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Xml Class

Interface for xml manipulation.

To use this class, include the UnigineXml.h file.

Xml Class


Xml ()

Default constructor that creates an empty instance.

Xml (const char * name, const char * args = 0)

Creates an Xml tree with a given node as a root.


  • const char * name - Name of the node that will be a root.
  • const char * args - Optional arguments to the root node. If provided, they should be in this form:

    arg1=\"value1\" arg2=\"value2\" …

    If values do not contain spaces, escaped quotes can be omitted.

Xml (const Ptr<Xml> & xml)


  • const Ptr<Xml> & xml

int setBoolArg (const char * name, int value)

Sets a boolean as xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.
  • int value - The xml argument value.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

int setArg (const char * name, const char * value)

Sets an xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.
  • const char * value - The xml argument value.

Return value

Returns 1 if the argument is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

String decode (const char * arg1)

Decodes special xml characters (less-than, greater-than, ampersand, double-quote and apostrophe) and numeric character references.


  • const char * arg1 - Data to decode.

Return value

Decoded string.

void clearChildren ()

Clears all children of the current xml node.

int getIntArg (const char * name)

Gets an integer xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.

Return value

The result.

int getDoubleArrayData (out double[] dest)


  • out double[] dest

Return value

Math::dmat4 getDMat4Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given dmat4 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

int setDoubleArrayData (double[] src)


  • double[] src

Return value

String getSubTree (const char * path = 0)

Converts an xml tree into the string.


  • const char * path - Path to xml sub-tree.

Return value

The result.

int getIntData ()

Gets an integer xml data.

Return value

The result.

int getIntArrayData (out int[] dest)

Gets an array of integers from xml data.


  • out int[] dest

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

int setIntArrayData (int[] src, int radix = 10)

Sets an array of integers as xml data in a given number notation. By default, the decimal number notation is used.


  • int[] src
  • int radix

Return value

1 if the array is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

void setArgName (int num, const char * name)

Sets the xml argument name.


  • int num - The argument number.
  • const char * name - The argument name.

int isArg (const char * name)

Checks if the xml has specified argument.


  • const char * name - Name of xml argument.

Return value

The result.

int getStringArrayData (Vector< String > & dest)


  • Vector< String > & dest

Return value

int getNumArgs ()

Returns the number of xml arguments.

Return value

The result.

float getFloatData ()

Returns a float interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

int setIVec3Arg (const char * name, const Math::ivec3 & value)

Sets a value of a given ivec3 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::ivec3 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

int setStringArrayData (const Vector< String > & src)


  • const Vector< String > & src

Return value

int setDoubleArrayArg (const char * name, double[] src)


  • const char * name
  • double[] src

Return value

const char * getArg (const char * name)

Gets an xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.

Return value

Value of the argument, if it is found; otherwise, NULL.

Math::dvec4 getDVec4Data ()

Returns a dvec4 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

Ptr<Xml> removeChild (const Ptr<Xml> & xml)

Removes an xml sub-tree.


  • const Ptr<Xml> & xml - Xml sub-tree smart pointer.

Return value

Removed xml sub-tree.

int getBoolArg (const char * name, int value)

Gets a boolean xml argument.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.
  • int value - Default value of the argument.

Return value

The result.

float getFloatArg (const char * name, float value)

Returns a value of a given float argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.
  • float value - Default value of the argument.

Return value

Argument value.

Math::dmat4 getDMat4Data ()

Returns a dmat4 matrix interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

double getDoubleData ()

Returns a double interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

String symbols (const char * arg1)

Replaces ampersand characters with character entity references.


  • const char * arg1 - to encode.

Return value

String which contains replaced ampersand characters with character entity references.

int setFloatArrayData (float[] src)


  • float[] src

Return value

int getFloatArrayData (out float[] dest)


  • out float[] dest

Return value

void clearUnusedData ()

Clears the unused nodes and arguments.

double getDoubleArg (const char * name, double value)

Returns a value of a given double argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.
  • double value - Default value of the argument.

Return value

Argument value.

void setVec4Data (const Math::vec4 & data)

Sets a vec4 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::vec4 & data - Content to set.

void setIVec4Data (const Math::ivec4 & data)

Sets a ivec4 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::ivec4 & data - Content to set.

