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Unigine::AnimationModifier Class

The functionality described here is EXPERIMENTAL and is not recommended for production use. Future releases may bring significant changes to API and features. Backward compatibility of the final production-ready version is not guaranteed.
Header: #include <UnigineAnimation.h>

Animation modifiers store the description of the parameter to be animated and a set of curves to change the values.

AnimationModifier Class



ANIMATION_MODIFIER = 0The animation modifier.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_INT = 1The animation modifier using integer values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_BOOL = 2The animation modifier using boolean values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_QUAT = 3The animation modifier using quaternions.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_SCALAR = 4The animation modifier using scalar values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_FLOAT = 5The animation modifier using floating point values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_DOUBLE = 6The animation modifier using double precision values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_STRING = 7The animation modifier using strings.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_UGUID = 8The animation modifier using UGUIDs.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_IVEC2 = 9The animation modifier using 2-component vectors of integer values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_IVEC3 = 10The animation modifier using 3-component vectors of integer values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_IVEC4 = 11The animation modifier using 4-component vectors of integer values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_VEC2 = 12The animation modifier using 2-component vectors.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_FVEC2 = 13The animation modifier using 2-component vectors of floating point values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_DVEC2 = 14The animation modifier using 2-component vectors of double precision values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_VEC3 = 15The animation modifier using 3-component vectors.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_FVEC3 = 16The animation modifier using 3-component vectors of floating point values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_DVEC3 = 17The animation modifier using 3-component vectors of double precision values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_VEC4 = 18The animation modifier using 4-component vectors.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_FVEC4 = 19The animation modifier using 4-component vectors of floating point values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_DVEC4 = 20The animation modifier using 4-component vectors of double precision values.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_MAT4 = 21The animation modifier using 4x4 matrices.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_NODE = 22The animation modifier animating nodes.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_BONES = 23The animation modifier animating bones.
ANIMATION_MODIFIER_TRACK = 24The animation modifier using tracks.


Ptr<AnimationModifierInfo> getInfo() const#

Returns the current information on the animation modifier.

Return value

Current information on the animation modifier.

AnimationModifier::TYPE getType() const#

Returns the current type of the animation modifier.

Return value

Current type of the animation modifier.

const char * getTypeName() const#

Returns the current name of the animation modifier type.

Return value

Current name of the animation modifier type.

AnimParams::PARAM getParam() const#

Returns the current parameter animated by the modifier.

Return value

Current parameter animated by the modifier.

getParamIndex() const#

Returns the current index of the parameter animated by the modifier.

Return value

Current index of the parameter animated by the modifier.

const char * getParamName() const#

Returns the current name of the parameter animated by the modifier.

Return value

Current name of the parameter animated by the modifier.

void setObjID ( ) #

Sets a new ID of the animation object to which the modifier is applied.


  • id - The ID of the animation object to which the modifier is applied.

getObjID() const#

Returns the current ID of the animation object to which the modifier is applied.

Return value

Current ID of the animation object to which the modifier is applied.

getMinTime() const#

Returns the current point of the whole animation timeline where this modifier starts being applied, in units.

Return value

Current point of the whole animation timeline where this modifier starts being applied, in units.

getMaxTime() const#

Returns the current point of the whole animation timeline up to which this modifier is applied, in units.

Return value

Current point of the whole animation timeline up to which this modifier is applied, in units.

getDuration() const#

Returns the current duration of the period when the modifier affects the animation, in units.

Return value

Current duration of the period when the modifier affects the animation, in units.

void save ( const Ptr<Blob> & blob ) const#

Saves the animation modifier data to a blob.


  • const Ptr<Blob> & blob - Blob to which the animation modifier data will be saved.

void load ( const Ptr<Blob> & blob ) #

Loads the animation modifier data from the blob.


  • const Ptr<Blob> & blob - Blob storing the animation modifier data.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 2023-11-16
Build: ()