Unigine.GeodeticPivot Class
Inherits from: | Node |
This class is used to create and modify a geodetic pivot object that is used to place world objects on their real world positions (latitude, longitude and altitude). The geodetic pivot contains an ellipsoid with a pivot point.
In UNIGINE SDK editions other than Engineering and Sim, the geodetic pivot object is equivalent to NodeDummy.
See also#
A UnigineScript API sample <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/geodetics/pivot_00
GeodeticPivot Class
int OriginBasis#
The origin basis set for the GeodeticPivot object:
- If ORIGIN_BASIS_LOCAL is set, the binding to geo-coordinates is disabled. GeodeticPivot can be placed everywhere.
- If ORIGIN_BASIS_ENU is set, GeodeticPivot is placed to the world ECF position with ENU (East - North - Up) orientation according to the given latitude / longitude / altitude. The GeodeticPivot position is blocked.
NoticeThe Up-axis (Z+) direction in ENU points upward along the ellipsoid normal, while in UNIGINE implementation of ENU it goes from the Earth's center.
dvec3 Origin#
The position (latitude, longitude and altitude) on the ellipsoid.
GeodeticPivot ( ) #
GeodeticPivot constructor. Creates a GeodeticPivot instance with the default settings:- The origin is set to dvec3(0.0,0.0,0.0).
- The size of the curving region is 2048000×2048000 km.
- The resolution of the region texture is 2048.
void SetEllipsoid ( Ellipsoid ellipsoid ) #
Sets an Ellipsoid to be used for the Geodetic Pivot.Notice
Modifying the ellipsoid of the Geodetic Pivot directly makes the pivot's state inconsistent. You should force the GeodeticPivot node to update its internal state according to the modified ellipsoid by setting it via the setEllipsoid() method.
Source code (C#)
// Creating a new geodetic pivot
GeodeticPivot pivot = new GeodeticPivot();
// setting the local (X - Y - Z) origin basis for it
// getting an ellipsoid currently used by the geodetic pivot
Ellipsoid ellipsoid = pivot.getEllipsoid();
// setting a fast calculation mode for the ellipsoid
// setting a new semimajor axis for the ellipsoid
ellipsoid.setSemimajorAxis(6378137.0f - 500.0f);
/* ... */
// force updating the geodetic pivot according to the modified ellipsoid
- Ellipsoid ellipsoid - Ellipsoid to be set.
Ellipsoid GetEllipsoid ( ) #
Returns the Ellipsoid currently used by the Geodetic Pivot.Notice
Modifying the ellipsoid of the Geodetic Pivot directly makes the pivot's state inconsistent. You should force the GeodeticPivot node to update its internal state according to the modified ellipsoid by setting it via the setEllipsoid() method.
Source code (C#)
// Creating a new geodetic pivot
GeodeticPivot pivot = new GeodeticPivot();
// setting the local (X - Y - Z) origin basis for it
// getting an ellipsoid currently used by the geodetic pivot
Ellipsoid ellipsoid = pivot.getEllipsoid();
// setting a fast calculation mode for the ellipsoid
// setting a new semimajor axis for the ellipsoid
ellipsoid.setSemimajorAxis(6378137.0f - 500.0f);
/* ... */
// force updating the geodetic pivot according to the modified ellipsoid
Return value
Ellipsoid currently used by the Geodetic Pivot.void MapEllipsoidToFlat ( vec3 ellipsoid_point, out vec3 ret_flat_point, out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal ) #
Maps ellipsoid coordinates of a point to flat plane coordinates (using latitude and longitude as X and Y coordinates and altitude as Z).Arguments
- vec3 ellipsoid_point - Ellipsoid coordinates of the point
- out vec3 ret_flat_point - Flat plane coordinates of the point.
- out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal - Ellipsoid point normal coordinates.
void MapEllipsoidToFlat ( dvec3 ellipsoid_point, out dvec3 ret_flat_point, out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal ) #
Maps ellipsoid coordinates of a point to flat plane coordinates (using latitude and longitude as X and Y coordinates and altitude as Z).Arguments
- dvec3 ellipsoid_point - Ellipsoid coordinates of the point
- out dvec3 ret_flat_point - Flat plane coordinates of the point.
- out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal - Ellipsoid point normal coordinates.
mat4 MapEllipsoidToFlat ( mat4 ellipsoid_transform ) #
Maps ellipsoid transformation to the flat plane transformation (using latitude and longitude as X and Y coordinates and altitude as Z).Arguments
- mat4 ellipsoid_transform - Ellipsoid transformation.
Return value
Flat plane transformation.dmat4 MapEllipsoidToFlat ( dmat4 ellipsoid_transform ) #
Maps ellipsoid transformation to the flat plane transformation (using latitude and longitude as X and Y coordinates and altitude as Z).Arguments
- dmat4 ellipsoid_transform - Ellipsoid transformation.
Return value
Flat plane transformation.void MapFlatToEllipsoid ( vec3 flat_point, out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_point, out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal ) #
Maps flat plane coordinates to the ellipsoid (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
- vec3 flat_point - Flat plane coordinates of the point.
