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Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
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Material Nodes Library
Art Samples

Bit Masking

Bit masking is a flexible mechanism used to access only the specific bits in a set of data. It can be applied to the following systems:

  • Rendering into viewport
  • Shadowing
  • Reflections rendering
  • Collisions
  • Intersections
  • Decals
  • Fields
  • Sound sources
  • Physicals
  • Pathfinding

To specify the mask, click the corresponding mask button (Viewport, Shadow, Intersection, etc.) and enable required bits of a 32-bit mask. Enabling a bit means setting the value of 1 (when disabled, the value is 0). The resulting mask is displayed as hexadecimal characters on the top of the context menu window. The name of selected bit or bits is displayed on the mask button.

To collapse the context menu, click the mask button once again.

The Material mask stores 24 bits. All other masks store 32 bits.
Surface viewport mask
Bit mask with the first bit turned on
  • Set All turns on all the bits in the mask
  • Clear All turns off all the bits in the mask

Default names of bits can be changed. The name entered in a field is assigned to a selected bit in all masks of this type. For example, if you assign a name to the first bit of the Viewport mask of a surface, the same name is displayed for the first bit of the Camera's Viewport mask. Bit masks names are assigned locally and stored in the <Project Name>/data/default.bitmasks file, which is created when you open your project in UnigineEditor for the first time.

Comparing Masks#

Masks are compared bitwise using binary operator and. As a result, the first bit of the first mask is compared to the first bit of the second mask, the second bit — to the second one, and so on.

If two masks have at least one matching bit, the masks match. Values of other bits won't affect the result.

For example, the following viewport masks have 4 matching bits, so they match:

The camera Viewport mask with the first 6 bits enabled
The object's Viewport mask with the second, third, fourth, and fifth bits enabled

Each mask has a hexadecimal representation, which is displayed in the input field of the context menu. You can copy the hexadecimal value of one mask and paste it in the input field of another mask to enable the same bits of the mask.

See a part of our video tutorial on bit masking dedicated to a more detailed and visualized explanation of the bit masking concept.

Rendering into Viewport#

Objects (along with decals and lights) can be selectively rendered into viewport. To that end, the camera Viewport mask (set in the Camera Settings window opened via the Camera panel), should match the following masks:

  • Object surface Viewport mask (Parameters window → Node tab → Surfaces section → Rendering field)
  • Object material viewport mask to render the object's material (Parameters window → Node tab → Surface Material section → Common tab → Options field)
All masks match each other by default.

Usage Example#

Suppose, we have two objects with the same material. To make one of them to be rendered into viewport and the other one — not to be rendered, we should change the Viewport mask of the second object.

In the surface Viewport masks of both objects, the same bit Viewport Mask 0 is enabled (00000001)
For the first object, all bits of the surface Viewport mask are disabled (the mask is set to 00000000)

See the demonstration of how to set rendering into viewport and one more usage example in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Reflection Mask#

The reflection mask (Reflection Viewport) controls rendering of the environment probe reflections and planar dynamic reflections into the viewport of the reflection camera.

The reflection mask can be set:

  • For environment probes (Parameters window → Node tab → Baking Settings section → Reflection Viewport Mask button). The mask is used only in combination with Realtime Update mode enabled for the environment probe.
  • For planar reflections (Parameters window → Node tab → Surface Material section → Parameters tab → Planar Reflection section → Viewport Mask button).

For the dynamic reflection to be rendered, the Reflection Viewport mask of the reflecting material (Parameters window → Node tab → Surface Material section → Parameters tab → Planar Reflection section → Viewport Mask button) must have at least one matching bit with each of the following masks:

  • Reflection Viewport mask of the camera (Camera Settings window → Masks field)
  • Viewport mask of the object (Parameters window → Node tab → Surfaces section → Rendering field)
  • Viewport mask of the object's material (Parameters window → Node tab → Surface Material section → Common tab → Options field)

See also the fragments of our video tutorial on bit masking demonstrating the use of bit masks with baked reflections and dynamic reflections.

Usage Example#

Suppose, you have a reflecting surface and two objects reflected in this surface.

  • To render an object without a reflection, either its Viewport mask or its material's Viewport mask should have no matching bits with the planar reflection's Viewport mask or the camera's reflection Viewport mask.
  • To render a reflection without an object, the object's Viewport mask or its material's Viewport mask should have no matching bits with the camera's Viewport mask.

In the example below, masks are given in the binary representation. For convenience, let's assume that objects and their materials have identical Viewport masks. For masks to match, they should share 1 in the appropriate bit position. You can convert these masks to the hexadecimal number representation and set the obtained values via UnigineEditor.

An object without the reflection
A reflection without the object
Camera viewport mask0111
Camera reflection viewport mask1100
Viewport mask of the first object0001
Viewport mask of the second object0110
Planar reflection viewport mask
of the reflecting surface material
Camera viewport mask0111
Camera reflection viewport mask1100
Viewport mask of the first object1000
Viewport mask of the second object0110
Planar reflection viewport mask
of the reflecting surface material

In the first example, the object's Viewport mask doesn't match the camera's reflection Viewport mask. However, it matches the camera's Viewport mask, so the object is rendered.

In the second example, the object's Viewport mask doesn't match the camera's Viewport mask. However, it matches the camera's Reflection Viewport mask and the planar reflection's Viewport mask, so the reflection is rendered.

Shadow Mask#

The Shadow mask controls rendering of a shadow cast by an object lit by a light source.

