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Полезные советы
Программирование на C#
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
Компонентная Система
Редактор UnigineEditor
Обзор интерфейса
Работа с ассетами
Настройки и предпочтения
Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров узла
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Landscape Tool
Sandworm (Experimental)
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Extending Editor Functionality
Встроенные объекты
Light Sources
World Objects
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL
File Formats
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Двойная точность координат
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Работа с контентом
Оптимизация контента
Art Samples
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12. Creating User Interface


In UNIGINE a Graphical User Interface (GUI) is composed of different types of widgets added to it. Basically, there are two ways of creating GUI:

  • By adding widgets to the system GUI (Unigine user interface) that is rendered on top of application window.
  • By adding widgets to a GUI object positioned in the world. In this case, any postprocessing filter can be applied.
To add elements to the system GUI you should use the Gui class.
In order to use GUI widgets we must include the UnigineUserInterface.h library.

There are 2 ways to create the GUI layout:

The following code demonstrates how to add a label and a slider to the system GUI:
Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineUserInterface.h>
using namespace Unigine;
GuiPtr gui;

int AppWorldLogic::init() 
	// getting a GUI pointer
	gui = Gui::get();

	// creating a label widget and setting up its parameters
	WidgetLabelPtr widget_label = WidgetLabel::create(gui, "Label text:");
	widget_label->setToolTip("This is my label!");
	widget_label->setPosition(10, 10);

	// creating a slider widget and setting up its parameters
	WidgetSliderPtr widget_slider = WidgetSlider::create(gui, 0, 360, 90);
	widget_slider->setToolTip("This is my slider!");
	widget_slider->setPosition(100, 10);

	gui->addChild(widget_label, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);
	gui->addChild(widget_slider, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);

	return 1;

In order to use GUI elements we must specify handlers for various events (click, change, etc.). The following code demonstrates how to set event handlers

Source code (C++)
#include <UnigineUserInterface.h>
using namespace Unigine;

GuiPtr gui;

/// function to be called when button1 is clicked
int onButton1Clicked()
	/* .. */

/// method to be called when button2 is clicked
int AppWorldLogic::onButton2Clicked()
	/* .. */

/// method to be called when delete button is clicked
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked()
	/* .. */

/// method to be called when slider position is changed
int AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged()
	/* .. */
int AppWorldLogic::init()

	/* .. */
	// getting a GUI pointer
	gui = Gui::get();

	// setting onButton1Clicked function as a clicked event handler for a buttonwidget1 using a CallbackBase variable
	Unigine::CallbackBase *button1_clicked_callback_function = MakeCallback(onButton1Clicked);
	buttonwidget1->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, button1_clicked_callback_function);

	// setting AppWorldLogic::onButton2Clicked method as a clicked event handler for a buttonwidget2 using a CallbackBase variable
	Unigine::CallbackBase *button2_clicked_callback_method = MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButton2Clicked);
	buttonwidget2->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, button2_clicked_callback_method);
	buttonwidget1->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked));

	// setting AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged method as a changed event handler for a widget_slider
	widget_slider->addCallback(Gui::CHANGED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged));
	/* .. */

Additional information:

Project Progress#

In our project we are going to add the following widgets to the system GUI:

  • Label (WidgetLabel) to display the name of the parameter controlled by the slider.
  • Slider (WidgetSlider) to control the position of the sun manually.
  • Checkbox (WidgetCheckbox) to enable/disable automatic change of the sun position.
  • 4 Buttons (WidgetButton): Close Application, Load World, Load Mesh, and Delete.
  • ComboBox (WidgetComboBox) to display the list of scene objects.
  • File Dialog (WidgetDialogFile) to load a mesh from a file.
  • Window (Widget) to set mesh parameters.

We are going to create all widgets directly from the code, but the last one (Mesh parameters window) we are going to load from a UI file. For this purpose let us create a file with the following contents and save it to the data folder of our application as "user_interface.ui"

Source code (XML)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<ui version="1.0">
<window name="window" export="1" space="4" sizeable="1" width="512">
	<gridbox columns="2" space="8" align="expand">
		<label name="label_n" align="expand">
		<editline name="object_name" align="expand">
		<label name="label_x" align="expand">
			<text>X coordinate:</text>
		<editline name="coord_x" align="expand">
		<label name="label_y" align="expand">
			<text>Y coordinate:</text>
		<editline name="coord_y" align="expand">
		<label name="label_z" align="expand">
			<text>Z coordinate:</text>
		<editline name="coord_z" align="expand">
	<button name="button_OK" align="bottom">

To create our GUI let us write event handler methods for the elements of our UI and a method called initGUI to initialize our UI.

