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Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Snap to Grid

Options found in Tools -> Common tab enable and disable snap to grid when nodes are need to be accurately positioned or rotated. Per-axis alignment or a grid mode can be chosen.


Snap position Positions a node along the axis or over the grid with a given Step (in units). To position a node, press X hotkey.
  • If one axis is chosen (an arrow manipulator is dragged), the node is aligned by an axis.
  • If a node is repositioned by two axes (a rectangle manipulator is dragged), the node is aligned by a horizontal or vertical grid.

Axis snapping
Snapping by an axis

Grid snapping
Snapping by a grid stripes
Snap rotation Rotates a node along the axis or over the grid with a given Step (in degrees). To position a node, press C hotkey.

Rotation snapping
Rotation by 45 degrees
Show grid When a node is positioned (Snap position is enabled), a grid can be disabled, though position will still be aligned.
Grid depth test This option controls if a depth test is performed for a grid. If disabled, the grid is rendered above all objects in the scene; if enabled, the grid is occluded.

Depth-tested grid
Enabled Grid depth test
Show grid on selection When this option is enabled, it is not necessary start dragging node to see a grid. It is show when the mouse hovers a manipulator (over an arrow for an axis or a rectangle for a grid).
Last update: 2017-07-03
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