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Unigine::AnimationPlayback Class

The functionality described here is EXPERIMENTAL and is not recommended for production use. Future releases may bring significant changes to API and features. Backward compatibility of the final production-ready version is not guaranteed.
Header: #include <UnigineAnimation.h>

This class is used to manage animation playbacks via code.

AnimationPlayback Class


getNumObjects() const#

Returns the current total number of animation objects controlled within all the tracks in the playback.

Return value

Current number of animation objects controlled within all the tracks in the playback.

bool isPlaying() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the playback is currently being played.

Return value

true if the playback is currently being played; otherwise false.

bool isStopped() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the playback is currently stopped.

Return value

true if the playback is currently stopped; otherwise false.

getDuration() const#

Returns the current total playback duration, in seconds.

Return value

Current playback duration, in seconds.

void setTime ( ) #

Sets a new playback start time, in seconds.


  • time - The playback start time, in seconds.

getTime() const#

Returns the current playback start time, in seconds.

Return value

Current playback start time, in seconds.

void setSpeed ( ) #

Sets a new speed factor for the animation playback. This parameter enables you to control how fast the particular playback should be played giving you more flexibility and control (for example, you can use it for slow-motion effect).


  • speed - The playback speed factor (the value of 2 means that the track is played 2 times faster, while 0.5f will slow it down 2 times).

getSpeed() const#

Returns the current speed factor for the animation playback. This parameter enables you to control how fast the particular playback should be played giving you more flexibility and control (for example, you can use it for slow-motion effect).

Return value

Current playback speed factor (the value of 2 means that the track is played 2 times faster, while 0.5f will slow it down 2 times).

void setLoop ( bool loop ) #

Sets a new value indicating if the playback is looped.


  • bool loop - Set true to enable the playback is looped; false - to disable it.

bool isLoop() const#

Returns the current value indicating if the playback is looped.

Return value

true if the playback is looped; otherwise false.

AnimationPlayback ( ) #

Constructor. Creates an empty playback with default settings.

Ptr<AnimationObject> getObject ( int index ) const#

Returns an animation object by its index.


  • int index - Animation object index.

Return value

Animation object with the specified index.

bool containsObject ( const Ptr<AnimationObject> & anim_obj ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the animation playback contains the specified animation object.


Return value

true if the the animation playback contains the specified animation object; otherwise, false.

void clear ( ) #

Clears the animation playback removing all animation objects, layers and tracks from it.

void apply ( float time ) #

Calculates actual values for all modifiers of all tracks played at the specified moment (taking weights into account) and applied to real animated objects (overrides of animation objects for this playback).


  • float time - Time value for which the resulting changes are to be calculated and applied to animated objects.

void apply ( const Ptr<AnimationFrame> & frame ) #

Applies the specified animation frame - actual values are calculated for all modifiers of all tracks played at this frame (taking weights into account) and applied to real animated objects (overrides of animation objects for this playback).


void play ( ) #

Plays the animation playback either from the start or from the moment when the playback was paused (see pause()).

void pause ( ) #

Pauses the animation playback, so the playback can be resumed from this moment upon calling play().

void stop ( ) #

Stops the animation playback.

void setTrack ( const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track ) #

Sets the first animation track of the first layer.


  • const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track - New animation track to be set as the first track of the first layer.

Ptr<AnimationTrack> getTrack ( ) const#

Returns the first animation track of the first layer.

Return value

First animation track of the first layer.

int addLayer ( ) #

Adds a new animation layer to the playback.

Return value

Index of the new added layer.

int addLayer ( const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track ) #

Adds a new animation layer to the playback and adds the specified animation track to this new layer.


  • const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track - Animation track to be added to the new created layer.

Return value

Index of the new added layer.

void removeLayer ( int index ) #

Removes the animation layer with the specified index from the playback.


  • int index - Index of the layer to be removed.

int getNumLayers ( ) const#

Returns the total number of animation layers in the playback.

int addLayerTrack ( int layer_index ) #

Adds a new empty animation track to the layer with the specified index.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.