In the AppWorldLogic.h file, we:

  • include the UnigineUserInterface.h library,
  • define smart pointers for the widgets we are going to use,
  • declare event handlers for each widget and our initGUI method.
Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.h

/* .. */

#include <UnigineUserInterface.h>

/* .. */

class AppWorldLogic : public Unigine::WorldLogic {

/* .. */

	// GUI event handlers
	int onButtonDelClicked();
	int onButtonCloseClicked();
	int onButtonFopenClicked();
	int onButtonWloadClicked();
	int onDlgCancelClicked();
	int onDlgOKClicked();
	int onMeshParamsOKClicked();
	int onSliderChanged();
/* .. */


/* .. */

	// creating GUI
	int initGUI();
/* .. */

	// pointers to the UI and its elements
	Unigine::GuiPtr gui;
	Unigine::UserInterfacePtr ui;
	Unigine::WidgetLabelPtr widget_label;
	Unigine::WidgetSliderPtr widget_slider;
	Unigine::WidgetCheckBoxPtr widget_checkbox;
	Unigine::WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_del;
	Unigine::WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_close;
	Unigine::WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_fopen;
	Unigine::WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_wload;
	Unigine::WidgetComboBoxPtr widget_combo;
	Unigine::WidgetDialogFilePtr widget_file_dialog;
	Unigine::WidgetPtr mesh_parameters_window;
/* .. */


In the AppWorldLogic.cpp file let us:

  • implement all our event handlers,
  • implement the initGUI method and insert it into the AppWorldLogic::init() method before initialization of objects (initObjects()),
  • make some changes to the following methods in order to integrate our UI:
    • updateLights (check if automatic mode is enabled to change sun position),
    • addMeshToScene (add the name of the new created object to the combo box an enable Delete button if it was disabled),
    • removeMeshFromScene (update the combo box and disable Delete button if the last object was deleted).
Source code (C++)
// AppWorldLogic.cpp

/* .. */

//------------------------------------------------------- GUI EVENT HANDLERS --------------------------------------------------
/// method to be called when the Close button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonCloseClicked()
	// saving current world to file
	Console::run("world_save my_world");

	// executing all pending console commands before exiting

	// closing the application

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Load world button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonWloadClicked()
	// reporting to console
	Log::warning("\n\n --- RELOADING A DEFAULT WORLD --- \n\n");

	// loading a world from file

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Cancel button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonFopenClicked()

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the slider position is changed in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged()
	// updating the position of the Sun
	sun_angle = widget_slider->getValue();

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Delete button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked()
	String node_name;

	if (widget_combo->getCurrentItem() == 0)									// deleting all objects 
		// disabling Delete button in the main window
	else																		// deleting an object selected in the combo box
		// retrieving currently selected node name in the combo box
		node_name = widget_combo->getCurrentItemText();

		// checking if a node with a given name exists and removing it from the scene
		if (World::isNode(node_name))

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Cancel button is clicked in the File Open dialog
int AppWorldLogic::onDlgCancelClicked()
	// hiding the file selection dialog

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the OK button is clicked in the File Open dialog
int AppWorldLogic::onDlgOKClicked()
	// checking if the file exists
	if (FILE *file = fopen(widget_file_dialog->getFile(), "r")) {

		//setting initial values of the fields in the Mesh Parameters window
		String object_name = String::format("Object_%d", widget_combo->getNumItems() - 1);

		// hiding the File Open dialog and showing Mesh Parameters window using different ways

		return 1;

	// reporting an error to the console
	Log::error("Loading mesh: can't open \"%s\" file\n", widget_file_dialog->getFile());
	return 0;
/// method to be called when the OK button is clicked in the Mesh Parameters window
int AppWorldLogic::onMeshParamsOKClicked()
	//retrieving pointers to UI elements
	WidgetEditLinePtr name = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("object_name")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr x = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_x")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr y = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_y")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr z = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_z")));

	if ((x->getText() != "") && (y->getText() != "") && (z->getText() != "") && (name->getText() != ""))

		Math::Vec3 pos = Math::Vec3(atof(x->getText()), atof(y->getText()), atof(z->getText()));
		String result = String((addMeshToScene(widget_file_dialog->getFile(), name->getText(), "my_mesh_base3", pos)) ? "Ok!" : "Error!");
		// reporting progress to the console
		Log::message("(%s) mesh load operation status: %s\n", name->getText(), result.get());

		// hiding the Mesh Parameters window

		return 1;
	Log::error("Wrong mesh parameters!\n");
	return 0;

/* .. */

/// method performing initialization of the GUI
int AppWorldLogic::initGUI()
	// getting a GUI pointer
	gui = Gui::get();

	// creating a label widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_label = WidgetLabel::create(gui, "Sun position:");
	widget_label->setToolTip("Change sun position");
	widget_label->setPosition(10, 10);