Math::vec4 getVec4Data ()

Returns a vec4 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

int getDoubleArrayArg (const char * name, out double[] dest)


  • const char * name
  • out double[] dest

Return value

int setRawData (const char * data)

Sets a xml raw data.


  • const char * data - The xml raw data.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

int getStringArrayArg (const char * name, Vector< String > & dest)


  • const char * name
  • Vector< String > & dest

Return value

int setFloatArrayArg (const char * name, float[] src)


  • const char * name
  • float[] src

Return value

void setDMat4Data (const Math::dmat4 & data)

Sets a dmat4 matrix content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::dmat4 & data - Content to set.

Math::vec4 getVec4Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given vec4 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

Math::dvec4 getDVec4Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given dvec4 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

void setData (const char * data)

Sets a xml data.


  • const char * data - The xml data.

void setBoolData (int data)

Sets a boolean as xml data.


  • int data - The xml argument value.

int findArg (const char * name)

Finds a xml argument by its name.


  • const char * name - Xml argument name.

Return value

Xml argument number.

int setMat4Arg (const char * name, const Math::mat4 & value)

Sets a value of a given mat4 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::mat4 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

Math::quat getQuatData ()

Returns a quaternion interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

int setIVec4Arg (const char * name, const Math::ivec4 & value)

Sets a value of a given ivec4 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::ivec4 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

void setDoubleData (double data)

Sets a double content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • double data - Content to set.

Math::ivec3 getIVec3Data ()

Returns a ivec3 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

const char * getName ()

Returns the xml node name.

Return value

The result.

Math::mat4 getMat4Data ()

Returns a mat4 matrix interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

void setArgValue (int num, const char * value)

Sets the xml argument value.


  • int num - The argument number.
  • const char * value - The argument value.

Math::ivec4 getIVec4Data ()

Returns a ivec4 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

void setFloatData (float data)

Sets a float content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • float data - Content to set.

const char * getArgValue (int num)

Returns the xml argument value.


  • int num - The argument number.

Return value

The result.

void printUnusedData (const char * name)

Prints the unused nodes and arguments.


  • const char * name - Name of the xml file.

Ptr<Xml> getChild (const char * name)

Returns the child of the xml tree.


  • const char * name - The child number.

Return value

The result.

int getIntArrayArg (const char * name, out int[] dest)

Gets an array of integers from xml argument.


  • const char * name
  • out int[] dest

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

int setStringArrayArg (const char * name, const Vector< String > & src)


  • const char * name
  • const Vector< String > & src

Return value

void setMat4Data (const Math::mat4 & data)

Sets a mat4 matrix content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::mat4 & data - Content to set.

void setQuatData (const Math::quat & data)

Sets a quaternion content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::quat & data - Content to set.

const char * getChildData (const char * name)

Allows to get the data from the xml child node.


  • const char * name - Name of the child node.

Return value

The value of the child node.

Ptr<Xml> addChild (const Ptr<Xml> & xml)

Appends a new xml child.


  • const Ptr<Xml> & xml - Xml sub-tree smart pointer.

Return value

Created xml node.

int getBoolArg (const char * name)

Gets a boolean xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.

Return value

The result.

int getBoolData ()

Gets a boolean xml data.

Return value

The result.

Math::dvec3 getDVec3Data ()

Returns a dvec3 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

String getFormattedSubTree (const char * path = 0)

Converts an xml tree into the formatted string.


  • const char * path - Path to xml sub-tree.

Return value

The result.

int setFloatArg (const char * name, float value)

Sets a value of a given float argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • float value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

int parse (const char * src)

Parses string and creates the xml tree.


  • const char * src - String pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

Math::quat getQuatArg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given quat argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

int removeArg (const char * name)

Deletes an xml argument.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.

Return value

1 if the argument is deleted successfully; otherwise, 0.

Math::ivec3 getIVec3Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given ivec3 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

int setIntArrayArg (const char * name, int[] src, int radix = 10)

Sets an array of integers as xml argument in a given number notation. By default, the decimal number notation is used.


  • const char * name
  • int[] src
  • int radix

Return value

1 if the array is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

int findChild (const char * name)

Returns the number of the Xml node child by its name.


  • const char * name - Name of the Xml node child.

Return value

The number of the Xml node child if it is exists; otherwise, -1.

int setQuatArg (const char * name, const Math::quat & value)

Sets a value of a given quat argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::quat & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

void setDVec4Data (const Math::dvec4 & data)

Sets a dvec4 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::dvec4 & data - Content to set.

const char * getData ()

Gets a xml data.

