The material texture is an image that maps to object's surfaces to provide color details and more.
The syntax is the following:
TextureDimension name = "directory/name.format" <attributes>
Texture <source="gbuffer_normal" unit=0>
Texture gbuffer_normal <source="gbuffer_normal" unit=0>
Types of Textures#
- Texture (or Texture2D) — a two-dimensional (2D) texture image where each element is a float
- TextureRamp — 2D curves in a form of a ramp texture
- Texture2DArray — a homogeneous array of 2D textures where each texture has the same data format, filtering type, and dimensions (including mipmap levels)
- Texture2DUint — a two-dimensional texture image where each element is an unsigned int
- Texture2DInt — a two-dimensional texture image where each element is an int
- Texture3D — is a volume texture that contains 3D texels
- TextureCube — an array of 2D textures with 6 elements for each face of the cube
- TextureCubeArray — an array of TextureCube
Usage Examples#
Texture diffuse = "core/textures/common/white.texture" <unit=0 auto_init=true>
float4 texture_color = TEXTURE(tex_diffuse, IN_UV);
If auto_init is set to true, the texture will be declared automatically in the shader the following way:
INIT_TEXTURE(0, tex_diffuse)
The texture can now be accessed in the shader via the tex_diffuse name. You don’t need to initialize it separately.
The engine has some default textures. You can use shortcuts to reference them (instead of specifying the full path).
Shortcut | Full directory path |
white | core/textures/common/white.texture |
black | core/textures/common/black.texture |
noise | core/textures/common/noise.texture |
normal | core/textures/common/normal.texture |
red | core/textures/common/red.texture |
grain | core/textures/common/grain.texture |
cube_white | core/textures/common/environment_white.texture |
environment_default | core/textures/common/environment_default.texture |
The texture slot to be used by this texture.
Available values:
0..63. Only the first 16 slots can use textures with filters. If the unit argument is not specified, then the slot is assigned automatically according on the number of textures defined before:
ULONTexture2D // unit = 0 assigned by default Texture2D <unit=5> // unit = 5 assigned by user Texture3D // unit = 2 assigned by default, because it is the third defined texture in the material
Determines whether the texture should be automatically declared to the shader.
Available values:
- false — not auto initialized, requires manual initialization
- true — auto initialized (by default)
Texture name in the shader. If specified the provided texture name is used, otherwise default naming logic is used.
The type of the filter for the texture sampler.
Available values:
- point — point texture filtering (by default)
- linear — linear texture filtering
- bilinear — bilinear texture filtering
Defines the type of the source this texture comes from.
Available values:
- asset — a standard image texture that is loaded from a disk (by default).
- custom — a custom type of texture that can be created via API methods.
- procedural — a texture of unknown format that is set manually.
- gbuffer_albedo — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store albedo values.
- gbuffer_shading — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store shading data.
- gbuffer_normal — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store normal values.
- gbuffer_velocity — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store velocity values.
- gbuffer_features — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store specific feature values.
- auxiliary — an auxiliary texture that is used for different post effects (an auxiliary pass).
- refraction — a texture that stores refraction data.
- refraction_mask — a texture storing the refraction mask.
- transparent_blur — a 1-channel R16F mask that stores intensity of blurring for transparent materials. The mask specifies where to blur the material.
- lights — a 2D array texture of the RG11B10F format that stores diffuse light in the first layer (RGB) and specular light in the second layer (RGB).
- gbuffer_material_mask — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store material mask data.
- gbuffer_lightmap — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store lightmap values.
- gbuffer_geodetic_flat_position — a texture that uses the G-buffer to store flat plane coordinates.
- bent_normal — an RG11B10F texture that stores bent normals (RGB) used for smooth ambient lighting.
- ssao — a texture that stores SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion) data.
- ssgi — a texture that stores SSGI (Screen Space Global Illumination) data.
- ssr — a texture that stores SSR (Screen Space Reflections) data.
- curvature — a texture that is used for the Screen-Space dirt effect (SSDirt).
- dof_mask — a texture that stores a DoF (Depth of Field) mask.
- auto_exposure — an RG16F texture that stores intensity of the exposure (R) and luminance (G).
- screen_color — a texture that stores screen color data and can be used for post effects.
