Stream Class
Stream Class
int writeIVec2 (const Math::ivec2 & value)
Writes a 2 component integer vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::ivec2 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, readInt ()
Reads a signed integer from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data readLine (out char[] str)
Reads a line from the stream.Arguments
- out char[] str
Return value
Returns readIntArray (out int[] dest)
Reads an array of signed integers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out int[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, readDoubleArray (out double[] dest)
Reads an array of double floating-point numbers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out double[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeInt2 (int value)
Writes a compact signed integer to the stream.Arguments
- int value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the compact integer is written successfully; otherwise, 0.size_t read (void * ptr, size_t size)
Reads the number of bytes from the stream.Arguments
- void * ptr - Destination buffer pointer.
- size_t size - Size of the buffer, in bytes.
Return value
The number of read bytes.Math::dvec2 readDVec2 ()
Reads a 2 component double vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeUChar (unsigned char value)
Writes an unsigned character to the stream.Arguments
- unsigned char value - Data value.
Return value
Math::ivec3 readIVec3 ()
Reads a 3 component integer vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector puts (const char * str)
Writes a string of characters to the stream.Arguments
- const char * str - String pointer.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeString2 (const char * str)
Writes a string to the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Arguments
- const char * str - String pointer.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.double readDouble ()
Reads a double floating-point number from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data writeFloatArray (float[] src)
Writes an array of floating-point numbers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- float[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.Math::dvec4 readDVec4 ()
Reads a 4 component double vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeMat4 (const Math::mat4 & value)
Writes a matrix to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::mat4 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.size_t write (const void * ptr, size_t size)
Writes the number of bytes to the stream.Arguments
- const void * ptr - Source buffer pointer.
- size_t size - Size of the buffer in bytes.
Return value
The number of written bytes.Math::mat4 readMat4 ()
Reads a matrix from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeDMat4 (const Math::dmat4 & value)
Writes a double matrix to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::dmat4 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeUIntArray (uint[] src)
Writes an array of unsigned integers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- uint[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.void * getInterface ()
Return value
unsigned short readUShort ()
Reads a unsigned short integer from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data readString2 (out char[] str)
Reads a string from the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Arguments
- out char[] str
Return value
Returns writeChar (char value)
Writes a signed character to the stream.Arguments
- char value - Data value.
Return value
int writeDVec3 (const Math::dvec3 & value)
Writes a 3 component double vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::dvec3 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeShortArray (short[] src)
Writes an array of signed short integers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- short[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.short readShort ()
Reads a signed short integer from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data writeVec4 (const Math::vec4 & value)
Writes a 4 component vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::vec4 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, readInt2 ()
Reads a compact signed integer from the stream.Return value
Data readFloatArray (out float[] dest)
Reads an array of floating-point numbers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out float[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.float readFloat ()
Reads a floating-point number from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data writeUShortArray (ushort[] src)
Writes an array of unsigned short integers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- ushort[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeFloat (float value)
Writes a floating-point number to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- float value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.Math::dmat4 readDMat4 ()
Reads a double matrix from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector value.Ptr<Stream> getStream ()
Returns a stream pointer.Return value
Stream pointer.char readChar ()
Reads a signed character from the stream.Return value
Data value.Math::quat readQuat ()
Reads a quaternion from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector value.Math::vec4 readVec4 ()
Reads a 4 component vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeDVec2 (const Math::dvec2 & value)
Writes a 2 component double vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::dvec2 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.unsigned int readUInt ()
Reads a unsigned integer from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data value.size_t writeStream (const Ptr<Stream> & src, size_t size)
Writes the number of bytes directly to the stream.Arguments
- const Ptr<Stream> & src - Source stream pointer.
- size_t size - Size of the data in bytes.