	// creating a slider widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_slider = WidgetSlider::create(gui, 0, 360, 90);
	widget_slider->setToolTip("Change sun position");
	widget_slider->setPosition(100, 10);
	widget_slider->addCallback(Gui::CHANGED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged));

	// creating a checkbox widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_checkbox = WidgetCheckBox::create(gui, "Automatic change");
	widget_checkbox->setToolTip("Change sun position automatically");
	widget_checkbox->setPosition(10, 30);
	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_del = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Delete");
	widget_button_del->setToolTip("Delete object(s) selected in the combo box");
	widget_button_del->setPosition(170, 50);
	widget_button_del->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_fopen = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Load mesh");
	widget_button_fopen->setToolTip("Load a mesh file");
	widget_button_fopen->setPosition(10, 80);
	widget_button_fopen->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonFopenClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_close = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Quit");
	widget_button_close->setToolTip("Close application");
	widget_button_close->setPosition(10, 110);
	widget_button_close->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonCloseClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_wload = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Load world");
	widget_button_wload->setToolTip("Load a default world");
	widget_button_wload->setPosition(110, 110);
	widget_button_wload->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonWloadClicked));

	// creating a combo box widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_combo = WidgetComboBox::create(gui);
	widget_combo->setPosition(10, 50);
	// creating a File Selection dialog widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_file_dialog = WidgetDialogFile::create(gui, "Select a mesh file");
	widget_file_dialog->getCancelButton()->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onDlgCancelClicked));
	widget_file_dialog->getOkButton()->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onDlgOKClicked));

	// creating a Mesh Parameters dialog from an external ui-file
	ui = UserInterface::create(gui, "user_interface.ui");
	ui->addCallback("button_OK", Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onMeshParamsOKClicked));
	mesh_parameters_window = ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("window"));

	// adding created widgets to the UI
	gui->addChild(widget_label, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 0 - label
	gui->addChild(widget_slider, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 1 - slider
	gui->addChild(widget_checkbox, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 2 - checkbox
	gui->addChild(widget_button_del, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 3 - delete button
	gui->addChild(widget_button_close, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 4 - close button
	gui->addChild(widget_combo, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 5 - combo box
	gui->addChild(widget_button_fopen, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 6 - Load Mesh button
	gui->addChild(widget_button_wload, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 7 - Load world button
	gui->addChild(mesh_parameters_window, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED | Gui::ALIGN_CENTER);			// ID: 8 - Mesh Parameters window
	gui->addChild(widget_file_dialog, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED | Gui::ALIGN_CENTER);	// ID: 9 - File Open dialog

	//reporting progress to the console
	for (int k = 0; k < gui->getNumChildren() ; k++)
		Log::message("-> Adding UI element %d: %s.\n", k, gui->getChild(k)->getTypeName());
	Log::warning("UI initialized! Number of elements: %d.\n", gui->getNumChildren());

	return 1;

/* .. */

int AppWorldLogic::init() 

/* .. */

	// creating GUI

/* .. */
	return 1;

/* .. */	

/// method updating positions of lights
int AppWorldLogic::updateLights(float ifps)
	// updating the Sun position if automatic mode is enabled
	if (widget_checkbox->isChecked())
		sun_angle += SUN_ROTATION_RATE * ifps;
		if (sun_angle > 360.0f) sun_angle = 0.0f;

		// updating slider position

	// updating the Sun position
	thesun->setWorldRotation(Math::quat(Math::vec3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), 180.0f - sun_angle));

	return 1;

/* .. */

/// method adding a Dynamic Mesh Object to the scene. If an empty filename is passed the function creates a default box
int AppWorldLogic::addMeshToScene(const char *file_name, const char *mesh_name, const char *material_name, Math::Vec3 position)
	MeshPtr mesh = Mesh::create();
	ObjectMeshDynamicPtr omd;

	if (file_name){				// loading a mesh from a specified file
		if (!mesh->load(file_name))
			Log::error("\nError opening .mesh file!\n");
			return 0;
		else omd = ObjectMeshDynamic::create(mesh);
	else						//creating a default box
		mesh->addBoxSurface("box_surface", Math::vec3(0.5f));

		omd = ObjectMeshDynamic::create(mesh);

	// setting object's material, name and transformation
	omd->setMaterial(material_name, "*");

	// finding the "my_node_base" property
	PropertyPtr my_node_base = Properties::findManualProperty("my_node_base");

	// assigning the property to the node so a new internal child property is created and inherits all parameters of the parent one

	// enabling intersection detection for the first surface (0)
	omd->setIntersection(1, 0);

	// updating combo list and the list of scene objects

	// enabling Delete button in the main window

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Object %s added to the scene.\n", mesh_name);

