Unigine.ObjectParticles Class
Inherits from: | Object |
This class is used to create particle systems. The particles are approximated with a sphere. They can be of different types (see the details) and radius (that can change with time). They are emitted from different emitters (see the details) with a specified spawn rate. The particles disappear after the set life time period or culled when hitting other nodes. They either collide with the outer surface of the approximation sphere or intersect only by the its center.
The particle flow direction can be influenced by:
The particle system can also initialized before it actually appears, so that it starts to be rendered with already spawned particles.
Usage Example#
Particles parameters are set via Particle Modifiers. Based on the modifier's type, a parameter could be a scalar(0.8f) or a vector (vec4.BLUE). It can be:
- a constant value
- a random value varying between a minimum and maximum limits
- a value defined by a curve
- a random value between the upper and lower limits defined by the two curves at each point of the lifetime
See here for more information on different modes for modifiers.
[Component(PropertyGuid = "AUTOGENERATED_GUID")] // <-- this line is generated automatically for a new component
public class ParticleSystemCreator : Component
ObjectParticles particles;
Curve2d curve;
private void Init()
particles = new ObjectParticles();
particles.WorldTransform = new Mat4(new quat(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
particles.GetMaterialInherit(0).SetParameterFloat4("albedo_color", vec4.GREEN);
// enable the emitter and specify its settings
particles.EmitterEnabled = true;
particles.SpawnRate = 2000.0f;
particles.SetLife(5.0f, 0.5f);
// create a new 2d curve object
curve = new Curve2d();
curve.AddKey(new vec2(0.0f, 0.15f));
curve.AddKey(new vec2(0.5f, 0.25f));
curve.AddKey(new vec2(1.0f, 0.5f));
curve.AddKey(new vec2(1.5f, 0.35f));
// change the modifier's mode to the curve mode
particles.RadiusOverTimeModifier.Mode = ParticleModifier.MODE.CURVE;
// set the curve to define the modifier
particles.RadiusOverTimeModifier.Curve = curve;
// set parameters using scalar values
particles.GrowthOverTimeModifier.ConstantMin = 0.0f;
particles.GrowthOverTimeModifier.ConstantMax = 0.2f;
particles.VelocityOverTimeModifier.Constant = 0.3f;
// set the parameter using a vector value
particles.GravityOverTimeModifier.Constant = new vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f);
private void Update()
float time = Game.Time;
particles.WorldTransform = new Mat4(MathLib.RotateZ(time * 64.0f) * MathLib.Translate(15.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
private void Shutdown()
If you launch the application, you get the following particle system:
Synchronizing Particles#
For image consistency in multi-channel rendering use cases, Particle Systems can have more deterministic behavior, i.e. when a particle is spawned on one PC, it can travel to another screen seamlessly.
To synchronize the particle systems across several applications, it is required to define which application is the Master one — it will count all particles and provide all related info via the network to Slaves — applications that only receive data and reproduce them.
[Component(PropertyGuid = "AUTOGENERATED_GUID")] // <-- this line is generated automatically for a new component
public class ParticleSystemSync : Component
public ObjectParticles particles; // particles that are going to be synchronized
bool is_master = true; // or false, if the application is a Slave
Socket socket; // example of a socket used to send the particles data
private void Init()
// create and open a stream
socket = new Socket(0);
socket.Open("", 8889);
// For every type of the application, define the particles operation mode
if (is_master)
particles.SyncMode = ObjectParticles.SYNC_MODE.MASTER;
particles.SyncMode = ObjectParticles.SYNC_MODE.SLAVE;
private void Update()
if (is_master)
Blob data = new Blob();
socket.Write(data.GetData(), data.GetSize());
Blob data = new Blob();
socket.ReadStream(data, 1048576); // 1Mb, maximum size of the packet
data.SeekSet(0); // Moving the pointer to the first symbol,
// because after reading the data from the socket,
// the pointer is at the end of the data.
