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Unigine::Plugins::Syncker::Syncker Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/Syncker/UnigineSyncker.h>

This class represents the base interface of the Syncker, from which Master and Slave interfaces are inherited. It contains all common functions available for both Slave and Master.

Syncker plugin must be loaded.

Syncker Class



Delivery mode to be used by the Syncker.
UNRELIABLE = 0Unreliable delivery mode. Pure UDP. Packets may be lost, duplicated, or received in an order that differs from the one they were sent. Packets are not compressed, fragmented, or merged.
SEQUENCED = 1Sequenced delivery mode. Packets may be lost, but never duplicated, they arrive in the exact order they were sent.
RELIABLE = 2Reliable delivery mode. Reliable and sequenced mode, enabled by default. All packets shall be delivered to the recipient in the exact order they were sent.


Addressing mode to be used by the Syncker.
BROADCAST = 0Broadcast addressing mode (one-to-all): hosts have different IP-addresses, but a single port.
UNICAST = 1Unicast addressing mode (one-to-one): hosts have different IP-addresses (some may be the same) and different ports.
MULTICAST = 2Multicast addressing mode (one-to-many): hosts have different IP-addresses, but a single port.


Buffer swap synchronization mode.
DEFAULT = 0Default buffer swap synchronization.
NVIDIA = NVIDIA buffer swap synchronization. Detailed information on current sync status is displayed in the console.
This mode is available only for NVIDIA Quadro GPUs with G-SYNC support.


void setInterpolation ( bool interpolation ) #

Console: syncker_interpolation
Sets a value indicating if interpolation and extrapolation should be enabled for the computer to tackle the problem of lost packets between the master and slaves.


bool isInterpolation ( ) const#

Console: syncker_interpolation
Returns a value indicating if interpolation and extrapolation are enabled for the computer to tackle the problem of lost packets between the master and slaves.

Return value

true if interpolation and extrapolation are enabled for the computer; otherwise, false.

bool isInterpolation ( const Ptr<Node> & node ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the given node is interpolated by the Syncker.


  • const Ptr<Node> & node - Node to be checked.

Return value

true if the given node is interpolated by the Syncker; otherwise, false.

void setInterpolationPeriod ( double period ) #

Console: syncker_interpolation_period

Sets the interpolation period value for the computer. It is recommended to use this method when setting the frequency of sending packets to Slaves.

Source code (C++)
//On the Master
master->setSendRate(15.0f); // send packets 15 times per second

//Both on the Master and all Slaves
syncker->setInterpolationPeriod(0.1f); // 100 ms delay


  • double period - Interpolation period value, in seconds. The default value is 0.04.
    The value should not be less than 1 / getSendRate(), otherwise the image shall be "stuttering".

double getInterpolationPeriod ( ) const#

Console: syncker_interpolation_period
Returns the current interpolation period value for the computer.

Return value

Interpolation period value, in seconds. The default value is 0.04.

void setExtrapolationPeriod ( double period ) #

Console: syncker_extrapolation_period
Sets the extrapolation period value for the computer.


  • double period - Extrapolation period value, in seconds. The default value is 0.0.

double getExtrapolationPeriod ( ) const#

Console: syncker_extrapolation_period
Returns the current extrapolation period value for the computer.

Return value

Extrapolation period value, in seconds. The default value is 0.0.

void setComputerName ( double period ) #

Sets the name of the computer to be used when assigning a viewport to be displayed (see SpiderVision plugin). This name can be set at the application startup via the computer_name command-line argument. If not specified the name is obtained from the SpiderVision plugin, or if the latter is unavailable the name will be taken from the Operating System settings.


  • double period - Computer name.

double getComputerName ( ) const#

Returns the current extrapolation period value for the computer.

Return value

Extrapolation period value, in seconds. The default value is 0.0.

void setDebug ( bool enabled, int x, int y, int align_mask ) #

Console: syncker_debug
Enables or disables displaying of debug information at the specified position on the screen.


  • bool enabled - true to display the debug information; false - to hide it.
  • int x - Horizontal margin of the debug information block. The default value is 10.
  • int y - Vertical margin of the debug information block. The default value is 10.
  • int align_mask - Alignment mask. One of the Gui::ALIGN_* variables or their combination. The default value is Gui::ALIGN_RIGHT | Gui::ALIGN_BOTTOM.

bool isDebug ( ) #

Console: syncker_debug
Returns a value indicating if the debug information is to be displayed.

Return value

true if the debug information is to be displayed; otherwise, false.

Syncker::ADDRESSING_METHOD getAddressingMethod ( ) const#

Returns the packet addressing method currently used by the Syncker for communication.

Return value

Packets addressing mode currently used by the Syncker.

void setDisconnectTimeout ( float timeout ) #

Sets the timeout period after which a Slave shall be considered as disconnected.


  • float timeout - Duration of the timeout period, in seconds.

float getDisconnectTimeout ( ) const#

Returns the current timeout period after which a Slave is considered as disconnected.

Return value

Duration of the timeout period, in seconds.

bool sendMessage ( const char * channel, const Ptr<Blob> & message, Syncker::DELIVERY_METHOD delivery_method = DELIVERY_METHOD.RELIABLE ) #

Sends a user message contained in the specified buffer using the given delivery method to the specified named channel via the UDP protocol.


  • const char * channel - Channel name. Multiple systems may use Syncker's network simultaneously (e.g. IG and user's application). For convenience, all messages are sent and received via named channels.
  • const Ptr<Blob> & message - Buffer, containing the user message.
  • Syncker::DELIVERY_METHOD delivery_method -

Return value

true if the message was sent successfully; otherwise, false.

void setMessageReceivedCallback ( const char * channel, Unigine::CallbackBase * func ) #

Sets a callback function to be fired when a UDP user message is sent. A callback is executed in the Main Thread, but it is undefined when exactly — either in update(), or postUpdate(), or swap(). To unsubscribe from this callback, set the callback pointer to nullptr.


  • const char * channel - Channel name. Multiple systems may use Syncker's network simultaneously (e.g. IG and user's application). For convenience, all messages are sent and received via named channels. If the specified channel does not exist, it shall be created.
  • Unigine::CallbackBase * func - Callback pointer. To clear the callback, set this argument to nullptr.

void removeMessageReceivedCallback ( const char * channel ) #

Removes a callback function to be fired when a UDP user message is received.


  • const char * channel - Channel name. Multiple systems may use Syncker's network simultaneously (e.g. IG and user's application). For convenience, all messages are sent and received via named channels. If the specified channel does not exist, it shall be created.

Syncker::SWAP_SYNC_MODE getSwapSyncMode ( ) const#

Returns the buffer swap synchronization mode currently used by the Syncker.

Return value

Current swap synchronization mode used by the Syncker. One of the following:
  • DEFAULT - default syncronization mode.
  • NVIDIA - NVIDIA buffer swap synchronization. Detailed information on current sync status is displayed in the console (available only for NVIDIA Quadro GPUs with G-SYNC support).

double getTime ( ) const#

Returns the current Master frame time (even if called from a Slave computer), it is the time of the last buffer swap operation (i.e., beginning of the next frame). This method is more accurate than the same method of the Game class and returns a double-precision value.

Return value

Current Master frame time, in seconds.

double getIFps ( ) const#

Returns the duration of the last frame. This method is more accurate than the same method of the Game class and returns a double-precision value.

Return value

Duration of the previous frame, in seconds.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 2024-12-13
Build: ()