Return value

Index of the new added animation track.

int addLayerTrack ( int layer_index, const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track ) #

Adds the specified animation track to the layer with the specified index.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track - New track to be added to the layer.

Return value

Index of the new added animation track.

void removeLayerTrack ( int layer_index, int track_index ) #

Removes the animation track with the specified index from the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Index of the layer containing the track to be removed.
  • int track_index - Index of the track to be removed.

int getNumLayerTracks ( int layer_index ) const#

Returns the number of animation tracks for the layer with the specified index.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.

Return value

Number of animation tracks for the layer.

void setLayerTrack ( int layer_index, int track_index, const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track ) #

Sets the specified animation track by index for the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • const Ptr<AnimationTrack> & track - Animation track to be set for the given layer.

Ptr<AnimationTrack> getLayerTrack ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the animation track by index for the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Animation track set for the given layer.

void setLayerTrackBeginTime ( int layer_index, int track_index, float offest ) #

Sets a new offset time (from the beginning of the playback) for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • float offest - Offset time to be set, in seconds.

float getLayerTrackBeginTime ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the current offset time (from the beginning of the playback) for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Current offset time, in seconds.

void setLayerTrackSpeed ( int layer_index, int track_index, float speed ) #

Sets a new speed factor value for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • float speed - New speed factor value to be set (the value of 2 means that the track is played 2 times faster, while 0.5f will slow it down 2 times).

float getLayerTrackSpeed ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the current speed factor value for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Current speed factor value (the value of 2 means that the track is played 2 times faster, while 0.5f will slow it down 2 times).

void setLayerTrackApplyBefore ( int layer_index, int track_index, bool is_apply ) #

Sets the flag specifying if the start frame of the track is applied to the playback before the track starts.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • bool is_apply - true to enable applying the start frame of the track before the track starts; false - to disable it.

bool isLayerTrackApplyBefore ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the flag specifying if the the start frame of the track is applied to the playback before the track starts.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

true if the start frame of the track is applied to the playback before the track starts; otherwise false.

void setLayerTrackApplyAfter ( int layer_index, int track_index, bool is_apply ) #

Sets the flag specifying if the end frame of the track is applied to the playback after the track ends.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • bool is_apply - true to enable applying the end frame of the track after the track ends; false - to disable it.

bool isLayerTrackApplyAfter ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the flag specifying if the end frame of the track is applied to the playback after the track ends.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

true if the end frame of the track is applied to the playback after the track ends; false - to disable it.

void setLayerTrackWeightCurve ( int layer_index, int track_index, const Ptr<AnimationCurveFloat> & curve ) #

Sets a new weight curve for the specified track of the specified layer. Weights are used for mixing multiple simultaneously played tracks together. The weight curve defines the dynamics of track weight change over time.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • const Ptr<AnimationCurveFloat> & curve - Weight curve to be set for the specified track.

Ptr<AnimationCurveFloat> getLayerTrackWeightCurve ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the current weight curve for the specified track of the specified layer. Weights are used for mixing multiple simultaneously played tracks together. The weight curve defines the dynamics of track weight change over time.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Weight curve for the specified track.

void setLayerTrackLinearFade ( int layer_index, int track_index, float effect_time, bool use_fade_in, bool use_fade_out ) #

Enables linear fading (in, out, or both) for the track across the specified effect time span. This method automatically updates the weight curve for the track.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.
  • float effect_time - Time interval (in seconds) across which the fading effect is applied. Both fade-in and fade-out intervals (if used together) are equal to this value.
  • bool use_fade_in - Set true to enable the fade-in effect for the track; false - to disable it.
  • bool use_fade_out - Set true to enable the fade-out effect for the track; false - to disable it.

float getLayerTrackDuration ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the current duration for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Track duration, in seconds.

float getLayerTrackEndTime ( int layer_index, int track_index ) const#

Returns the current end time for the specified track of the specified layer.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.
  • int track_index - Track index.

Return value

Track end time, in seconds.

float getLayerDuration ( int layer_index ) const#

Returns the duration of the animation layer with the specified index.


  • int layer_index - Layer index.

Return value

Duration of the layer, in seconds.
Last update: 2024-02-06
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