Glass 示例
This material graph sample demonstrates different implementations of glass materials for different needs.此材质图表示例演示了针对不同需求的玻璃材质的不同实现。
Blended Reflective Material混合反光材质#
The glass_blend_mode_add sample is a material providing raymarched fresnel-based reflection in the Additive blending mode that can be used as a reflective component in compound materials.glass_blend_mode_add 样本是一种提供光线行进菲涅耳基于 Additive 混合模式的反射,可用作复合材质中的反射组件。
Blended Refractive Material for Thick Glass用于厚玻璃的混合折射材质#
The glass_blend_mode_refraction_thick sample implements fresnel-based refraction for thick objects in the Multiplicative blending mode. It showcases the use of the Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thick Objects node and can be used as a refractive component in compound materials.glass_blend_mode_refraction_thick 示例实现菲涅耳Multiplicative 混合模式下厚物体的基于折射。它展示了 Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thick Objects 节点的使用,并可用作复合材质中的折射组件。
Blended Refractive Material for Thin Glass用于薄玻璃的混合折射材质#
The glass_blend_mode_refraction_thin sample implements fresnel-based refraction for thin objects in the Multiplicative blending mode. It showcases the use of the Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thin Objects node and can be used as a refractive component in compound materials.glass_blend_mode_refraction_thin 示例实现菲涅耳- 在 Multiplicative 混合模式下对薄物体进行基于折射。它展示了 Refraction Screen UV Offset For Thin Objects 节点的使用,并可用作复合材质中的折射组件。
High-Quality Thick Colored Glass优质加厚彩色玻璃#
The glass_thick_colored_high_quality sample showcases an implementation of high-quality raymarched reflection and refraction for thick colored glass objects. The Fresnel node defines the mutually exclusive intensities of each component.glass_thick_colored_high_quality 示例展示了高质量raymarched的实现反射和折射用于厚的彩色玻璃物体。 Fresnel 节点定义了每个组件的互斥强度。
Low-Quality Thick Colored Glass劣质厚彩玻璃#
The glass_thick_colored_low_quality sample showcases an implementation of low-quality refraction for thick colored objects by means of the Refraction Simple For Thick Objects node. The Fresnel node defines the intensity of refraction.glass_thick_colored_low_quality 示例展示了通过 Refraction Simple For Thick Objects 节点对厚色对象进行低质量折射的实现。 Fresnel 节点定义折射强度。
Thin Colored Glass薄彩色玻璃#
The glass_thin_colored sample showcases the use of the Refraction Simple For Thin Objects and Reflection Raymarched nodes for thin colored glass objects. The Fresnel node defines the mutually exclusive intensities of each component.glass_thin_colored 示例展示了 Refraction Simple For Thin Objects 和 Reflection Raymarched 节点对薄彩色玻璃对象的使用。 Fresnel 节点定义了每个组件的互斥强度。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.