	// clearing the mesh

	return 1;
/// method deleting a Dynamic Mesh Object with a given name from the scene
int AppWorldLogic::removeMeshFromScene(const char *node_name)
	// getting a pointer to the node with a given name and downcasting it to ObjectMeshDynamicPtr
	ObjectMeshDynamicPtr object = checked_ptr_cast<ObjectMeshDynamic>(World::getNodeByName(node_name));

	if (object)
		// checking if the node to be removed was previously selected
		if (old_selection && old_selection == object)
			// resetting old_selection pointer to NULL

		// reporting node deletion to the console
		Log::message("Removing %s node named %s from the scene.\n", object->getTypeName(), node_name);

		// removing the node with a given name from the list of scene objects and updating the combobox
		for (int i = 0; i < Objects.size();i++)
			if (strcmp(Objects[i]->getName(), node_name) == 0)
				widget_combo->removeItem(i + 1);


		// removing the node from the scene
		return 1;

	return 0;

int AppWorldLogic::shutdown() {

	// deleting all created nodes

	// clearing the player pointer

	// clearing light sources

	// clearing all created materials
	// clearing gui elements

	// resetting old_selection pointer

	return 1;

/* .. */

Source Files

You can copy the code below and paste it to the corresponding source files of your project:


Source code (C++)
#ifndef __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__
#define __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__

#include <UnigineLogic.h>
#include <UnigineStreams.h>
#include <UnigineObjects.h>
#include <UnigineGame.h>
#include <UnigineLights.h>
#include <UnigineMaterials.h>
#include <UnigineWorld.h>
#include <UnigineApp.h>
#include <UnigineConsole.h>
#include <UnigineInput.h>
#include <UnigineUserInterface.h>

using namespace Unigine;

// auxiliary constants
const float DELTA_ANGLE = 60.0f;		// delta angle of objects rotation
const float MOVING_SPEED = 3.0f;		// speed of objects movement
const float CHANGE_INTERVAL = 1.0f;		// the interval between changes of objects' parameters, in seconds
const float SUN_ROTATION_RATE = 10.0f;	// rotation rate of the sun

class AppWorldLogic : public WorldLogic {

	virtual ~AppWorldLogic();

	virtual int init();

	virtual int update();
	virtual int postUpdate();
	virtual int updatePhysics();

	virtual int shutdown();

	virtual int save(const StreamPtr &stream);
	virtual int restore(const StreamPtr &stream);

	// GUI event handlers
	int onButtonDelClicked();
	int onButtonCloseClicked();
	int onButtonFopenClicked();
	int onButtonWloadClicked();
	int onDlgCancelClicked();
	int onDlgOKClicked();
	int onMeshParamsOKClicked();
	int onSliderChanged();

	PlayerSpectatorPtr player;

	// pointers to the GUI elements
	GuiPtr gui;
	UserInterfacePtr ui;
	WidgetLabelPtr widget_label;
	WidgetSliderPtr widget_slider;
	WidgetCheckBoxPtr widget_checkbox;
	WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_del;
	WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_close;
	WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_fopen;
	WidgetButtonPtr widget_button_wload;
	WidgetComboBoxPtr widget_combo;
	WidgetDialogFilePtr widget_file_dialog;
	WidgetPtr mesh_parameters_window;

	// pointers to light sources
	LightWorldPtr thesun;
	LightOmniPtr light_omni;
	LightProjPtr projector;

	// auxiliary functions
	int addMeshToScene(const char *file_name, const char *mesh_name, const char *material_name, Math::Vec3 position);
	int removeMeshFromScene(const char *node_name);
	int transformNode(NodePtr node);

	// initialization functions
	int initObjects();
	int initPlayer();
	int initLights();
	int initMaterials();
	int initGUI();

	// update functions
	int updateLights();
	int updateObjects();

	// shutdown functions
	int clearMaterials();
	int removeObjects();

	// scene objects vector
	Vector <ObjectMeshDynamicPtr> Objects;

	ObjectPtr old_selection;												// pointer to previously selected object
	Math::vec3 current_objects_scale = Math::vec3(1.0f);			// current scaling vector for objects
	Math::Vec3 forward_direction = Math::Vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);	// current forward direction vector for objects
	float elapsed_time = CHANGE_INTERVAL;											// current time left to change current scale and forward direction of our objects
	float sun_angle = 0.0f;															// current sun position

#endif // __APP_WORLD_LOGIC_H__


Source code (C++)
#include "AppWorldLogic.h"
// World logic, it takes effect only when the world is loaded.
// These methods are called right after corresponding world script's (UnigineScript) methods.

