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Продвинутый уровень
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Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
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Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
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IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
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Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы
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Unigine::Exporter Class

Header: #include <UnigineExport.h>

This class is used to manage a node exporter. Node exporters are used by the Engine's export system to export UNIGINE’s nodes to files of different formats. A single exporter can be used to export multiple nodes, but there shouldn't be two or more exporters registered for a single node type.

Each exporter has a set of parameters that control the whole export process (e.g., whether to export lights, cameras, and material normal maps, reset root node transformation, etc.). The exporter should be initialized before the use.

This is a base class for all exporters. Your custom exporter class must be inherited from it.

Exporter Class


Exporter ( ) #

Constructor. Creates an exporter with default settings.

int containsParameter ( const char* name ) const#

Returns a value indicating whether the list of export parameters includes a parameter with a given name.


  • const char* name - Parameter name.

Return value

1 if the list of export parameters includes a parameter with a given name; otherwise, 0.

void setParameterInt ( const char* name, int v ) #

Sets a new value for the specified integer parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the integer parameter.
  • int v - New value to be set.

int getParameterInt ( const char* name ) const#

Returns the current value of the specified integer parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the integer parameter.

Return value

Value of the integer parameter.

void setParameterFloat ( const char* name, float v ) #

Sets a new value for the specified float parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the float parameter.
  • float v - New value to be set.

float getParameterFloat ( const char* name ) const#

Returns the current value of the specified float parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the float parameter.

Return value

Value of the float parameter.

void setParameterDouble ( const char* name, double v ) #

Sets a new value for the specified double parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the double parameter.
  • double v - New value to be set.

double getParameterDouble ( const char* name ) const#

Returns the current value of the specified double parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the double parameter.

Return value

Value of the double parameter.

void setParameterString ( const char* name, const char* v ) #

Sets a new value for the specified string parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the string parameter.
  • const char* v - New value to be set.

const char* getParameterString ( const char* name ) const#

Returns the current value of the specified string parameter.


  • const char* name - Name of the string parameter.

Return value

Value of the string parameter.

int init ( ) #

Initializes the exporter.

int doExport ( const NodePtr& root_node, const char* output_filepath ) #

Exports the node to the specified output file.
To customize actions to be performed on node export processing you can override the onExport() method.


  • const NodePtr& root_node - Root node of the hierarchy to be exported.
  • const char* output_filepath - Output path to be used to store generated file(s) with exported data.

void deinit ( ) #

Uninitializes the exporter.

bool onInit ( ) #

Initializes the exporter. This function is called each time when the init() function is called. You can specify your custom actions to be performed on exporter initialization.

bool onExport ( const NodePtr& root_node, const char* output_filepath ) #

Node export processing event handler function. This function is called each time when the doExport() function is called. You can specify your custom actions to be performed on node export processing.


  • const NodePtr& root_node - Root node of the hierarchy to be exported.
  • const char* output_filepath - Output path to be used to store generated file(s) with exported data.

Return value

true if export operation for the specified output path was successful; otherwise, false.

void onDeinit ( ) #

Uninitializes the exporter. This function is called each time when the deinit() function is called. You can specify your custom actions to be performed on exporter uninitialization.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.18.1 SDK.

Last update: 19.04.2024
Build: ()