Displacement Sample
This material graph sample demonstrates how to implement displacement mapping in your materials.
The Sample Texture node samples data from the tangent-space normal map taken from the normal Texture 2D node (enabling you to select a texture asset via the Parameters panel in UnigineEditor) in accordance with the default UV, normal vector components are passed to the Material node.
Albedo data for the material is specified directly via a Float node (casting to float3 is performed automatically).
Data of a single-channel heightmap taken from the Texture 2D node and sampled by the Sample Texture node is passed via the x port adapter to the Add node which applies the displacement offset according the Offset Slider parameter node (enabling you to adjust a float value via the Parameters panel in UnigineEditor). The output is then multiplied (the Multiply node) by the displacement height value provided by the second Slider node and passed to the Tessellation Vertex Offset Tangent Space port of the material node via the 0,0,x port adapter (meaning that the value shall control displacement along the Z axis only, keeping X and Y as they are).
Tessellation Factor for the material is specified using a Slider parameter node enabling you to adjust the value in the Parameters panel.
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.