//------------------------------------------------------- GUI EVENT HANDLERS --------------------------------------------------
/// method to be called when the Close button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonCloseClicked()

	// saving current world to file
	Console::run("world_save my_world");

	// executing all pending console commands before exiting

	// closing the application

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Load world button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonWloadClicked()
	// reporting to console
	Log::warning("\n\n --- RELOADING A DEFAULT WORLD --- \n\n");

	// loading a world from file
	Console::run("world_load quick_start");

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Cancel button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonFopenClicked()

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the slider position is changed in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged()
	// updating the position of the Sun
	sun_angle = widget_slider->getValue();

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Delete button is clicked in the main window
int AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked()
	String node_name;

	if (widget_combo->getCurrentItem() == 0)									// deleting all objects 

		// disabling Delete button in the main window
	else																		// deleting an object selected in the combo box
		// retrieving currently selected node name in the combo box
		node_name = widget_combo->getCurrentItemText();

		// checking if a node with a given name exists and removing it from the scene
		if (World::isNode(node_name))

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the Cancel button is clicked in the File Open dialog
int AppWorldLogic::onDlgCancelClicked()
	// hiding the file selection dialog

	return 1;
/// method to be called when the OK button is clicked in the File Open dialog
int AppWorldLogic::onDlgOKClicked()
	// checking if the file exists
	if (FILE *file = fopen(widget_file_dialog->getFile(), "r")) {

		//setting initial values of the fields in the Mesh Parameters window
		String object_name = String::format("Object_%d", widget_combo->getNumItems() - 1);

		// hiding the File Open dialog and showing Mesh Parameters window using different ways

		return 1;

	// reporting an error to the console
	Log::error("Loading mesh: can't open \"%s\" file\n", widget_file_dialog->getFile());
	return 0;
/// method to be called when the OK button is clicked in the Mesh Parameters window
int AppWorldLogic::onMeshParamsOKClicked()
	//retrieving pointers to UI elements
	WidgetEditLinePtr name = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("object_name")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr x = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_x")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr y = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_y")));
	WidgetEditLinePtr z = checked_ptr_cast<WidgetEditLine>(ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("coord_z")));

	if ((x->getText() != "") && (y->getText() != "") && (z->getText() != "") && (name->getText() != ""))

		Math::Vec3 pos = Math::Vec3(atof(x->getText()), atof(y->getText()), atof(z->getText()));
		String result = String((addMeshToScene(widget_file_dialog->getFile(), name->getText(), "my_mesh_base3", pos)) ? "Ok!" : "Error!");

		// reporting progress to the console
		Log::message("(%s) mesh load operation status: %s\n", name->getText(), result);

		// hiding the Mesh Parameters window

		return 1;
	Log::error("Wrong mesh parameters!\n");
	return 0;
//---------------------------------------------- AUXILIARY FUNCTIONS AND METHODS ----------------------------------------------

/// method adding a Dynamic Mesh Object to the scene. If an empty filename is passed the method creates a default box; otherwise, loads a mesh-file with a given name.
int AppWorldLogic::addMeshToScene(const char *file_name, const char *mesh_name, const char *material_name, Math::Vec3 position)
	MeshPtr mesh = Mesh::create();
	ObjectMeshDynamicPtr omd;

	if (file_name) {				// loading a mesh from a specified file
		if (!mesh->load(file_name))
			Log::error("\nError opening .mesh file!\n");

			return 0;
		else omd = ObjectMeshDynamic::create(mesh);
	else						// creating a default box
		mesh->addBoxSurface("box_surface", Math::vec3(0.5f));

		omd = ObjectMeshDynamic::create(mesh);

	// setting object's material, name and transformation
	omd->setMaterial(material_name, "*");

	// finding the "my_node_base" property
	PropertyPtr my_node_base = Properties::findManualProperty("my_node_base");

	// assigning the property to the node so a new internal child property is created and inherits all parameters of the parent one
	PropertyPtr internal_property = omd->getProperty(0);
	internal_property->setParameterString(internal_property->findParameter("material"), material_name);

	// enabling intersection detection for the first surface (0)
	omd->setIntersection(1, 0);

	// updating combo list and the list of scene objects

	// enabling Delete button in the main window

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Object %s added to the scene.\n", mesh_name);

	// clearing the mesh

	return 1;

/// method deleting a Dynamic Mesh Object with a given name from the scene
int AppWorldLogic::removeMeshFromScene(const char *node_name)
	// getting a pointer to the node with a given name and downcasting it to ObjectMeshDynamicPtr
	ObjectMeshDynamicPtr object = checked_ptr_cast<ObjectMeshDynamic>(World::getNodeByName(node_name));

	if (object)
		// checking if the node to be removed was previously selected
		if (old_selection && old_selection == object)
			// resetting old_selection pointer to NULL

		// reporting node deletion to the console
		Log::message("Removing %s node named %s from the scene.\n", object->getTypeName(), node_name);

		// removing the node with a given name from the list of scene objects
		for (int i = 0; i < Objects.size(); i++)
			if (strcmp(Objects[i]->getName(), node_name) == 0) {
				widget_combo->removeItem(i + 1);