- screen_color_old — a texture that stores Color Old (previous frame) data.
- screen_color_old_reprojection — a texture that stores Color Old (previous frame) reprojection data.
- normal_unpack — a texture that stores unpacked normals. Available for the following post-effects: SSR, SSGI, SSRTGI, Shadows screen space.
- current_depth — a texture that stores current depth data for all geometry on the scene.
- opacity_depth — a texture that stores opacity depth data for opacity geometry and can be used for soft particles and volumetrics.
- linear_depth — a texture that stores linear depth data.
- opacity_screen — a texture that stores the deferred composite and emission data.
- light_image — a texture storing the light values provided by projected light sources.
- light_shadow_depth — a texture storing depth values (used to render shadows).
- light_shadow_color — a texture used to render translucent shadows: G-channel stores depth values, R-channel - transparency values.
- transparent_environment_probes — a texture that stores environment probes rendered on transparent objects. Available only when the Multiple environment probes option is enabled.
- reflection_2d — a texture storing reflection values (used to render 2D reflections).
- reflection_cube — a texture storing reflection values (used to render cube-mapped reflections).
- scattering_sky_lut — a texture that stores sky scattering LUT data.
- wbuffer_constant_id — a constant texture, R32U. A texture of this type stores the ID value of the water mesh which is used to load the corresponding textures and parameters for it.
- wbuffer_diffuse — a diffuse texture. The diffuse color of the water is black, and diffuse texture is necessary for decals that will be displayed over the water surface.
- wbuffer_normal — a normal texture stores normal data for lighting, alpha channel stores mesh transparency values (can be used for soft intersections with water geometry).
- wbuffer_water — a water texture, RG8. It is used to create the procedural foam mask. The mask shows where the foam will be depicted
- wbuffer_ss_environment — an RGBA16 underwater fog texture that stores water bottom coloring values (RGB) and fog transparency (A).
- wbuffer_wu_mask — an underwater mask texture, RGB8. The underwater mask is used only for Global Water, since water mesh doesn't have an underwater mode
- wbuffer_planar_reflection — a water gbuffer texture for the planar reflection.
- clouds_static_coverage — a texture that stores clouds static coverage data.
- clouds_dynamic_coverage — a texture that stores clouds dynamic coverage data.
- clouds_screen — an RGBA16F texture into which clouds are rendered.
- terrain_global_depth — a texture that stores depth data for terrain global.
- terrain_global_flat_position — a texture that stores the flat position for terrain global.
- field_height_array — a heightmap texture that is used to create an additional height displacement for the water surface.
- field_shoreline_array — a field shoreline texture.
- decal_depth — a texture that stores depth data for decals.
- decal_albedo — a texture that stores albedo color data for decals.
- decal_normal — a texture that stores normal data for decals.
- decal_shading — a texture that stores shading data for decals.
curve — 2d curves stored in a form of a texture.
For this type of textures one or more two-dimensional curves (Curve2d) with some keys (CurveKey) must be specified.
Usage Example:
ULONTextureCurve emission_color if[emission_color_type == 1] <unit=8> { Curve2d red <repeat_mode_end=clamp repeat_mode_start=clamp> { CurveKey key <point=[0.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> CurveKey key <point=[1.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> } Curve2d green <repeat_mode_end=clamp repeat_mode_start=clamp> { CurveKey key <point=[0.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> CurveKey key <point=[1.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> } Curve2d blue <repeat_mode_end=clamp repeat_mode_start=clamp> { CurveKey key <point=[0.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> CurveKey key <point=[1.0 1.0] left_tangent=[0 0] right_tangent=[0 0]> } }
The syntax of Curve2d:
ULONCurve2d name <arguments>
- repeat_mode_end (string) — the mode for the beginning of the curve to be used for repeating the sequence defined by the key points of the curve (tiling curves).
repeat_mode_start (string) — the mode for the end of the curve to be used for repeating the sequence defined by the key points of the curve (tiling curves).
Available values:
- clamp — the value of the start or the end key is retained. Use this option if you don't want any changes before or after the effect created by the curve (by default).
- loop — the curve is tiled. The created effect is repeated cyclically. If the values of the first and the last key are different, the transition between the curves will be abrupt.
