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engine.interface Functions

This set of functions is available when the Interface plugin is loaded.



An Interface window has a close button.



An Interface window has only a frame (no title bar).



An Interface window has a maximize button.



An Interface window has a minimize button.



An Interface window has a title bar.

int engine.interface.getCenterPositionX (int width)

Returns the coordinate along the X axis, at which the window of the given width will be positioned in the center of the screen.


  • int width - Window width.

Return value

X coordinate of the window.

int engine.interface.getCenterPositionY (int height)

Returns the coordinate along the Y axis, at which the window of the given height will be positioned in the center of the screen.


  • int height - Window height.

Return value

Y coordinate of the window.

int engine.interface.getHeight ()

Returns the screen space hight. If there are two monitors arranged vertically, the height of two monitors is returned.

Return value

Screen height.

int engine.interface.getMouseX ()

Returns the X-coordinate (in the screen space) of the mouse cursor.

Return value

X-coordinate of the mouse cursor.

int engine.interface.getMouseY ()

Returns the Y-coordinate (in the screen space) of the mouse cursor.

Return value

Y-coordinate of the mouse cursor.

int engine.interface.getNumScreens ()

Returns the number of available screens (monitors).

Return value

The number of screens.

int engine.interface.getNumWindows ()

Returns the number of Interface windows.

Return value

The number of Interface windows.

int engine.interface.getPositionX ()

Returns the X-coordinate (in the screen space) of the main application window.

Return value

X-coordinate of an upper right corner of the application window.

int engine.interface.getPositionY ()

Returns the Y-coordinate (in the screen space) of the main application window.

Return value

Y-coordinate of an upper right corner of the application window.

int engine.interface.getScreenHeight (int num)

Returns the height of the given screen (monitor).


  • int num - Screen number.

Return value

Height of the screen.

int engine.interface.getScreenPositionX (int num)

Returns the position of the given screen (monitor) in a horizontal row in the screen space. If there are two monitors arranged horizontally, the X-coordinate position of the first monitor is 0 and of the second one, for example, 1280.


  • int num - Screen number.

Return value

X-coordinate position of the screen.

int engine.interface.getScreenPositionY (int num)

Returns the position of the given screen (monitor) in a vertical column in the screen space. If there are two monitors arranged vertically, the Y-coordinate position of the first monitor is 0 and of the second one, for example, 1024.


  • int num - Screen number.

Return value

Y-coordinate position of the screen.

int engine.interface.getScreenWidth (int num)

Returns the width of the given screen (monitor).


  • int num - Screen number.

Return value

Width of the screen.

int engine.interface.getWidth ()

Returns the screen space width. If there are two monitors arranged horizontally, the width of two monitors is returned.

Return value

Screen width.

InterfaceWindow engine.interface.getWindow (int num)

Returns an Interface window by its number.


  • int num - Interface window number.

Return value

Interface window.

void engine.interface.setMouse (int x, int y)

Sets position (in screen space coordinates) of the mouse.


  • int x - X-coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  • int y - Y-coordinate of the mouse cursor.

void engine.interface.setPosition (int x, int y)

Sets position (in screen space coordinates) of the main application window.


  • int x - X-coordinate of an upper right corner of the application window.
  • int y - Y-coordinate of an upper right corner of the application window.
Last update: 2017-07-03
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