To start developing a project with UNIGINE, you will need to get UNIGINE SDK and UNIGINE SDK Browser. Together, they provide access to all capabilities of the engine.要开始使用UNIGINE开发项目,您需要获取 UNIGINE SDK 和 UNIGINE SDK浏览器 。它们一起提供对引擎所有功能的访问。
The latest platform-specific versions of UNIGINE SDK Browser and UNIGINE SDK can be downloaded at the UNIGINE developer portal in the Downloads section.UNIGINE SDK浏览器和UNIGINE SDK的最新特定于平台的版本可以在下载部分的UNIGINE开发人员门户上下载。
You may download only one of them: it will be enough for further installation.您仅可以下载其中之一:足以进行进一步安装。
Also, you may need to install additional software to prepare the development environment. 此外,您可能需要安装其他软件来准备开发环境。
Once UNIGINE SDK has been installed on the computer, it is possible to start creating a project.一旦在计算机上安装了UNIGINE SDK,就可以开始创建项目。
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