		// removing the node from the scene

		return 1;

	return 0;
/// method performing node transformations 
int AppWorldLogic::transformNode(NodePtr node)
	// getting current node transformation matrix
	Math::Mat4 transform = node->getTransform();

	// calculating delta rotation around an arbitrary axis
	Math::quat delta_rotation = Math::quat(rand() % 2, rand() % 2, rand() % 2, DELTA_ANGLE * Game::getIFps());

	// setting node's scale, rotation and position
	node->setWorldRotation(node->getWorldRotation() * delta_rotation);
	node->setWorldPosition(node->getWorldPosition() + forward_direction * MOVING_SPEED * Game::getIFps());

	return 1;
/// function getting an object under the mouse cursor
ObjectPtr getObjectUnderMouseCursor(const PlayerPtr &player, int mouse_x, int mouse_y, float max_dist)
	// setting start point (p0) at the center of player's screen
	Math::Vec3 p0 = player->getWorldPosition();

	// setting end point (p1) according to the position of the mouse cursor
	Math::Vec3 p1 = p0 + Math::Vec3(player->getDirectionFromScreen(mouse_x, mouse_y)) * max_dist;

	WorldIntersectionPtr intersection = WorldIntersection::create();

	// returning the pointer to the first intersected object if any or NULL
	return World::getIntersection(p0, p1, 1, intersection);
/// function setting new object as selected and updating previous selection
int selectObject(ObjectPtr new_selected_object, ObjectPtr &old_selected_object)
	// checking if we already have the object selected previously
	if (old_selected_object == new_selected_object)
		return 0;
	// checking if we already have a previously selected object and setting its "selected" parameter of the property to 0
	if (old_selected_object)
		int property_id = old_selected_object->findProperty("my_node_base");
		if (property_id >= 0)
			PropertyPtr my_node_base = old_selected_object->getProperty(property_id);
			my_node_base->setParameterInt(my_node_base->findParameter("selected"), 0);
	// checking if new selected object is not NULL and it has a property with parameter "selected" assigned
	if (new_selected_object)
		int property_id = new_selected_object->findProperty("my_node_base");
		if (property_id >= 0)
			PropertyPtr my_node_base = new_selected_object->getProperty(property_id);
			my_node_base->setParameterInt(my_node_base->findParameter("selected"), 1);

			old_selected_object = new_selected_object;
		return 1;
	return 0;

//---------------------------------------------- INITIALIZATION METHODS -------------------------------------------------------
/// method performing initialization of the set of 4 boxes
int AppWorldLogic::initObjects()
	int index = 0;

	for (int x = 0; x < 2; x++)
		for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++)
			addMeshToScene(NULL, String::format("my_meshdynamic_%d", index), String::format("my_mesh_base%d", index), Math::Vec3(x, y, 1.0f));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::warning("Objects generation OK!\n\n");

	return 1;
/// method performing initialization of the player
int AppWorldLogic::initPlayer()
	// creating a new PlayerSpectator instance
	player = PlayerSpectator::create();

	// setting player's FOV, ZNear, ZFar

	// setting player's view direction vector and position
	player->setDirection(Math::vec3(-1.0f), Math::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f));

	// setting the player as a default one via the Game singleton instance

	//reporting progress to the console
	Log::warning("\nPlayer initialization OK!\n\n");

	return 1;
/// method performing initialization of lights
int AppWorldLogic::initLights()
	// creating an omni light and setting up its parameters
	light_omni = LightOmni::create(Math::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), 10.0f, "");
	light_omni->setWorldPosition(Math::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Created a %s light source.\n", light_omni->getName());

	// creating a world light and setting up its parameters
	thesun = LightWorld::create(Math::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
	thesun->setWorldRotation(Math::quat(86.0f, 30.0f, 300.0f));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Created a %s light source.\n", thesun->getName());

	// creating a proj light and setting up its parameters
	projector = LightProj::create(Math::vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f), 10.0f, 60.0f, "");
	projector->setWorldPosition(Math::Vec3(2.5f, 2.5f, 3.0f));
	projector->setRotation(Math::quat(-45.0f, 45.0f, 0.0f));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Created a %s light source.\n", projector->getName());
	Log::warning("Lights initialization OK!\n");

	return 1;
/// method performing initialization of materials
int AppWorldLogic::initMaterials()
	// creating a new child material of the mesh_base and setting its color
	MaterialPtr mesh_base = Materials::findMaterial("mesh_base");
	MaterialPtr my_mesh_base = mesh_base->inherit("my_mesh_base0");
	my_mesh_base->setParameterFloat4("albedo_color", Math::vec4(255, 0, 0, 255));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("\n-> Generated %s material.\n", my_mesh_base->getName());

