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This section contains rendering settings of DLSS and FSR upscalers.

Upscalers Section
Upscaling Mode The Upscaling mode. Defines a technology to be used to render high-resolution images based on the lower resolution source, which may help preserve image quality while getting more fps. One of the following values:
  • Disabled for no upscaling. 1.0x per dimension, the final image has 100% rendered resolution.
  • FSR for Fidelity FX Super Resolution by AMD.
  • DLSS for Deep Learning Super Sampling by NVIDIA. (by default)

Console access: render_upscale_mode (API control)

Depending on the specifed Upscaling Mode, the set of the settings differs.

DLSS Settings#

All default DLSS settings provided are recommended by NVIDIA.
DLSS Mode The DLSS quality:
  • Ultra Performance provides frames per second at the cost of internal resolution and output visuals. It may result in soft, blurry graphics because of the large gap between internal render and the output resolution.
  • Max Performance (default) prioritizes frame rate over resolution. It is recommended for users with 1440p/2K monitors, providing better performance with minimal effort.
  • Balanced balances render and output resolution trying to provide the best possible frame rate or the frame rate you request in the app settings.
  • Max Quality prioritizes visual quality over frame rate. It renders the image internally at the closest resolution possible to the target resolution.
  • DLAA (Deep learning anti-aliasing) is an AI-powered tool to eliminate jagged edges in video apps, maintaining native resolutionunlike DLSS. It improves image quality with less performance cost than traditional methods.
Option #2 is selected by default (see above).
Console access: render_upscale_dlss_mode (API control)
DLSS Preset The DLSS preset.
  • A should be used for the Max Performance/Balanced/Max Quality modes.
  • B should be used for the Ultra Performance mode. Similar to the preset A but for the Ultra Performance mode.
  • C (most preferred) should be used for the Max Performance/Balanced/Max Quality modes.It generally favors current frame information; well suited for fast-paced app content.
  • D (2nd preferrable) should be used by default for the Max Performance/Balanced/Max Quality modes. It generally favors image stability.
  • E is unused.
  • F should be used by default for the Ultra Performance and DLAA modes.
Option #1 is selected by default (see above).
Console access: render_upscale_dlss_preset (API control)
Upscale After Post Effects The value indicating if upscaling is performed after rendering all post-effects. When disabled, upscaling is performed before applying post-effects. disabled by default.
Console access: render_upscale_post (API control)

FSR Settings#

All default FSR2 settings provided are recommended by AMD.
Mode The quality mode of FSR (FidelityFX Super Resolution upsampling technique).
  • Ultra Performance that provides highest performance gain while still maintaining an image quality representative of native rendering. 3.0x per dimension.
  • Performance that provides an image quality similar to native rendering with a major performance gain. 2.0x per dimension.
  • Balanced that offers an ideal compromise between image quality and performance gains. 1.7x per dimension.
  • Quality that provides an image quality equal or superior to native rendering with a significant performance gain. 1.5x per dimension.
Option #1 is selected by default (see above).
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_mode (API control)
Upscale Sharpness The sharpness value, where 0 is no additional sharpness and 1 is maximum additional sharpness.
Range of values: [0.0f, 1.0f]. The default value is : 0.5f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_sharpness (API control)
Pre Exposure The pre-exposure value by which we divide the input signal to get back to the original signal produced by the game before any packing into lower precision render targets.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is : 1.0f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_pre_exposure (API control)
Auto Reactive Scale The scaling factor for the reactive mask. In the context of FSR, the term 'reactivity' means how much influence the samples rendered for the current frame have over the production of the final upscaled image. Typically, samples rendered for the current frame contribute a relatively modest amount to the result computed by FSR; however, there are exceptions. To produce the best results for fast moving, alpha-blended objects, FSR requires the Reproject & accumulate stage to become more reactive for such pixels. As there is no good way to determine from either color, depth or motion vectors which pixels have been rendered using alpha blending, FSR performs best when applications explicitly mark such areas.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is : 5.0f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_auto_reactive_scale (API control)
Auto TC Scale The scaling factor for the transparency and composition mask. In addition to the Reactive mask, FSR provides for the application to denote areas of other specialist rendering which should be accounted for during the upscaling process. Examples of such special rendering include areas of raytraced reflections or animated textures. While the Reactive mask adjusts the accumulation balance, the Transparency & composition mask adjusts the pixel history protection mechanisms. The mask also removes the effect of the luminance instability factor. A pixel with a value of 0 in the Transparency & composition mask does not perform any additional modification to the lock for that pixel. Conversely, a value of 1 denotes that the lock for that pixel should be completely removed.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is : 1.0f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_auto_tc_scale (API control)
Auto TC Threshold The cutoff value for the transparency and composition mask.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is : 0.05f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_auto_tc_threshold (API control)
AutoReactiveMax The value to clamp the reactive mask.
Range of values: [0.0f, inf]. The default value is : 0.9f.
Console access: render_upscale_fsr_auto_reactive_max (API control)
Upscale After Post Effects The value indicating if upscaling is performed after rendering all post-effects. When disabled, upscaling is performed before applying post-effects. disabled by default.
Console access: render_upscale_post (API control)
You can use the referenced commands to perform the same operations via the console.
Last update: 2024-08-16
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