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License Activation

SDK Browser manages licenses for each SDK installed on the current PC: in order to use UnigineEditor or debug builds of the engine, it is required to keep SDK Browser launched on the currently used computer.

Having just installed SDK, you should activate your license with one of the following license activation types:

Licenses are assigned to user accounts via License Manager.

Release builds of the engine do not require connection to SDK Browser. Release builds based on the SIM Per Channel SDK edition may require Channel USB License Dongle (HASP).

For evaluation kits: SDK Browser should always be launched irrespective of the build version, as in this case broadcasting over LAN isn't supported.

License Activation#

After you have installed an SDK, the Activate License window opens:

License activation types are available depending on your license. If a certain license activation type is not available as supposed, contact the person who is assigned the role of Company Admin for assistance.

If you have any questions or technical issues, don't hesitate to send us an email to

If you do not have stable Internet connection, SDK Browser can work in the offline mode. However, in this case, it is required to activate your offline license.

Having activated a license for SDK, you can see the info about it by using the License Info button.

In the window that opens, the information on the current license is available:

  • License type
  • Account
  • Expiration date of runtime and updates

Floating License#

This type of license activation is account-locked.

If you have a stable Internet connection, your licenses are retrieved automatically from your account. That means you can switch between PCs.

A seat can't be used by several computers at the same time. If you sign in on a computer, you will be logged off on the one, where you've been signed in before.

To activate a product with this type of activation, select the Floating License type in the Activate License window that appears immediately after the product has been installed:

If the product has already been installed, but is not activated, do the following:

  1. Run SDK Browser and sign in with your credentials.

  2. Go to the Products tab of the SDK Browser.
  3. Click Activate on the SDK panel.

  4. In the window that opens, choose Floating License and click Activate. SDK will be activated and locked to the current account.

You can switch from Floating License to Fixed anytime.

Fixed License#

This type of license activation is node-locked. That means SDK is locked to the current PC and will not be available on other machines.

Internet connection is not required for work with this type of license. However, it is required for activation: you can activate Fixed license in the two following ways:

Switching to Fixed License cannot be reverted.

Online Activation#

If you can provide a stable internet connection for one-time activation, this type of license activation is your choice. Your licenses are retrieved automatically from your account.

To activate a product with this type of activation, select the Fixed License (Online Activation) type in the Activate License window that appears immediately after the product has been installed:

If the product has already been installed, but is not activated, do the following:

  1. Run SDK Browser and sign in with your credentials.

  2. Go to the Products tab of the SDK Browser.
  3. Click Activate on the SDK panel.

  4. In the window that opens, choose Fixed License (Online Activation) and click Activate.
    SDK will be activated and locked to the current PC.

Offline Activation#

If you do not have a stable internet connection, you can perform offline activation of the Fixed License.

To activate your offline license:

  1. Run SDK Browser and click Go Offline.

  2. Go to the Products tab of UNIGINE SDK Browser.
  3. Click Activate on the SDK panel.

  4. In the window that opens choose Fixed License (Offline Activation).

    The Offline Activation form will open:

  5. Copy the request code to the clipboard or write it down.

  6. Provide the request code to the Company Admin to generate the activation code.

    The Request code is PC-dependent, so it can be used to generate the activation code for one PC and in its current configuration only. If the PC hardware has been modified, a new activation code is required for activation of a modified PC.
  7. After receiving the activation code, enter it to the activation code line. If the Company Admin provided the *.key file with the activation code, click Open Key File, choose the provided file in the file dialog window that opens, and click Open.

  8. Click Activate.

  9. SDK will be locked to the current PC.

Done! Your offline license has been activated.

Switching to Offline License#

You can switch from Floating License to Fixed anytime. To do that, perform the following steps:

  1. Click License Info on the Products panel.

  2. Click Change to Fixed to change the license activation type to Fixed.

Then follow the guidelines for the preferred activation method:

USB License Dongle (HASP)#

A USB license dongle (HASP) is the license activation method that holds licenses under hardware control thus allowing you to run SDK Browser without Internet access.

The HASP license activation method is available for all types of licenses: Seat, Editor Seat, and Channel.

HASP may be used for both Windows and Linux.

On Windows:

  1. Insert the USB license dongle into the USB port.
  2. Run SDK Browser and click Go Offline.

    If you are already logged in, sign out to access this option.

  3. The authorization process will be done automatically. Don't eject the dongle while working.

    SDK activated with a USB key

    SDK activated with a USB key
In order for your keys to work as expected, please disable the USB selective suspend feature. Follow this link to learn more.

On Linux:

  1. Check if your operating system contains the udev subsystem.
  2. Run the SDK_Browser/bin/ script (the root user's rights are required).
  3. Insert the USB license dongle into the USB port.
  4. Run SDK Browser. Authorization process will be done automatically (the sign-in form will be skipped). Don't eject the dongle while working.

License Broadcasting with HASP#

If you have a HASP with multiple seats (more than one Seat license on one and the same USB), insert a dongle into any PC in the local network. Other licenses are retrieved automatically in the same way as for online licenses.

License broadcasting over the local network is not available for IG Channel and VR Channel USB Dongles.

In case of multiple dongles used in one local network:

  1. Insert a dongle into any PC in the local network. This PC is going to be the licensing host.
  2. Use the command line to run SDK Browser on the licensing host and set its IP and Port in the local network as command-line parameters. For example:

    Shell commands
    browser.exe -licensing_host

    After being started, SDK Browser on the host will wait for connection to Port 4545.

  3. Run SDK Browser on the PC that is going to work under the license as follows: set the argument containing the parameters of the licensing host via Customize Run Options to run the application, or via Customize UnigineEditor Options to edit it.

On the PC that has a dongle inserted (licensing host), SDK Browser shall be running. Other PCs that retrieve the license can do without SDK Browser and open the Editor or build directly.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 2024-04-19
Build: ()