Return value

The result.

Math::vec3 getVec3Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given vec3 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

int setIntArg (const char * name, int value, int radix = 10)

Sets an integer as xml argument in a given number notation. By default, the decimal number notation is used.


  • const char * name - The xml argument name.
  • int value - The xml argument value.
  • int radix - Radix to use when setting a value.

Return value

1 if the value is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

int setIntData (int value, int radix = 10)

Sets an integer as xml data in a given number notation. By default, the decimal number notation is used.


  • int value - The xml argument value.
  • int radix - Radix to use when setting a value.

Return value

1 if the value is set successfully; otherwise, 0.

int load (const char * name)

Loads the xml tree from the specified file.


  • const char * name - File name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

Ptr<Xml> addChild (const char * name, const char * args = 0)

Appends a new xml child.


  • const char * name - Name of the xml node.
  • const char * args - Arguments of the xml node.

Return value

Created xml node.

int getFloatArrayArg (const char * name, out float[] dest)


  • const char * name
  • out float[] dest

Return value

int setVec4Arg (const char * name, const Math::vec4 & value)

Sets a value of a given vec4 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::vec4 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

Ptr<Xml> find (const char * path)

Finds an xml sub-tree.


  • const char * path - Path to the xml sub-tree.

Return value

The result.

Ptr<Xml> getParent ()

Returns the parent xml tree.

Return value

int getNumChildren ()

Returns the number of xml children.

Return value

The result.

int setDVec4Arg (const char * name, const Math::dvec4 & value)

Sets a value of a given dvec4 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::dvec4 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

Ptr<Xml> getChild (int num)

Returns the child of the xml tree.


  • int num - The child number.

Return value

The result.

int setDVec3Arg (const char * name, const Math::dvec3 & value)

Sets a value of a given dvec3 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::dvec3 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

int setDMat4Arg (const char * name, const Math::dmat4 & value)

Sets a value of a given dmat4 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::dmat4 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

void setDVec3Data (const Math::dvec3 & data)

Sets a dvec3 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::dvec3 & data - Content to set.

Math::mat4 getMat4Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given mat4 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

float getFloatArg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given float argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

void clear ()

Clears the xml tree.

int isChild (const char * name)

Checks if the xml has specified child.


  • const char * name - Name of the xml child.

Return value

The result.

int getIntArg (const char * name, int value)

Gets an integer xml argument.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.
  • int value - Default value of the argument.

Return value

The result.

int save (const char * name, int binary = 0)

Saves the xml tree into the specified file.


  • const char * name - File name.
  • int binary - Binary xml format.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

Math::dvec3 getDVec3Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given dvec3 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

int setDoubleArg (const char * name, double value)

Sets a value of a given double argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • double value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

void setIVec3Data (const Math::ivec3 & data)

Sets a ivec3 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::ivec3 & data - Content to set.

void copy (const Ptr<Xml> & source)

Copies all data (name, arguments, data, flags and a child hierarchy) from the source Xml node to the current one.


  • const Ptr<Xml> & source - Source Xml node.

Math::ivec4 getIVec4Arg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given ivec4 argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

Math::vec3 getVec3Data ()

Returns a vec3 interpretation of data stored in the node.

Return value

Data stored in the node.

int setXmlData (const char * data)

Sets a xml xml data.


  • const char * data - The xml xml data.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

const char * getArgName (int num)

Returns the xml argument name.


  • int num - The argument number.

Return value

The result.

int setVec3Arg (const char * name, const Math::vec3 & value)

Sets a value of a given vec3 argument.


  • const char * name - Name of an argument.
  • const Math::vec3 & value - Value of an argument.

Return value

Always 1.

void setName (const char * name)

Sets the xml node name.


  • const char * name - Name of the xml node.

String encode (const char * arg1)

Encodes special xml characters (less-than, greater-than, ampersand, double-quote and apostrophe) to their character entity reference.


  • const char * arg1 - Data to encode.

Return value

Encoded string.

double getDoubleArg (const char * name)

Returns a value of a given double argument.
To check, if an argument exists, use the isArg() method.


  • const char * name - Name of a target argument.

Return value

Argument value.

void setVec3Data (const Math::vec3 & data)

Sets a vec3 content for the node. This can be done only for nodes with no children.


  • const Math::vec3 & data - Content to set.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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