	// creating a new child material of the mesh_base and setting its color
	my_mesh_base = mesh_base->inherit("my_mesh_base1");
	my_mesh_base->setParameterFloat4("albedo_color", Math::vec4(0, 255, 0, 255));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Generated %s material.\n", my_mesh_base->getName());

	//creating a new child material of the mesh_base and setting its color
	my_mesh_base = mesh_base->inherit("my_mesh_base2");
	my_mesh_base->setParameterFloat4("albedo_color", Math::vec4(0, 0, 255, 255));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Generated %s material.\n", my_mesh_base->getName());

	//creating a new child material of the mesh_base and setting its color
	my_mesh_base = mesh_base->inherit("my_mesh_base3");
	my_mesh_base->setParameterFloat4("albedo_color", Math::vec4(255, 255, 0, 255));

	// reporting progress to the console
	Log::message("-> Generated %s material.\n", my_mesh_base->getName());
	Log::warning("Material generation OK!\n\n");

	// clearing material pointer

	return 1;
/// method performing initialization of the GUI
int AppWorldLogic::initGUI()
	// getting a GUI pointer
	gui = Gui::get();

	// creating a label widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_label = WidgetLabel::create(gui, "Sun position:");
	widget_label->setToolTip("Change sun position");
	widget_label->setPosition(10, 10);

	// creating a slider widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_slider = WidgetSlider::create(gui, 0, 360, 90);
	widget_slider->setToolTip("Change sun position");
	widget_slider->setPosition(100, 10);
	widget_slider->addCallback(Gui::CHANGED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onSliderChanged));

	// creating a checkbox widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_checkbox = WidgetCheckBox::create(gui, "Automatic change");
	widget_checkbox->setToolTip("Change sun position automatically");
	widget_checkbox->setPosition(10, 30);

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_del = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Delete");
	widget_button_del->setToolTip("Delete object(s) selected in the combo box");
	widget_button_del->setPosition(170, 50);
	widget_button_del->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonDelClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_fopen = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Load mesh");
	widget_button_fopen->setToolTip("Load a mesh file");
	widget_button_fopen->setPosition(10, 80);
	widget_button_fopen->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonFopenClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_close = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Quit");
	widget_button_close->setToolTip("Close application");
	widget_button_close->setPosition(10, 110);
	widget_button_close->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonCloseClicked));

	// creating a button widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_button_wload = WidgetButton::create(gui, "Load world");
	widget_button_wload->setToolTip("Load a default world");
	widget_button_wload->setPosition(110, 110);
	widget_button_wload->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onButtonWloadClicked));

	// creating a combo box widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_combo = WidgetComboBox::create(gui);
	widget_combo->setPosition(10, 50);

	// creating a File Selection dialog widget and setting up its parameters
	widget_file_dialog = WidgetDialogFile::create(gui, "Select a mesh file");
	widget_file_dialog->getCancelButton()->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onDlgCancelClicked));
	widget_file_dialog->getOkButton()->addCallback(Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onDlgOKClicked));

	// creating a Mesh Parameters dialog from an external ui-file
	ui = UserInterface::create(gui, "user_interface.ui");
	ui->addCallback("button_OK", Gui::CLICKED, MakeCallback(this, &AppWorldLogic::onMeshParamsOKClicked));
	mesh_parameters_window = ui->getWidget(ui->findWidget("window"));

	// adding created widgets to the UI
	gui->addChild(widget_label, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);								// ID: 0 - label
	gui->addChild(widget_slider, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);								// ID: 1 - slider
	gui->addChild(widget_checkbox, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 2 - checkbox
	gui->addChild(widget_button_del, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);							// ID: 3 - delete button
	gui->addChild(widget_button_close, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 4 - close button
	gui->addChild(widget_combo, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);								// ID: 5 - combo box
	gui->addChild(widget_button_fopen, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 6 - Load Mesh button
	gui->addChild(widget_button_wload, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED);						// ID: 7 - Load world button
	gui->addChild(mesh_parameters_window, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED | Gui::ALIGN_CENTER);// ID: 8 - Mesh Parameters window
	gui->addChild(widget_file_dialog, Gui::ALIGN_OVERLAP | Gui::ALIGN_FIXED | Gui::ALIGN_CENTER);	// ID: 9 - File Open dialog

	//reporting progress to the console
	for (int k = 0; k < gui->getNumChildren(); k++)
		Log::message("-> Adding UI element %d: %s.\n", k, gui->getChild(k)->getTypeName());
	Log::warning("UI initialized! Number of elements: %d.\n", gui->getNumChildren());

	return 1;
//---------------------------------------------------- UPDATE METHODS ---------------------------------------------------------
/// method updating the position of the sun
int AppWorldLogic::updateLights()
	// updating the Sun rotation angle
	if (widget_checkbox->isChecked()) {
		sun_angle += SUN_ROTATION_RATE * Game::getIFps();
		if (sun_angle > 360.0f) sun_angle = 0.0f;

