Syncker Plugin
Syncker is a multi-node rendering system that makes it easy to create an immersive system or a large-scale visualization wall on a computer cluster synchronized over the network in real-time.
To create a multiplayer application, currently a third-party solution should be used.
Simply connect multiple computers into one high-resolution seamless display using LAN. And it does not matter if these computers are running on Windows and Linux at the same time, as Syncker works even across different platforms. Moreover, created virtual environments can have any monitor configuration, since all viewports are fully configurable and multi-monitor grids on Slave computers are supported.
Moreover, Syncker offers you a flexible customization of the whole synchronization process, based on custom user messages. Instead of sending the whole bunch of transformation data for objects that can only be rotated or sending huge amounts of transformation data for all parts of complex objects, when their positions can be determined using just a handful of simple parameters, you can send a single quaternion or a set of parameters.
See Also#
- The Running Syncker for a custom project article for more details on Syncker initialization and synchronization code.
- The Syncker-specific options article for more details on Syncker command-line options and console commands.
- The article on SpiderVision Plugin for more details on the setup of multi-monitor Slave configurations.
Syncker API:
- The Manager interface article for more details on managing Syncker via code (C++, C#, UnigineScript).
- The Master interface article for more details on managing Syncker Master via code (C++, C#, UnigineScript).
- The Slave interface article for more details on managing Syncker Slave via code (C++, C#, UnigineScript).
Structure and Principles#
Syncker allows you to render a world across different computers synchronized over LAN. These computers can be of two types:
Master |
Master application is an application running on the main computer. In addition to rendering, it also performs animations and calculations of physics, and controls Slave applications. Notice
The main computer should have the most advanced hardware configuration, as it performs most calculations.
All other applications are synchronized with Master. |
Slave |
Slave applications are all other applications running on computers connected over the network. There can be an unlimited number of Slave applications connected to one Master (as long as the network bandwidth allows). The purpose of such applications is to render all nodes that are seen in their viewports.
Configuration of Slave is set up to fit the configuration of monitors. |
Launching Order#
The order of launching Master and Slave applications does not matter: you can launch several Slave apps, then Master, and then the remaining Slave apps — synchronization will start automatically. Master starts the session as soon as all Slave apps are connected.
In case only Master is present (-sync_count 1) and connection of additional Slave applications on the fly is enabled (-sync_allow_extra_slaves 1), the session starts immediately and lasts forever (until Master is on).
Syncker works in Asynchronous mode providing synchronization between the channels by means of reconstruction using the data of previous frames. In asynchronous mode all computers draw their own frames, each with its own frame rate. So, in this mode we synchronize time.
In case there are a lot of Slave applications used, resulting in significant growth of the network load, it is recommended to try and reduce load by enabling broadcast or multicast addressing modes. If changing the addressing mode does not solve the problem, you are recommended to adjust send rate, interpolation/extrapolation parameters.
UNIGINE Syncker uses Interpolated Snapshots (IS) to tackle with the problem of lost packets between Master and Slave. It works by taking two old, but known positions and interpolating the object between them. It is accomplished by having a buffer of received positions and rotations, along with the time they represent. We usually take our current local time minus some predefined amount — interpolation period (40 ms by default), then go into our buffer, find the two indices that are just before and just after this time and interpolate.
If we don't have a received position and rotation for the time we're looking for, the extrapolation (guessing) is used. It also has a limited time — extrapolation period (200 ms by default). If the extrapolation period is over but there are still no packets received, all objects will freeze.
In most cases, this method provides a very accurate representation of the world to each Slave, as in general only already known positions of remote objects are rendered and in rare cases the system will try to extrapolate (guess) where an object is. This, however, comes at a cost, as we always render 40 ms (interpolation period) behind current time, so that new packets have time to arrive with data.
Two-Way Communication#
Slave is not silent, it can send messages to Master, it can even control Master as well as other Slave applications (e.g., run the profiler on all computers or shutdown all applications) by sending the sync command.
For sending and receiving messages between Master and Slave, Syncker uses a single UDP socket with the following five technologies:
- Reliable — guarantees packet delivery using the so-called acknowledge packets. When Master sends a message, Slave reports that the message is received. In case Slave does not reply in a certain period of time, Master tries to re-send the message.
- Sequenced — guarantees that all packets are received in the right order, finding all duplicates. Each packet has a number and until Slave receives the packet, Master shall not send next ones to it (with greater numbers).
