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Unigine.Random Struct

The functions listed below are the members of the Unigine.MathLib namespace.

This class implements pseudo-random number generation functions for various purposes. A 32-bit seed value is used, upon creation an instance is initialized with a seed value equal to the current time. In case two instances of Random are created with the same seed, and the same sequence of method calls is made for each, they will generate and return identical sequences of numbers. Therefore, if you have a component using its own internal Random member (e.g., to move a node in a random direction, see code below), the sequence of numbers generated for different nodes having this component assigned will likely be the same resulting in all nodes moving together in one direction.

RandomMovement.cs (C#)
public class RandomMovement : Component
	public float speed = 2.0f;	// movement speed
	private Unigine.Random rnd;	// internal random generator
	private void Init()
		// initializing a random generator
		rnd = new Unigine.Random();
	private void Update()
		// getting x and y random values (same for different nodes having the component assigned)
		float x = rnd.Int(-1, 2);
		float y = rnd.Int(-1, 2);
		vec3 dir = new vec3(x, y, 0);
		// moving the node along the obtained direction vector with the given speed
		node.WorldPosition = node.WorldPosition + dir * speed * Game.IFps;

To avoid such behavior you can use similar methods of the Game class as in this case there is a single Random generator (internal Game class member) and each call to Game.GetRandom*() method returns the next element of the pseudo-random number sequence.

RandomMovement.cs (C#)
public class RandomMovement : Component
	public float speed = 2.0f;	// movement speed

	private void Update()
		// getting x and y random values (vary for different nodes having the component assigned)
		float x = Game.GetRandomInt(-1, 2);
		float y = Game.GetRandomInt(-1, 2);
		vec3 dir = new vec3(x, y, 0);

		// moving the node along the obtained direction vector with the given speed
		node.WorldPosition = node.WorldPosition + dir * speed * Game.IFps;

Random Class


uint CalcRandomSeed ( ) #

Returns the randomizer seed.

Return value

Resulting uint value.

ref Random Get ( ) #

Returns a random value.

Return value

Return value.

uint UInt ( ) #

Returns a random uint value.

Return value

Resulting uint value.

int Int ( ) #

Returns a random int value.

Return value

Resulting int value.

ulong ULong ( ) #

Returns a random ulong value.

Return value

Resulting ulong value.

long Long ( ) #

Returns a random long value.

Return value

Resulting long value.

float Float ( ) #

Returns a random float value.

Return value

Resulting float value.

double Double ( ) #

Returns a random double value.

Return value

Resulting double value.

vec4 Color ( ) #

Returns a random color vector. X, Y, Z values of the color vector are random values, W value is equal to 1.0f.

Return value

Random color vector.

vec3 Direction ( ) #

Returns a random normalized direction vector.

Return value

Random direction vector.

int Int ( int from, int to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from).


  • int from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • int to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Resulting int value.

float Float ( float from, float to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from).


  • float from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • float to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Resulting float value.

double Double ( double from, double to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from).


  • double from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • double to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Resulting double value.

vec2 Vec2 ( vec2 from, vec2 to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from). For vectors values are obtained per component.


  • vec2 from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • vec2 to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Return value.

vec3 Vec3 ( vec3 from, vec3 to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from). For vectors values are obtained per component.


  • vec3 from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • vec3 to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Return value.

vec4 Vec4 ( vec4 from, vec4 to ) #

Generate a random value in range [to,from). For vectors values are obtained per component.


  • vec4 from - From value (beginning of the range).
  • vec4 to - To value (end of the range).

Return value

Return value.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.20 SDK.

Last update: 2022-09-08
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