Customizing Design
The Launcher design is described in the data/launcher/project.css file that can be modified in any way to customize, for example, the Launcher and form background, change form layout or delete application options.
Changing Background
To replace the Launcher background with your custom image, perform the following:
- find the #launcher-background selector
- delete the background-color property
- add the new property: background: url('image.png')
NoticeThe file path should be specified relative to the project.css file.
You can perform the same to change the form background that is set by using the #form-background selector.
Changing Form Layout
To customize the form layout, change properties specified in the #form selector:
- width - form width. The default value is auto.
- height - form height.
- top - form layout relative to Y axis.
- left - form layout relative to X axis.
Changing Run Button
Design of the RUN button is described by using the #run_button selector. You can also customize it by changing its properties.
Removing Unused Options
To remove unused application options, simply delete them from the form tag specified in the interface.html file.
For example, if the Language option is unused, you need to delete the following:
<div id="element_language" class="form-element">
<label id="label_language"></label>
<select id="component_language" data-bind="language"></select>