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Unigine Material Library
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Unigine::MeshSkinned Class

Interface for mesh skinned manipulation.

To use this class, include the UnigineMeshSkinned.h file.

Related classes:

Unigine::MeshSkinned Class


virtual ~MeshSkinned ()

Virtual destructor.

static Ptr< MeshSkinned > create ()

MeshSkinned constructor.

Return value

Pointer to the created mesh.

virtual int info (const char * name) const =0

Info the mesh.


  • const char * name - Mesh name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

virtual int load (const char * name) const =0

Load the mesh.


  • const char * name - MeshSkinned name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

virtual int save (const char * name) const =0

Save the mesh.


  • const char * name - MeshSkinned name.

Return value

Returns 1 if the operation was a success; otherwise, 0 is returned.

virtual void clear () const =0

Clear the mesh.

virtual int getNumFrames () const =0

Return the number of mesh frames.

Return value

The number of frames.

virtual int getNumBones () const =0

Return the number of bones.

Return value

The number of bones.

virtual int findBone (const char * name) const =0

Find a bone by its name.


  • const char * name - Bone name.

Return value

Bone number.

virtual const char * getBoneName (int bone) const =0

Return the bone name.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Bone name.

virtual int getBoneParent (int bone) const =0

Return the bone parent.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

Bone parent.

virtual int getNumBoneChilds (int bone) const =0

Return the number of children bones.


  • int bone - Bone number.

Return value

The number of children.

virtual int getBoneChild (int bone, int child) const =0

Return a given child bone.


  • int bone - Bone number.
  • int child - Child bone number.

Return value

The child bone.

virtual int getNumSurfaces () const =0

Return the number of object surfaces.

Return value

The number of surfaces.

virtual int findSurface (const char * name) const =0

Find an object surface by its name.


  • const char * name - Surface name.

Return value

Surface number.

virtual const char * getSurfaceName (int surface) const =0

Return the object surface name.


  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Surface name.

virtual int addBone (const char * name, int parent) const =0

Append a new bone.


  • const char * name - Bone name.
  • int parent - Bone parent number.

Return value

Bone number.

virtual int addFrame (const Frame * frame) const =0

Append a new frame.


  • const Frame * frame - Frame pointer.

Return value

Frame number.

virtual int addMeshFrame (Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh, int frame) const =0

Append a new frame.


  • Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh - MeshSkinned pointer.
  • int frame - MeshSkinned frame number.

Return value

Frame number.

virtual void setSurfaceTransform (const mat4 & transform, int surface) const =0

Transform the mesh surface.


  • const mat4 & transform - Transformation matrix.
  • int surface - The surface number.

virtual int addMeshSurface (const char * name, Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh, int surface) const =0

Append a new mesh surface into the mesh.


  • const char * name - New surface name.
  • Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh - Pointer to the source MeshSkinned.
  • int surface - Surface number in the source MeshSkinned.

Return value

New surface number.

virtual int addMeshSurface (int dest_surface, Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh, int surface) const =0

Append a mesh surface geometry into the mesh.


  • int dest_surface - Destination surface number.
  • Ptr< MeshSkinned > mesh - MeshSkinned pointer.
  • int surface - MeshSkinned surface number.

Return value

Mesh surface number.

virtual int addEmptySurface (const char * name, int num_vertex, int num_indices) const =0

Append a new surface into the mesh.


  • const char * name - New surface name.
  • int num_vertex - Vertex number.
  • int num_indices - Indices number.

Return value

Mesh surface number.

virtual int addTriangleSurface (const char * name, const Vertex * vertex, int num_vertex, int cache) const =0

Append a new surface into the mesh.


  • const char * name - New surface name.
  • const Vertex * vertex - Vertex pointer.
  • int num_vertex - Vertex number.
  • int cache - Vertex cache optimization.

Return value

Mesh surface number.

virtual int addTriangleSurface (const char * name, const Vertex * vertex, int num_vertex, const int * indices, int num_indices) const =0

Append a new surface into the mesh.


  • const char * name - New surface name.
  • const Vertex * vertex - Vertex pointer.
  • int num_vertex - Vertex number.
  • const int * indices - Index pointer.
  • int num_indices - Index number.

Return value

Mesh surface number.

virtual int getNumVertex (int surface) const =0

Return the number of mesh vertices.


  • int surface - The surface number.

Return value

The number of vertices.

virtual void setVertex (int num, const vec3 & xyz, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex coordinates of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const vec3 & xyz - Vertex coordinates.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual vec3 getVertex (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex coordinates.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex coordinates.

virtual void setNormal (int num, const vec3 & normal, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex normal of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const vec3 & normal - Vertex normal.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual vec3 getNormal (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex normal.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex normal.

virtual void setTangent (int num, const vec4 & tangent, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex tangent of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const vec4 & tangent - Vertex tangent.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual vec4 getTangent (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex tangent.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex tangent.

virtual void setTexCoord (int num, const vec4 & texcoord, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex texture coordinates of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const vec4 & texcoord - Vertex texture coordinates.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual vec4 getTexCoord (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex texture coordinates.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex texture coordinates.

virtual void setNumWeights (int num, int num_weights, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex number of weights of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int num_weights - Number of weights.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual int getNumWeights (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex bone number of weights.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

The number of weights.

virtual void setWeights (int num, const vec4 & weights, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex bone weights of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const vec4 & weights - Vertex bone weights.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual vec4 getWeights (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex bone weights.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex bone weights.

virtual void setBones (int num, const ivec4 & bones, int surface) const =0

Update the vertex bone indices of the given vertex.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • const ivec4 & bones - Vertex bone indices.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual ivec4 getBones (int num, int surface) const =0

Return the vertex bone indices.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Vertex bone indices.

virtual int getNumIndices (int surface) const =0

Return the number of vertex indices in the mesh.


  • int surface - Vertex number.

Return value

The number of indices.

virtual void setIndex (int num, int index, int surface) const =0

Update an index of the given vertex in the index buffer.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int index - Index of the vertex in the vertex buffer.
  • int surface - Surface number.

virtual int getIndex (int num, int surface) const =0

Return an index of the given vertex from the index buffer.


  • int num - Vertex number.
  • int surface - Surface number.

Return value

Index of the vertex in the vertex buffer.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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