- ping_pong — every next curve section is a reflection of the previous curve section. The created effect is repeated in the forward-and-backward manner.
The syntaxis of CurveKey:
ULONCurveKey name <arguments>
- point (float) — a new key point with the specified coordinates.
- left_tangent (float) — coordinates for the left tangent at the specified key point of the curve.
- right_tangent (float) — coordinates for the right tangent at the specified key point of the curve.
Enables the anisotropic filtering (works alongside with other types of texture filtering). By default 2x anisotropy is used.
Available values:
- false — disable
- true — enable (by default)
The type of shader to which this texture will be passed.
Available values:
- all — pass the texture to all shaders (by default)
- fragment — pass the texture to the fragment (pixel) shader only
Enables the texture passing and binding to shaders.
Available values:
- false — disable
- true — enable
Enables the mode when texture values are not saved for the inherited materials. Also, hides the texture in the Editor.
Available values:
- false — disable mode (by default)
- true — enable mode
A flag indicating if texture can be changed in the Parameters window or via API.
Available values:
- false — unchangeable
- true — changeable (by default)
Hides the texture in the Editor. The default value is the same as the value of internal argument.
Available values:
- false — show the texture
- true — hide the texture
Disables the asynchronous streaming and loads the texture immediately as soon as it is required (rendering sequence stops until the texture is loaded).
Available values:
- false — use the standard asynchronous streaming (by default)
- true — disable the asynchronous streaming and load the texture immediately
Array of Strings
The set of passes to which the texture is passed. By default the texture is passed to all passes.
Available values:
- custom_pass_name — name of a custom rendering pass (up to 32 custom passes are supported)
- wireframe — the wireframe pass
- visualizer_solid — the visualizer solid pass
- deferred — the deferred pass
- auxiliary — the auxiliary pass
- emission — the emission pass
- refraction — the refraction pass
- reflection — the reflection pass
- transparent_blur — the transparent blur pass
- ambient — the ambient pass
- light_voxel_probe — the Voxel Probe light pass
- light_environment_probe — the Environment Probe pass
- light_omni — the omni-directional light pass
- light_proj — the projected light pass
- light_world — the world light pass
- depth_pre_pass — the native depth pre-pass
- ms_depth - the SRAA pass
- shadow — the shadows pass
- post — the post-process pass
- procedural_decals - the procedural decal pass
- procedural_fields - the procedural field pass
- light_all — the Environment Probe, Omni Light, Proj Light, World Light passes
- forward — the Environment Probe, Omni Light, Proj Light, World Light and ambient passes
- transparent — the forward, refraction, transparent blur passes
- object — deferred, auxiliary, emission, refraction, reflection, transparent blur, ambient, Voxel Probe, Environment Probe, Omni Light, Proj Light, World Light, shadow and native depth passes
To make one or more passes use this state, write passes in square brackets and separate them with spaces. For example:
State wireframe_antialiasing <pass=[wireframe post custom_pass_name]>
The type of texture wrapping when the coordinate in the specified dimension [U V W] is out of the limits range [0..1].
Available values:
- clamp - clamps the coordinates [U V W] between 0 and 1 (the values higher than 1 are clamped to the edge resulting in a stretched edge pattern)
- clamp_x - clamps the U coordinate between 0 and 1 (the value higher than 1 are clamped to the edge resulting in a stretched edge pattern)
- сlamp_y - clamps the W coordinate between 0 and 1 (the value higher than 1 are clamped to the edge resulting in a stretched edge pattern)
- clamp_z - clamps the V coordinate between 0 and 1 (the value higher than 1 are clamped to the edge resulting in a stretched edge pattern)
- border - returns the white color for UVW coordinates outside the [0..1] range
- border_x - returns the color for the U coordinate outside the [0..1] range (color by default - black)
- border_y - returns the color for the V coordinate outside the [0..1] range (color by default - black)
- border_z - returns the color for the W coordinate outside the [0..1] range (color by default - black)
- border_one - if specified, the return color is set to white for the border_x, border_y, and border_z modes
- repeat - repeats the texture image when coordinates are outside of the range [0..1] (by default)
Usage Example:
wrap = [clamp_x border_y clamp_z]
Specifies the texture title to be displayed in the Editor.
Specifies the tooltip for the texture to be displayed in the Editor.
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.