendering.步长值应保持在[10;25]的推荐的最佳范围之内,因为足够小的单元格可以快速而流畅地渲染,而大的单元格可能需要花费更多时间进行渲染。
For example, if the size of the grass field is 4097 x 4097, the recommended Step value is 17. It is in the range and the field size is divided by this value exactly.例如,如果草场的大小为 4097 x 4097 ,则建议的“步长”值为 17 。它在范围内,字段大小精确地除以该值。
Thinning Grass间草#
Except reducing the number of cells rendered per frame, the grass field can be thinned out with a distance. For this, enable the Thinning option to reduce the number of grass polygons rendered across the grass Fade distance.除了减少每帧渲染的单元数之外,还可以使草地变远。为此,启用Thinning选项可以减少在草Fade distance上渲染的草多边形的数量。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.