Information about the current version of Engine, Editor and core might be useful in many cases (e.g., writing own Engine and Editor plugins, checking compatibility in your custom tools, etc.). Version is represented as a four-component number - A . B . C . D , where:关于引擎、编辑器和核心的当前版本的信息在很多情况下可能是有用的(例如,编写自己的引擎和编辑器插件,检查自定义工具的兼容性,等等)。Version表示为四个分量的数字- A . B . C . D,其中:
- A - major version number (backward-incompatible conceptual changes, new implementation of majority of subsystems).A -主要版本号(向后不兼容的概念更改,大多数子系统的新实现)。
- B - minor version number (new UI, lots of new features, etc. keeping backward compatibility).B -次要版本号(新的UI,许多新功能,等等,保持向后兼容性)。
- C - patch version number (stabilization/bugfix release).C -补丁版本号(稳定/bug修复版本)。
- D - additional revision number.D -附加修订号。
At runtime you can always get this information via API using the corresponding member of the Engine class: Engine::getVersion()在运行时,您始终可以使用 Engine 类的相应成员通过 API 获取此信息:Engine::getVersion()
Log::message("Current Engine version is: %s", Engine::getVersion());
In case you need version information when compiling your application or any other purpose without having the Engine running, you can:如果您在编译应用程序或任何其他目的时需要版本信息而不运行引擎,您可以:
- take it from the data/core/version file as a string (e.g., "")从data/core/version文件中将其作为字符串(例如, "")
- or, if you're using C++, include the UnigineVersion.h header and use the following constants:或者,如果你使用c++,包括UnigineVersion.h头文件并使用以下常量:
名 | 描述 |
UNIGINE_VERSION_MAJOR | Major version of the Engine (backward-incompatible conceptual changes, new implementation of majority of subsystems). It is the first component of the version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION.引擎的主要版本(向后不兼容的概念变化,大多数子系统的新实现)。它是版本号MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION的第一个组件。 |
UNIGINE_VERSION_MINOR | Minor version of the Engine (new UI, lots of new features, etc. keeping backward compatibility). It is the second component of the version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION.引擎的小版本(新的UI,许多新功能,等等,保持向后兼容性)。它是版本号的第二个组件:MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION。 |
UNIGINE_VERSION_PATCH | Patch version of the Engine (stabilization/bugfix release). It is the third component of the version number: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION.引擎补丁版本(稳定/bug修复版本)。它是版本号MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION的第三个组件。 |
UNIGINE_VERSION_REVISION | Revision number (the fourth component of the version number): MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION.修订号(版本号的第四个组件):MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION。 |
UNIGINE_VERSION | Full version of the Engine (as well as core and UnigineEditor): MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION (e.g., "")完整版本的引擎(以及核心和UnigineEditor): MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.REVISION(例如,“”) |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.