Interior Mapping 示例
This material graph sample demonstrates how to create the effect of parallax interior mapping when creating materials.此材质图表示例演示了如何在创建材质时创建视差内部映射的效果。
The world contains two material graphs for different approaches and the source interior used to grab the textures.世界包含两个用于不同方法的材质图和用于抓取纹理的源内部。
Cube Mapped Interior立方体映射内部#
The interior_mapping_cubemap material graph showcases the use of the Interior Mapping Cubemap node for interior mapping based on cubemap textures.interior_mapping_cubemap 材质图展示了使用 Interior Mapping Cubemap 节点进行基于立方体贴图纹理的内部映射。
2D Texture Mapping2D 纹理映射#
The interior_mapping_texture_2d material graph showcases the use of the Interior Mapping Texture 2D node for interior mapping based on 2D textures having the fixed layout that can be adjusted via a set of parameters.interior_mapping_texture_2d 材质图展示了使用 Interior Mapping Texture 2D 节点进行基于 2D 纹理的内部映射,该纹理具有可通过一组参数进行调整的固定布局。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.