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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Version Control
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
API Reference
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples

Editor Settings and Hotkeys

Editor Settings#

The Editor section of the Settings window displays general settings of the UnigineEditor.

To configure the editor settings, open the Settings window by choosing Window → Settings in the main menu and select the Editor section.

The following window will open:

Editor Settings window

User Settings#

Cache Directory Contains the path to the directory that stores the editor cache.
Terrain Compression Cache Contains the path to the directory that stores the Terrain cache.
Auto Open Last World Automatically open the recently closed world on UnigineEditor start.
Always Show
Auto-Generated Parameters
Toggles on and off permanent displaying of automatically generated parameters.
Use GPU Texture Compression Toggles on and off GPU texture compression.
Precompile All Shaders Toggles precompilation of all shaders on and off. This is an important features guaranteeing that at the time your project is complete and final builds are ready to be handed over to the customer you have a complete shader cache. This significally reduces the number of freezes in the final release build and equalizes your application framerate. Shaders are precompiled for all materials in the project.
Keep Running
in Background
If enabled, UnigineEditor keeps running in the background, when minimized or is not in focus.
Show Tooltips Toggles displaying of tooltips on hovering UI elements on and off.
Migration Enabled

Enables automatic upgrading for outdated assets added to your project to the current SDK version.

Upgrade is performed automatically in the following cases:

  • When importing an outdated asset via the Asset Browser.
  • When importing a package with an outdated asset.
  • When copying an outdated asset to the project's data folder. If UnigineEditor is not running, assets will be upgraded during the next launch.
Migration Directory

Path to the Migration Directory, a temporary folder for the outdated assets.

Outdated assets are copied into this folder and processed by the upgrade script. Upon successful completion of the process upgraded assets replace the original ones.

The only way to upgrade assets stored in a mount point via UnigineEditor is to add this mount point to the project when the editor is not running. In this case, the assets will be upgraded on the next launch. However, it is recommended to upgrade assets inside mount points manually by using the upgrade.usc script.
Ask To Save The World
Each Time When Clicking Play
If enabled, UnigineEditor asks whether to save the world every time you click the Play button.
Ask To Save The World
Each Time When Enabling
Physics Simulation
If enabled, UnigineEditor asks whether to save the world every time you click the Physics Simulation button.

Project Settings#

Reset Time For Nodes
To Zero On World Saving
Enables resetting current animation or playback time for certain nodes (SoundSource, ObjectWaterGlobal, WorldTransformPath, ObjectMeshSkinned, ObjectCloudLayer) to zero when saving a world (current values are restored after saving). This helps eliminate the problem with large diffs generated by version control systems in case of saving a world after opening it in the Editor and simply playing skinned mesh animations, sounds, or just having particles, water, and clouds simulation enabled.
User Extensions of Text
Files for Dependency Search
List here custom file extensions to make sure that your files with such extentions are included into the dependency search performed by the Cleaner tool.

Default Settings For Node Creation#

This section specifies the default status of the following parameters at the node creation.

Immovable Default value for the Immovable parameter.
Lightmaps Default value for the Lightmaps parameter of the surface.
Intersection Default value for the Intersection parameter of the surface.
Collision Default value for the Collision parameter of the surface.
Physics Intersection Default value for the Physics Intersection parameter of the surface.

User Project Settings#

Suggest to Disable
Windows Defender
Enables the automatic pop-up that suggests disabling Windows Defender (Microsoft Defender) checks of your project data/ folder if UnigineEditor startup takes too much time.
Editable Base Materials Allows editing of base materials via the Editor unless editing is prohibited for them. Disabled by default.

Editor Hotkeys#

The Hotkeys section of the Settings window displays all hotkeys and key combinations that are used in the UnigineEditor and provides you with an opportunity to assign custom hotkeys and key combinations for the required action.

To configure hotkeys, open the Settings window by choosing Window → Settings in the main menu and select the Hotkeys section.

The following window will open:

Components of the Hotkeys Settings window

Each action is represented by a key or a key combination. Ctrl, Alt, Shift, and mouse buttons are used as modifiers for the key bindings. Some actions can be represented by the modifiers only.

The mouse buttons can be used as the modifiers only for some actions.

The controls are stored in a preset. There are 2 types of presets that are used in UnigineEditor:

Using Built-in Presets#

A built-in preset can be used as the basis of a custom preset.

List of built-in presets

There are 3 built-in presets:

UNIGINE 2 The main preset. Hot keys and key combinations that are used in this preset are usual for many 3D editors, for example, 3D-Coat, Maya, Marmoset, Unreal Engine, Unity, and so on.
UNIGINE 2 QWERTZ This preset contains hotkeys and key combinations for QWERTZ keyboards.
3ds Max This preset contains hotkeys and key combinations that are used in 3ds Max.
You cannot change a built-in preset. Only custom presets can be modified.

If you change the default hotkey or key combination, or clear the binding, you will be offered to save your modifications to a custom preset.

Such approach allows you to go back to using the built-in preset at any time.

Creating Custom Presets#

Custom presets are necessary when you want to change some hotkeys (or key combinations) and save these changes.

You can create a custom preset by creating a copy of one of the built-in presets. To create a custom preset:

  1. Choose the built-in preset, on which a new preset will be based, and click Save as...

  2. Specify the name for the new preset in the window that opens and click OK:

  3. In the Save Preset As file dialog window that opens, specify the name of the *.preset file and where to save it.
  4. Click Save. The new preset will be set as the current one.

The new custom preset will contain all the hotkeys and key combinations of the built-in preset. You can modify the key combinations for any necessary actions:

  1. Click the key binding you want to change.
  2. Press a new key or key combination, or click Clear binding.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 2023-09-26
Build: ()