For a shadow to be rendered, the Shadow mask of the light source that illuminates the object must match the following masks (one bit at least):

  • Object surface Shadow mask (Parameters window → Node tab → Surfaces section → Rendering field)
  • Object material Shadow mask (Parameters window → Node tab → Surface Material section → Common tab → Options field)

Usage Example#

The example below demonstrates the difference. On the left, the Shadow masks of the surface and its material have all bits enabled, thus they have one bit matching the Shadow mask of the light source, and the shadow is rendered. On the right, the Shadow masks of the surface and its material don't match the Shadow mask of the light source, so the shadow isn't rendered.

Shadow mask of the surface and its material
Shadow mask of the surface and its material
Shadow mask of the light source
Shadow mask of the light source

See one more usage example in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Material Mask#

Decal mask was renamed Material mask.

A Material mask is a 24-bit mask that specifies objects onto which the decal can be projected. An object or one of its surfaces can receive the decal only if the object's Material mask corresponds to the Material mask of the decal.

The Material mask can be specified for a selected material on the Parameters tab of the material editor:

Material mask field

See how the decal projection area can be restricted using the Material mask in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Intersection Mask#

The Intersection mask specifies objects (including objects, nodes, shapes, collision objects, and obstacles) for which intersections will or won't be found. An intersection is found only if the Intersection mask of the object matches the Intersection mask passed as a function argument, otherwise it is ignored.

The mask for the object's surface can be specified via UnigineEditor or API.

The Intersection mask can be used to clarify the object search or increase performance by limiting the number of objects that can participate in intersections.

Our video tutorial on bit masking features two use cases of the Intersection mask: excluding objects from intersection detection and cutting out grass.

Collision Mask#

The Collision mask allows you to filter particular shapes and bodies for physical interaction: only objects with the matching Collision mask will collide. If masks do not match, shapes and bodies simply ignore each other by going through.

For example, we have four bodies that should collide in the following way:

Body A Body B Body C Body D
Body A
Body B
Body C
Body D

For that, each colliding body should share 1 in the appropriate bit position:

Body Mask
Body A 0001
Body B 0010
Body C 0110
Body D 1111

See how the Collision mask works in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Exclusion Mask#

An analogue of the Collision mask but working vice versa. It is used to prevent collisions of the shape with other shapes. For shapes with matching Collision masks not to collide, at least one bit of their Exclusion mask should match. 0 enables collisions with all shapes with matching Collision masks. This mask is independent of the Collision mask.

Can be used for Shape-Shape collisions only.

See how the Exclusion mask works in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Physics Intersection Mask#

Physics intersections (between physical objects with bodies and collider shapes, or ray intersections with collider geometry) use a separate mask, other than the one described above and used for world intersections (i.e., between object bound volumes, or ray intersections with object surfaces). This offers more flexibility enabling you to control them independently.

Physics intersections can be used, for example, to detect collisions of spawned particles with physical shapes and bodies, or static collider surfaces to ensure proper interaction, or as a quick way to detect collisions for raycast-wheels of a simulated ground vehicle, or to check if a destructible object or a player was hit by a projectile.

The Physics Intersection mask can be specified via the UnigineEditor or via API for a particle system, a shape, a fracture body, a player actor, or a wheel joint to enable selective physics intersection detection or increase performance by limiting the number of objects that can participate in physics intersections. It san also be set for the object's surface (if this object has no body or shape assigned and is to be treated as a static collider) via UnigineEditor or API.

Physical Mask#

A bit mask that filters objects interacting with physical nodes: force, wind, water. This mask is set according to the same principle as the collision mask. For example, a body with a mismatching mask placed in the physical water will not float.

An example of the Physical mask working with physical effects is shown in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Sound Sources Masks#

Masks can be set via both UnigineEditor and API.

To see and hear how sound-related masks are used, watch our video tutorial on bit masking.

Source Mask#

A bit mask that determines to what sound channels the sound source belongs to. For a sound source to be heard, its mask should match the player's sound mask in at least one bit.

Reverb Mask#

A bit mask that determines which reverberation zones can be heard. For sound to reverberate, at least one bit of this mask should match the player's reverberation mask. At the same time, the Reverb mask of the player should match the Reverb mask of the sound source (but not necessarily in the same bits).

Occlusion Mask#

A bit mask that determines which sound sources are occluded by the selected surface. For a sound source to be occluded by the surface, at least one bit of this mask should match the Occlusion mask of the sound source.

Source Occlusion must be enabled in the Sound Settings window.

Navigation Mask#

The Navigation mask is used to specify navigation areas that participate or don't participate in pathfinding. The Navigation mask should match the Navigation mask of the route that is calculated within the navigation area; otherwise, the area does not participate in pathfinding.

The Navigation mask for the navigation areas can be specified via:

The Navigation mask for a route can be specified only via API.

Using the Navigation mask, you can limit the number of navigation areas, inside which the specific route can be calculated. For example, you can use the mask to calculate 2 non-intersecting routes inside the intersecting navigation areas.

A usage example of the Navigation mask is provided in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Obstacle Mask#

The Obstacle mask is used to specify obstacles inside navigation areas that are or aren't bypassed during pathfinding. The Obstacle mask of an obstacle should match the Obstacle mask of the route that is calculated; otherwise, the obstacle is not taken into account.

Similar to the navigation mask, the obstacle mask can be specified via:

The obstacle mask for a route can be specified only via API.

A usage example of the Obstacle mask is provided in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Field Mask#

The Field mask defines if an object such as grass, water, or clouds interacts with a field object. The Field mask of a field node should match the Field mask of the grass, water, or cloud layer.

The Field mask can be set via UnigineEditor or API.

A usage example of the Field mask is provided in our video tutorial on bit masking.

Particles Field Mask#

The Particles Field mask is used for interaction of particles with Particles Field nodes (Deflectors and Spacers). Emitted particles will be affected by a Particles Field only if their masks match (one bit at least).

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 2023-11-03
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