private void Shutdown()
// closing the socket
// destroying the socket
ObjectParticles Class
Synchronization mode to be used for the particle system.SCREEN_SIZE_MODE#
Screen size mode for emitted particles. Can be used to limit maximum and minimum sizes of particles.Properties
WorldBoundBox WorldBoundBoxParticles#
BoundBox BoundBoxSimulation#
BoundBox BoundBoxParticles#
vec3 WorldOffset#
int NumContacts#
vec3 EmitterVelocity#
vec3 EmitterSize#
int EmitterSync#
int EmitterSequence#
bool EmitterContinuous#
bool EmitterShift#
bool EmitterBased#
bool EmitterEnabled#
int ProceduralParenting#
int ProceduralPositioning#
bool ProceduralRendering#
int EmitterType#
float Roughness#
float Restitution#
float PhysicalMass#
int PhysicalMask#
int NumParticles#
float SpawnThreshold#
float SpawnScale#
float SpawnRate#
ivec2 TextureAtlasSize#
int NumberPerSpawn#
bool ClearOnEnable#
int Culling#
bool CollisionEnabled#
int CollisionMask#
bool PhysicsIntersectionEnabled#
int PhysicsIntersectionMask#
int TextureAtlas#
int VariationY#
int VariationX#
int DepthSort#
float MaxWarmingTime#
int Warming#
int ParticlesType#
uint Seed#
ObjectParticles.SYNC_MODE SyncMode#
float UpdateDistanceLimit#
int FPSInvisible#
int FPSVisibleShadow#
int FPSVisibleCamera#
ParticleModifierScalar LinearDampingOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierVector PositionOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierVector DirectionOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar VelocityOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar LengthFlatteningOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar LengthStretchOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar GrowthOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar RadiusOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar RotationOverTimeModifier#
ParticleModifierScalar AngleOverTimeModifier#
int EmitterLimitPerSpawn#
ParticleModifierVector GravityOverTimeModifier#
int ParticlesFieldMask#
float ScreenMaxSize#
- The minimum value of 0 means the particle has a zero size and therefore is invisible on the screen (occupies no space at all).
- The maximum value of 1 means the particle occupies the whole screen.
float ScreenMinSize#
- The minimum value of 0 means the particle has a zero size and therefore is invisible on the screen (occupies no space at all).
- The maximum value of 1 means the particle occupies the whole screen.
ObjectParticles.SCREEN_SIZE_MODE ScreenSizeMode#
ObjectParticles ( ) #
Constructor. Creates a particle system.vec3 GetContactNormal ( int num ) #
Returns the point of the particles collision with other objects.Arguments
- int num - Collision point number.
Return value
Collision point coordinates.Object GetContactObject ( int num ) #
Returns the object that collided with particles collided in a given collision point.Arguments
- int num - The collision point number.
Return value
The object participated in collision.vec3 GetContactPoint ( int num ) #
Returns the normal vector for the collision point of the particles with other objects.Arguments
- int num - The collision point number.
Return value
Normal vector coordinates.vec3 GetContactVelocity ( int num ) #
Returns the velocity in the collision point of the particles with other objects.Arguments
- int num - The collision point number.
Return value
Velocity values for each of space dimensions.void SetDelay ( float mean, float spread ) #
Sets delay of particle system initialization relative to the parent particle one.Arguments
- float mean - A mean value in seconds. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.
- float spread - A spread value in seconds.
float GetDelayMean ( ) #
Returns the mean value of particles initialization delay relative to the parent particle system.Return value
The mean value in seconds.float GetDelaySpread ( ) #
Returns the spread value of particles initialization delay relative to the parent particle system.Return value
The spread value in seconds.void SetDuration ( float mean, float spread ) #
Sets a duration of each particle emission in seconds.Arguments
- float mean - Mean value in seconds. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.
