Dummy Body
Dummy body is a static body, that does not move and has no physical properties. It is used as a prop to attach other bodies with joints to.Dummy body 是一个静态物体,它不会移动并且没有物理属性。它用作道具以连接其他物体关节至。
- If a Dummy body is assigned to a Dummy Object, it is completely invisible.如果将 Dummy body 分配给 Dummy Object,则它是完全不可见的。
- If a Dummy body has a shape, it can collide with other physical objects. They will bounce off or slide along it in accordance with their parameters, but a Dummy body will always stay in place.如果 Dummy body 有一个形状,它可以与其他物理对象发生碰撞。它们会根据它们的参数弹开或沿着它滑动,但 Dummy body 将始终保持原位。
On the picture below you can see a dummy object with a Dummy body and without any collision shape. It pins the physical cloth so it can hang without any rack. At the same time, it does not collide with balls that roll through it.在下图中,您可以看到一个带有 Dummy body 且没有任何碰撞形状的虚拟对象。它固定物理布所以它可以在没有任何架子的情况下悬挂。同时,它不会与滚过它的球发生碰撞。
See also也可以看看#
- BodyDummy classBodyDummy 类
- Overview of the Dummy body in the video tutorial on physics物理视频教程中的 Dummy body 概述
Assigning a Dummy Body分配一个虚拟实体#
To assign a Dummy body to an object via UnigineEditor perform the following steps:通过将 Dummy body 分配给对象统一编辑器执行以下步骤:
- Open the World Hierarchy window.打开 World Hierarchy 窗口。
- Select an object to assign a Dummy body to.选择要为其分配 Dummy body 的对象。
Go to the Physics tab in the Parameters window and assign a physical body to the selected object by selecting Body -> Dummy.转到 Parameters 窗口中的 Physics 选项卡并分配一个物理物体通过选择 Body -> Dummy 到选定的对象。
- Set body's name and change other parameters if necessary.如有必要,设置物体的名称并更改其他参数。
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.