- Merged — small messages are combined into a greater one instead of sending them all one right after the other (send a single 100-bytes packet rather than sending 10 packets 10-bytes each). This makes sending acknowledge packets to the sender simpler and faster.
- Fragmented — a large message exceeding the MTU size (Maximum Transmission Unit), shall be split into several packets having the MTU size. This ensures delivery of all packets protecting Slave from buffer overflow caused by a single large packet.
- Compressed — all messages are compressed using the LZ4 algorithm before sending. This reduced network load, but slightly increases the load on the computer itself.
So, here's how the packets are delivered:
- During the frame up to the Data Sync Point, Master prepares messages for sending and places them to a queue. This "big message" is compressed, split into parts according to the MTU size, wrapped into packets with the following three numbers specified for each of them: sequence number (packet group), fragment number, and total number of fragments in this sequence.
- The packets are sent.
- Upon receiving any of the packets, Slave changes the size of its sliding window in accordance with the number of fragments and adds the received fragment to this window.
- In case of missing/lost packets, Slave adds the corresponding information on the missing part it requests to be sent again to the acknowledge packet dispatched to Master.
Delivery Modes#
Basically, you can use the following delivery modes for sending/receiving messages:
- Reliable — Reliable and sequenced mode, enabled by default. All packets shall be delivered to the recipient in the exact order they were sent.
Unreliable — Pure UDP. Packets may be lost, duplicated, or received in an order that differs from the one they were sent. Packets are not compressed, fragmented, or merged. Everything is sent "as is". This mode is the fastest one as it requires no additional time for processing. You can use this mode for sending timestamped auxiliary data (e.g., for interpolation) having the size close to MTU.
Example: sending 10 times a second positions of 10 aircrafts with the information on the current time, status of flaps, slats, ailerons, landing gears, etc.
Sequenced — Packets may be lost, but never duplicated, they arrive in the exact order they were sent. This mode can be used for sending auxiliary data having the size close to MTU.
Example: sending each frame positions of 10 aircrafts with the information on the status of flaps, slats, ailerons, landing gears, etc.
Multiple systems may use the Syncker's network simultaneously (e.g. IG and a user's App application). For convenience, all messages are sent and received via named channels. If the specified channel does not exist, it shall be created.
Addressing Modes#
The following addressing modes for communication are available:
Depending on your project's requirements, you can choose the one that fits best: ensures the lowest possible load, or provides additional features like easy testing on a single PC or communication between hosts from different subnets using different ports.
Network Load#
Summarizing the information from the table above as related to the network traffic load:
- The Multicast mode generates the minimum network traffic, as compared to other modes, thus creating the least load on the router and wi-fi.
- The Broadcast mode can be more consuming, because the packets are sent to all network PCs, including those that are not Slave (if any). If you don't have any other PCs in your network except for Slave ones, then the traffic amount will be the same as in the Multicast mode.
- The Unicast mode generates amount of network traffic that can be calculated as Multicast * number of Slave PCs.
To further optimize the traffic load, you can increase the time intervals for packets sending:
//On the Master
master->setSendRate(15.0f); // send packets 15 times per second
//Both on the Master and all Slaves
syncker->setInterpolationPeriod(0.1f); // 100 ms delay
In this example, packets will be sent only 15 times per second, thus the lag will make 100 ms.
To avoid visual jittering, the following condition must be fulfilled:
interpolation period > (1 / send rate)
Consequently, reducing the lag (interpolation period) requires increasing the send rate, which will affect the network load:
//On the Master
master->setSendRate(30.0f); // send packets 30 times per second
//Both on the Master and all Slaves
syncker->setInterpolationPeriod(0.05f); // 50 ms delay
Multiple Cameras and Multi-Monitor Slaves#
Syncker allows synchronizing views from multiple cameras. There are two types of cameras:
Main master camera — a single camera that corresponds to the main viewer's position. The screen configuration determines viewports relative to this camera.
Example: a camera in the plane's cockpit, corresponding the pilot's point of view.
Auxiliary camera — an additional camera (static or dynamic) that can be set anywhere in the scene. You can have as many cameras of this type as necessary.
Example: a ground-based surveillance camera or a thermal imaging camera mounted on the plane's wing.
By default, the main master camera is used. You can create auxiliary cameras and specify their viewports to be displayed by selected Slave apps. Such cameras are synchronized automatically.