Return value
The number of written writeDoubleArray (double[] src)
Writes an array of double floating-point numbers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- double[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeIntArray (int[] src)
Writes an array of signed integers to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- int[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, isOpened ()
Returns the status of the stream.Return value
1 if the stream is opened; otherwise, 0.Math::ivec2 readIVec2 ()
Reads a 2 component integer vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector value.void setByteOrder (int order)
- int order
int readUShortArray (out ushort[] dest)
Reads an array of unsigned short integers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out ushort[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.String readString2 ()
Reads a string from the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Return value
Returns writeIVec4 (const Math::ivec4 & value)
Writes a 4 component integer vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::ivec4 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeUInt2 (unsigned int value)
Writes a compact unsigned integer to the stream.Arguments
- unsigned int value - Data value.
Return value
int readUIntArray (out uint[] dest)
Reads an array of unsigned integers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out uint[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeUShort (unsigned short value)
Writes a unsigned short integer to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- unsigned short value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.unsigned char readUChar ()
Reads an unsigned character from the stream.Return value
Data value.String gets ()
Reads the stream data from the current positionReturn value
Returns writeShort (short value)
Writes a signed short integer to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- short value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeVec3 (const Math::vec3 & value)
Writes a 3 component vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::vec3 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeQuat (const Math::quat & value)
Writes a quaternion to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::quat & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, isAvailable ()
Returns the status of the stream.Return value
1 if the stream data is available; otherwise, writeInt (int value)
Writes a signed integer to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- int value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, getByteOrder ()
Return value
String readToken ()
Return value
Math::vec3 readVec3 ()
Reads a 3 component vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeLong (long long value)
Writes a signed long to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- long long value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.unsigned int readUInt2 ()
Reads a compact unsigned integer from the stream.Return value
Data readShortArray (out short[] dest)
Reads an array of signed short integers from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out short[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.Math::dvec3 readDVec3 ()
Reads a 3 component double vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector writeDVec4 (const Math::dvec4 & value)
Writes a 4 component double vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::dvec4 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeLongArray (llong[] src)
Writes an array of signed longs to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- llong[] src
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.String readLine ()
Reads a line from the stream.Return value
Returns string.Math::ivec4 readIVec4 ()
Reads a 4 component integer vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector value.Math::vec2 readVec2 ()
Reads a 2 component vector from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Vector value.Math::mat4 readMat44 ()
Reads the first 12 elements of 4x4 matrix from the current stream. The last 4 elements of the matrix are discarded.Return value
4x4 matrix with 12 read elements (the last four elements are equal to 0 0 0 1).int writeMat44 (const Math::mat4 & value)
Writes the first 12 elements of 4x4 matrix in a binary format into the current stream. The last 4 elements of the matrix are discarded.Arguments
- const Math::mat4 & value - A 4x4 matrix.
Return value
1 if data is written successfully; otherwise, writeString (const char * str)
Writes a string to the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Arguments
- const char * str - String pointer.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeVec2 (const Math::vec2 & value)
Writes a 2 component vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::vec2 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, isError ()
Returns the status of the stream.Return value
1 if there is a read/write error; otherwise, writeUInt (unsigned int value)
Writes a unsigned integer to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- unsigned int value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, readString (out char[] str)
Reads a string from the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Arguments
- out char[] str
Return value
Returns string.String readString ()
Reads a string from the stream in accordance with the big-endian order.Return value
Returns readToken (char * str, int size)
- char * str
- int size
Return value
int readLongArray (out llong[] dest)
Reads an array of signed longs from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- out llong[] dest
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.long long readLong ()
Reads a signed long from the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Return value
Data writeDouble (double value)
Writes a double floating-point number to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- double value - Data value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, writeIVec3 (const Math::ivec3 & value)
Writes a 3 component integer vector to the stream in accordance with the little-endian order.Arguments
- const Math::ivec3 & value - Vector value.
Return value
1 if the operation was successful; otherwise, 0.size_t readStream (const Ptr<Stream> & dest, size_t size)
Reads the number of bytes directly from the stream.Arguments
- const Ptr<Stream> & dest - Destination stream pointer.
- size_t size - Size of the data in bytes.
Return value
The number of read bytes.Last update: 2017-07-03
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