Mesh Unlit
Implements the basic render functionality for an unlit mesh. Doesn’t cast or receive shadows, that’s why it can be the base for a custom lighting implementation (e.g., raymarching). Can be used for the following objects (inherited from parent abstract material — Mesh):
- ObjectMeshStatic
- ObjectMeshDynamic
- ObjectMeshSkinned
- ObjectMeshCluster
- ObjectMeshClutter
- ObjectMeshSplineCluster
You can find the source code for this abstract material here: <SDK>/data/core/materials/abstract/mesh/mesh_unlit.abstmat
See Also
The Mesh Unlit abstract material has features implemented as internal states that can be enabled on demand in the child material:
Mesh Unlit contains the same states as parent abstract Mesh material but adds new or modified values of some of the existing ones.
Name | Default | Description |
static_shadow | true | Overrides Unigine::Mesh’s state value. |
gbuffer | false | Enables writing of deferred buffers for the material. |
transparent_blur | false | Enables rendering of transparent blur effect. |
refraction | false | Enables rendering of post-processing refraction. |
Input data and functions are the same as for Mesh abstract material. The Unlit material implements its “unlit” functionality by using the emission buffer as an output for the resulting color and skipping deferred pipeline.
Output Data#
Name | Type | Description |
OUT_FRAG_COLOR | float4 | Final fragment color as emission |
Usage Example#
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh_unlit>
Texture2D albedo = "core/textures/common/"
Color albedo = [1 1 1 1]
// optimization
State static_shadow = true
State vertex_velocity = false
Shader vertex_struct =
Shader common =
float4 sample_color(float2 uv)
return TEXTURE(tex_albedo, uv) * var_albedo;
Shader fragment =
float4 color = srgbInv(sample_color(DATA_UV.xy));
OUT_FRAG_EMISSION = color.rgb;
The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.