		// updating slider position
	// changing the Sun position using the new angle
	thesun->setWorldRotation(Math::quat(Math::vec3(0.5f, 0.0f, 0.5f), 180.0f - sun_angle));

	return 1;
/// method updating the initial set of scene objects
int AppWorldLogic::updateObjects()
	ObjectMeshDynamicPtr object;

	// changing transformation for all scene objects named "my_meshdynamic_*" (initial set)
	for (auto it = Objects.begin(); it != Objects.end(); it++)
		object = it.get();

		// searching for the property assigned to the object 
		int property_id = object->findProperty("my_node_base");

		// checking if such property exists and has a "selected" parameter
		if (property_id >= 0)
			PropertyPtr p = object->getProperty(property_id);
			if (p->getParameterPtr("selected")->getValueInt() == 1)
				// if "selected" parameter value is 1 assigning "mesh_base" material to the object to highlight it
				object->setMaterial("mesh_base", "*");
				// if "selected" parameter value is 0 assigning the material that is stored in the "material" parameter of its property
				object->setMaterial(p->getParameterString(p->findParameter("material")), "*");

		// if a node is named "my_meshdynamic_*" (it belongs to the initial set) change its transformation
		if (strstr(object->getName(), "my_meshdynamic_"))
			// transform the node

	return 1;
//---------------------------------------------------- SHUTDOWN METHODS -------------------------------------------------------
/// method removing all created materials
int AppWorldLogic::clearMaterials()

	return 1;
/// method removing all created objects
int AppWorldLogic::removeObjects()
	while (Objects.size() > 0)

	return 1;
AppWorldLogic::AppWorldLogic() {


AppWorldLogic::~AppWorldLogic() {


int AppWorldLogic::init() {
	// Write here code to be called on world initialization: initialize resources for your world scene during the world start.

	// initializing pseudo-random number generator

	// creating materials

	// creating GUI

	// creating objects

	// creating a player

	// creating lights

	return 1;

// start of the main loop
int AppWorldLogic::update() {
	// Write here code to be called before updating each render frame: specify all graphics-related functions you want to be called every frame while your application executes.

	// checking if it's time to change current scale and forward vector direction of our objects
	if (elapsed_time < 0.0f)
		// change current scaling vector for objects
		current_objects_scale = Math::vec3(Game::getRandomFloat(0.8f, 1.2f));

		// change forward direction for objects
		forward_direction = forward_direction * Math::rotateZ(60.0f);

		// resetting elapsed time counter
		elapsed_time = CHANGE_INTERVAL;

	// decreasing the time counter to the next change of current scale and forward vector direction
	elapsed_time -= Game::getIFps();

	// if right mouse button is clicked
	if (Input::isMouseButtonPressed(Input::MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT))
		// get and select object under the mouse cursor
		Math::ivec2 mouse = Input::getMouseCoord();
		selectObject(getObjectUnderMouseCursor(Game::getPlayer(), mouse.x, mouse.y, 100.0f), old_selection);

	// closing the application if a &#039;Q&#039; key is pressed, ignoring the key if the console is opened
	if (Input::isKeyDown(Input::KEY_Q) && !Console::isActive())

	// updating objects

	// updating lights

	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::postUpdate() {
	// The engine calls this function before rendering each render frame: correct behavior after the state of the node has been updated.

	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::updatePhysics() {
	// Write here code to be called before updating each physics frame: control physics in your application and put non-rendering calculations.
	// The engine calls updatePhysics() with the fixed rate (60 times per second by default) regardless of the FPS value.
	// WARNING: do not create, delete or change transformations of nodes here, because rendering is already in progress.

	return 1;
// end of the main loop

int AppWorldLogic::shutdown() {
	// Write here code to be called on world shutdown: delete resources that were created during world script execution to avoid memory leaks.

	// deleting all created nodes

	// clearing the player pointer

	// clearing light sources

	// clearing all created materials

	// clearing gui elements

	// resetting old_selection pointer

	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::save(const StreamPtr &stream) {
	// Write here code to be called when the world is saving its state (i.e. state_save is called): save custom user data to a file.

	return 1;

int AppWorldLogic::restore(const StreamPtr &stream) {
	// Write here code to be called when the world is restoring its state (i.e. state_restore is called): restore custom user data to a file here.

	return 1;


Graphical user interface of the tutorial project application.

Well, now our project is ready! You have done a great job and learned how to use basic functions of the Unigine Engine. If you need more detailed information on how to use Unigine C++ API please refer to our extended API manual.

Last update: 03.02.2021
Build: ()