- float spread - Spread value in seconds.
float GetDurationMean ( ) #
Returns the current mean value of particle emission intervals.Return value
The mean value in seconds.float GetDurationSpread ( ) #
Returns the current spread value of particle emission intervals.Return value
The spread value in seconds.void SetLife ( float mean, float spread ) #
Sets a lifetime duration of particles in seconds.Arguments
- float mean - A mean value in seconds. If a too small value is provided, 1E-6 will be used instead.
- float spread - A spread value in seconds.
float GetLifeMean ( ) #
Returns the current mean value of particle lifetime duration.Return value
The mean value in seconds.float GetLifeSpread ( ) #
Returns the current spread value of particle lifetime duration.Return value
The spread value in seconds.vec3 GetParticlePosition ( int num ) #
Returns the position of a given particle.Arguments
- int num - The particle number.
Return value
Position coordinates for the particle.float GetParticleRadius ( int num ) #
Returns the radius of a given particle.Arguments
- int num - The particle number.
Return value
Radius of the particle.void GetParticleTransforms ( mat4[] OUT_transforms ) #
Returns transformation matrices for spawned particles.Arguments
- mat4[]
OUT_transforms - Array to which the transformation matrices will be added.NoticeThis output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
vec3 GetParticleVelocity ( int num ) #
Returns the velocity vector for a specified particle.Arguments
- int num - The particle number.
Return value
The velocity vector.void SetPeriod ( float mean, float spread ) #
Sets an interval of emitter inactivity in seconds.Arguments
- float mean - A mean value in seconds. If a negative value is provided, 0 will be used instead.
- float spread - A spread value in seconds.
float GetPeriodMean ( ) #
Returns the current mean value of emitter inactivity intervals.Return value
The mean value in seconds.float GetPeriodSpread ( ) #
Returns the current spread value of emitter inactivity intervals.Return value
The spread value in seconds.void SetProceduralTextureResolution ( vec3 res ) #
Sets the resolution of the procedural texture.Arguments
- vec3 res - Resolution of the texture.
vec3 GetProceduralTextureResolution ( ) #
Returns the resolution of the procedural texture.Return value
Resolution of the texture.void AddEmitterSpark ( vec3 point, vec3 normal, vec3 velocity ) #
Adds a spark emitter in the given point.Arguments
- vec3 point - Point for sparks emission.
- vec3 normal - Normal vector at the point of spark emission.
- vec3 velocity - Velocity in the point of spark emission (velocity of source particles or node by contact).
void ClearParticles ( ) #
Deletes all particles spawned by the emitter.static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the object.Return value
Object Particles type identifier.bool SaveStateSelf ( Stream stream ) #
Saves the object's state to the stream.Saving into the stream requires creating a blob to save into. To restore the saved state the RestoreStateSelf() method is used:
// initialize a object and set its state
// save state
Blob blob_state = new Blob();
// change the state
// restore state
blob_state.SeekSet(0); // returning the carriage to the start of the blob
- Stream stream - Stream instance.
Return value
true on success; otherwise, false.bool RestoreStateSelf ( Stream stream ) #
Restores the object's state from the stream.Restoring from the stream requires creating a blob to save into and saving the state using the saveStateSelf() method:
// initialize a object and set its state
// save state
Blob blob_state = new Blob();
// change the state
// restore state
blob_state.SeekSet(0); // returning the carriage to the start of the blob
- Stream stream - Stream instance.
Return value
true on success; otherwise, false.void TakeSyncData ( Stream stream ) #
Writes particle synchronization data to the specified stream. This method should be used by the particle system with the master sync mode.Arguments
- Stream stream - Stream to which particle synchronization data is to be written.
void ApplySyncData ( Stream stream ) #
Reads particle synchronization data from the specified stream and applies it to the particle system. This method should be used by the particle system with the slave sync mode.Arguments
- Stream stream - Stream with particle synchronization data to be applied.