Syncker offers you an extreme flexibility of viewport configuration. You can use up to 6 monitors on a single Slave, each having it own viewport assigned. For this purpose, you should use the Wall preset of the SpiderVision Plugin.
Screen Configurations#
To configure screens/projections, the SpiderVision plugin should be added to your project for both master and slaves. The order of plugins in the list matters — SpiderVision must be specified before Syncker:
-extern_plugin UnigineSpiderVision,UnigineSyncker
The setup window opens on pressing the F10 button on any PC (master or slave) to configure the rendering of all viewports.
Screen configuration for Syncker has to meet the following requirements:
- Each display in the configuration should correspond to one of the monitors/projectors.
- Position and orientation of each display/projector must be relative to the main master camera. The closer the monitor is to the viewer, the higher is the FOV value.
Two types of configuration can be used:
A multi-monitor setup formed by displays, where each Slave renders its viewport on the corresponding monitor (or several monitors).
NoticeProjection and modelview matrices are automatically calculated on the basis of the viewer's position.The following picture shows the screen configuration for the multi-monitor setup, where each Slave renders its viewport to a single monitor.
Screen Configuration (the left picture) for Multi-Monitor Setup (the right picture) -
A multi-projector setup formed by projectors, where each Slave renders its viewport via the corresponding projector. By default, the projectors display images as seen from the viewer's position.
Projector Configuration (the left picture) for Multi-Projector Setup (the right picture)NoticeProjection and modelview matrices are automatically calculated on the basis of the viewer's position.
Syncker Pipeline#
Basically Syncker has 4 states:
- Wait for connections — waiting until all Slave PCs are connected.
- Starting... — MTU calculation and startup synchronization of all hosts.
- Session Started — the session is started.
- Session Finished — the session is over, all Slave PCs are disconnected.
Let us consider Syncker running using broadcast addressing with Master and a single Slave:
- After being launched, Master opens the port (-sync_port), and starts listening to it. Syncker status is switched to "Wait for connections".
- Slave gets the list of all available network adapters (Wifi, Ethernet), finds a broadcast address for each of them, and periodically sends connection request packets (broadcast mode). The Syncker status is "Wait for connections".
- Master receives the connection request packet, registers Slave and sends a connection response packet (unicast mode), where it indicates the currently loaded world. When all Slave PCs are connected, the Syncker status is switched to "Starting..." and Master sends projection settings to all of them.
- As soon as Slave receives the confirmation from Master the status is switched to "Starting..." and starts loading the world from Master.
- While the Syncker status remains "Starting...", both Master and Slave are trying to find the maximum possible MTU value (currently limited to 1432 bytes).
- Upon completion Slave sends a message to Master that it is ready to continue. After receiving such messages from all Slave PCs (and finding an MTU for each Slave), Master changes the status to "Session Started" notifying all hosts.
- The session has started, everything is ready for work.
Using Syncker#
Simple Synchronized Demonstration#
Suppose, you have prepared a "static" project (meaning that no new objects are created in it and no existing ones are deleted or moved) with some cinematics. This corresponds to the majority of archviz projects or various types of demonstrations.
Suppose, you'd like to demonstrate this project using the Wall system. Syncker should do the job here, but there is nothing in your project about it, not a single line of code! Well, you don't need it, simply use a special system script that launches Syncker! That's all you should do, as the only thing moving during the cinematic sequence is the camera (which is synchronized automatically) with all other objects being static (no need to sync them).
This is the simplest mode, you don't have to know IP addresses or ports neither do you have to write any code. All you need to know is:
- Who shall be Master.
- What is the number of Slave PCs.
Then you simply do the following:
Run the Master application substituting the System Runtime Script with the special one (core/systems/syncker/unigine.cpp) and providing necessary startup command-line options to define it as Master and set the total number of host computers:
Shell commands<your_app> -sync_init 1 -extern_plugin "UnigineSyncker" -sync_master 1 -sync_count 2
-sync_count here sets the total number of computers (Slave PCs + Master). In this simplest case -sync_count 2 — means a single Master and a single Slave.
Run each Slave application using the same system script and indicating that the host is Slave (not Master):
Shell commands<your_app> -sync_init 1 -extern_plugin "UnigineSyncker" -sync_master 0
That's it! Run Master and Slave(s) in any order (it doesn't matter). Slave shall automatically find Master in the network and connect to it.