- out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_point - Ellipsoid coordinates of the point
- out vec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal - Ellipsoid point normal coordinates.
void MapFlatToEllipsoid ( dvec3 flat_point, out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_point, out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal ) #
Maps flat plane coordinates to the ellipsoid (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
- dvec3 flat_point - Flat plane coordinates of the point.
- out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_point - Ellipsoid coordinates of the point
- out dvec3 ret_ellipsoid_normal - Ellipsoid point normal coordinates.
mat4 MapFlatToEllipsoid ( mat4 flat_transform ) #
Maps flat plane transformation to the ellipsoid transformation (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
- mat4 flat_transform - Flat plane transformation.
Return value
Ellipsoid transformation.dmat4 MapFlatToEllipsoid ( dmat4 flat_transform ) #
Maps flat plane transformation to the ellipsoid transformation (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
- dmat4 flat_transform - Flat plane transformation.
Return value
Ellipsoid transformation.dvec3 MapFlatToGeodetic ( dvec3 flat_point ) #
Maps flat plane coordinates to geodetic latitude / longitude / altitude coordinates according to pivot's origin.Arguments
- dvec3 flat_point - Flat plane coordinates.
Return value
Geodetic coordinates.dvec3 MapFlatToGeodetic ( vec3 flat_point ) #
Maps flat plane coordinates to geodetic latitude / longitude / altitude coordinates according to pivot's origin.Arguments
- vec3 flat_point - Flat plane coordinates.
Return value
Geodetic coordinates.void MapFlatsToGeodetic ( double[] src_x, double[] src_y, int size, double[] OUT_ret_lat, double[] OUT_ret_lon ) #
Pefrorms batch mapping of flat plane coordinates to geodetic latitude / longitude coordinates according to pivot's origin and puts the result to the corresponding output arrays.Arguments
- double[] src_x - Array of flat plane X coordinates.
- double[] src_y - Array of flat plane Y coordinates.
- int size - Array size.
- double[]
OUT_ret_lat - Output array of geodetic latitude coordinates.NoticeThis output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
- double[]
OUT_ret_lon - Output array of geodetic longitude coordinates.NoticeThis output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
dvec3 MapGeodeticToFlat ( dvec3 geodetic_coords ) #
Maps geodetic latitude / longitude / altitude coordinates to flat plane coordinates according to pivot's latitude / longitude / altitude origin.Arguments
- dvec3 geodetic_coords - Geodetic coordinates.
Return value
Flat plane coordinates.void MapGeodeticsToFlat ( double[] lat, double[] lon, int size, double[] OUT_ret_x, double[] OUT_ret_y ) #
Pefrorms batch mapping of geodetic latitude / longitude coordinates to flat plane coordinates according to pivot's latitude / longitude origin and puts the result to the corresponding output arrays.Arguments
- double[] lat - Array of geodetic latitude coordinates.
- double[] lon - Array of geodetic longitude coordinates.
- int size - Array size.
- double[]
OUT_ret_x - Output array of flat plane X coordinates.NoticeThis output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
- double[]
OUT_ret_y - Output array of flat plane Y coordinates.NoticeThis output buffer is to be filled by the Engine as a result of executing the method.
mat4 MapMeshEllipsoidToFlat ( Mesh mesh, mat4 ellipsoid_transform ) #
Maps a curved mesh to the flat plane (using latitude / longitude / altitude as X / Y / Z coordinates).Arguments
Return value
Position on the flat plane, where the node is to be placed.dmat4 MapMeshEllipsoidToFlat ( Mesh mesh, dmat4 ellipsoid_transform ) #
Maps a curved mesh to the flat plane (using latitude / longitude / altitude as X / Y / Z coordinates).Arguments
Return value
Position on the flat plane, where the node is to be placed.mat4 MapMeshFlatToEllipsoid ( Mesh mesh, mat4 flat_transform ) #
Maps a flat mesh to the ellipsoid (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
Return value
Position on the ellipsoid, where the node is to be placed.dmat4 MapMeshFlatToEllipsoid ( Mesh mesh, dmat4 flat_transform ) #
Maps a flat mesh to the ellipsoid (uses X and Y coordinates as latitude and longitude, and Z as altitude).Arguments
Return value
Position on the ellipsoid, where the node is to be placed.dvec3 ToGeodetic ( mat4 world_transform ) #
Returns geodetic coordinates for a given world transformation matrix.Arguments
- mat4 world_transform - World transformation.
Return value
Geodetic coordinates.dvec3 ToGeodetic ( dmat4 world_transform ) #
Returns geodetic coordinates for a given world transformation matrix.Arguments
- dmat4 world_transform - World transformation.
Return value
Geodetic coordinates.dmat4 ToWorld ( dvec3 geodetic_coords ) #
Returns world transformation matrix for given geodetic coordinates.Arguments
- dvec3 geodetic_coords - Geodetic coordinates.
Return value
World transformation.mat4 ToWorldPreserveRotation ( mat4 world_transform, dvec3 geodetic_coords ) #
Returns new world transformation matrix preserving rotation relative to normal.Arguments
Return value
New world transformation.dmat4 ToWorldPreserveRotation ( dmat4 world_transform, dvec3 geodetic_coords ) #
Returns new world transformation matrix preserving rotation relative to normal.Arguments
Return value
New world transformation.static int type ( ) #
Returns the type of the object.Return value
GeodeticPivot type identifier.Last update:
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