Basic Workflow#
The basic workflow is as follows:
- Implement Syncker logic for your Master and Slave applications (you can use the same application on both Master and Slave sides).
Prepare your environment.
It is recommended to use a 100 Mb LAN. Otherwise, you may experience network lags (see Troubleshooting section).
All applications you use must have access to all Unigine files and project data. So, you should copy your project to all computers. If some nodes are missing in the world file on a local computer, they will not be rendered.
Run the Master application.
To run a Master application provide necessary startup command-line options, e.g.:
Shell commands<your_app> -extern_plugin UnigineSpiderVision,UnigineSyncker -sync_init 1 -sync_master 1 -computer_name <computer_name> -sync_count <number_of_hosts>
NoticeThe order of launching Master and Slave applications does not matter. -
Run a Slave application.
To run a Slave application provide necessary startup command-line options, e.g.:
Shell commands<your_app> -extern_plugin UnigineSpiderVision,UnigineSyncker -sync_init 1 -sync_master 0 -computer_name <computer_name>
If you want to configure projections and displays, you should use the SpiderVision plugin.
NoticeThe order of plugins in the list matters: SpiderVision must be specified before Syncker. - Set up screen/projection configuration. This step is performed when all Syncker hosts are successfully connected and working.
Debug Window#
Syncker's debug window enables you to monitor the hierarchy of objects at run time. The whole hierarchy means all objects (not only the ones registered in the Editor) including objects in cache, internal structure of node references, etc. When a node is selected, all necessary debug information is displayed. This information is updated each frame.
The Search option allows you to find any node by its name or ID (on Master or Slave), so a faulty node can be found quickly.
To open the debug window, run the syncker_debug console command from Master or Slave as follows:
syncker_debug 1
The debug window can also be opened via the System Menu:
- Open the System Menu by pressing Esc.
Enable the Show debug window option:
The debug window will open:
Slave Cannot Connect to Master#
The console shall look like this:
Slave periodically sends broadcast messages when trying to find Master that responds, but there's no reply. Messages do not reach Master.
- Make sure that the port used by Slave for sending/receiving messages (Slave UDP port) is not blocked by the firewall on Master. Try disabling firewalls on Master and all Slave PCs.
- Make sure that broadcast/multicast messages are not blocked by the router/switch. It is unlikely, but still possible.
Try to explicitly specify Master's IP address via the sync_master_address command, for example:
Source code-sync_master_address
In this case Slave shall skip the phase of searching for Master via broadcast messages and use unicast mode for direct connection.
- Make sure that Master really waits for new connections. Check the sync_count value, is it greater than 1?
Master Cannot Reply to Slave#
In this case the console shall look like this:
Connection requests from Slave were received by Master, the connection was opened and the session was started, but connection response did not reach Slave.
- Make sure that the port used by Slave for sending/receiving messages (Slave UDP port) is not blocked by the firewall. Try disabling firewalls on Master and all Slave PCs.
- Make sure that broadcast/multicast messages are not blocked by the router/switch. It is unlikely, but still possible.
Try using a unicast connection:
Source code-sync_method unicast
Check that the broadcast address found is valid, try setting up a broadcast channel for all hosts:
Source code-sync_broadcast_address
- Try setting another multicast address on the Master and Slave PCs via the sync_multicast_address command.
- Check IP/port of the Slave connected to Master. Is this the right Slave, or maybe there is another instance of Slave looking for Master on the same port? Try changing port number on Master and Slave (e.g., -sync_port 25100) and restart applications.
Network Latency#
If the network latency is too large despite 1Gb bandwidth or higher, it can be caused by a 100 Mb or 10 Mb device connected to a network. Data exchange rate will drop down to the maximum rate supported by such device, slowing down Syncker connection speed.
- Some 100 Mb or 10 Mb devices can have a working network interface when they are turned off.
- It is also possible that when turned off, 1 Gb devices have a network interface working at 100 Mb rate, which slows down connection in the LAN.
Integration with the Microprofile tool enables you to monitor performance, detect bottlenecks, and eliminate them.
Useful Tool#
If you have a source SDK, you can use a simple and useful tool to monitor the network messages exchange speed. It is server.usc found in source/tools/Interpreter/scripts/network/.
Problem Devices#
Testing and operation revealed that the Syncker plugin may have issues when used with the following equipment:
- 3COM OfficeConnect Switch 5
- D-Link DES-1005D
If any issues arise, try switching to other equipment.
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.