API Migration
Major Changes#
- Added a new WidgetDragArea class.
- Added a new ImportNode class.
- Added a new ImportLight class.
- Added a new ImportCamera class.
- Added a new ImportAnimation class.
- Added a new ImportTexture class.
- Added a new ImportMaterial class.
- Added a new ImportSurface class.
- Added a new ImportGeometry class.
- Added a new ImportMesh class.
Breaking Changes#
CustomSystemProxy Class#
EngineWindow Class#
FileSystemAssets Class#
New Functions
- SetRuntimeParameter( string, string, string )
- SetRuntimeParameter( UGUID, string, string )
- SetRuntimeParameter( string, int, string, string )
- SetRuntimeParameter( UGUID, int, string, string )
- GetRuntimeParameter( string, string )
- GetRuntimeParameter( UGUID, string )
- GetRuntimeParameter( string, int, string )
- GetRuntimeParameter( UGUID, int, string )
- HasRuntimeParameter( string, string )
- HasRuntimeParameter( UGUID, string )
- HasRuntimeParameter( string, int, string )
- HasRuntimeParameter( UGUID, int, string )
- RemoveRuntimeParameter( string, string )
- RemoveRuntimeParameter( UGUID, string )
- RemoveRuntimeParameter( string, int, string )
- RemoveRuntimeParameter( UGUID, int, string )
Import Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
GetImporterTypeByExtension( const char * ) | Removed use GetImporterIDsByExtension( string, bool ) instead. |
Import( ) | Removed use DoImport( ) instead. |
UnregisterImporter( IntPtr ) | Set of arguments changed. |
CreateImporter( ImporterID, string ) | Set of arguments changed. |
RegisterImportProcessor( string, ImportProcessorCreationFunction, ImportProcessorDeletionFunction, IntPtr ) | Set of arguments changed. |
RegisterImporter( ImporterID, string, ImporterCreationFunction, ImporterDeletionFunction, IntPtr, int ) | Set of arguments changed. |
RegisterImporter( string, string, string, ImporterCreationFunction, ImporterDeletionFunction, IntPtr, int ) | Set of arguments changed. |
UnregisterImportProcessor( IntPtr ) | Set of arguments changed. |
New Functions
- IsInitialized( )
- ContainsImporter( ImporterID, string )
- ContainsImporter( string, string, string )
- GetImporterPriority( ImporterID, string )
- GetImporterPriority( string, string, string )
- GetImporterExtensions( string, string )
- GetImporterExtensions( ImporterID )
- GetImporterIDsByExtension( string, bool )
- GetImporterIDsByExtension( string, string, bool )
- GetImporterIDsByExtension( ImporterID, string, bool )
- GetImporterIDsByExtension( string, string, string, bool )
- GetImporterIDs( )
- CreateImporter( string, string, string )
- CreateImporterByFileName( string, string )
- CreateImporterByFileName( ImporterID, string )
- CreateImporterByFileName( string, string, string )
Importer Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
OnInit( ImportScene, string) | Return value and arguments changed. |
OnImportLight( ImportProcessor, ImportLight ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
OnImportCamera( ImportProcessor, ImportCamera ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
OnImportNode( ImportProcessor, ImportNode ) | Return value and arguments changed. |
New Properties
New Functions
ImportProcessor Class#
ImportScene Class#
Input Class#
MeshDynamic Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
TYPE.DOUBLE | Removed. |
AddVertexDouble( int, double[] ) | Removed. |
AddVertexDouble1( int, double ) | Removed. |
AddVertexDouble2( int, double, double ) | Removed. |
AddVertexDouble3( int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
AddVertexDouble4( int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble( int, double[] ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble1( int, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble2( int, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble3( int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble4( int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble( int, int, double[] ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble1( int, int, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble2( int, int, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble3( int, int, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
SetVertexDouble4( int, int, double, double, double, double ) | Removed. |
ObjectDynamic Class#
Render Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
Property EnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFresnelIntensity | Removed. |
New Properties
- EnvironmentHazeScreenSpaceGlobalIllumination
- EnvironmentHazeTemporalFilter
- EnvironmentHazeColorizationThreshold
- EnvironmentHazeColorizationIntensity
- EnvironmentHazeScatteringMieFrontSideIntensity
- ReflectionDynamicRoughnessOffset
- ShadowsWorldCascadesCullingClusters
- ShowClusters
- ShowMeshDynamics
- ShowImmovable
- ShowMeshStatics
- ShowWorldShadowCasters
- StereoFocusSupersampling
New Functions
- GetTemporaryOldTextureCube( Material, int, int, int, int, int, string, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture3D( Material, int, int, int, int, int, int, string, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture2DArray( Material, int, int, int, int, int, int, string, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture2D( Material, int, int, int, int, int, string, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, Texture )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, Texture, string )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, Texture, string, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, int, int, int, int, int, int )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, string )
- GetTemporaryOldTexture( Material, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, string, int )
RenderEnvironmentPreset Class#
Renderer Class#
UserInterface Class#
Viewport Class#
Widget Class#
WidgetExternBase Class#
WidgetManipulator Class#
WidgetWindow Class#
FMOD::Channel Class#
FMOD::EventInstance Class#
FMOD::EventDescription Class#
FMOD::Bus Class#
FMOD::VCA Class#
FMOD::Bank Class#
FMODStudio Class#
Oculus Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
Property IsHeadPositionLocked | Renamed as HeadPositionLock. |
Property IsHeadRotationLocked | Renamed as HeadRotationLock. |
SetHeadPositionLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadPositionLock property instead. |
SetHeadRotationLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadRotationLock property instead. |
New Functions
OpenVR Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
Property IsHeadPositionLocked | Renamed as HeadPositionLock. |
Property IsHeadRotationLocked | Renamed as HeadRotationLock. |
SetHeadPositionLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadPositionLock property instead. |
SetHeadRotationLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadRotationLock property instead. |
New Functions
Varjo Class#
UNIGINE 2.16 | UNIGINE 2.16.1 |
Property VelocityTimeDelta | Removed. |
Property VelocityPrecision | Removed. |
Property VelocityEnabled | Removed. |
Property IsHeadPositionLocked | Renamed as HeadPositionLock. |
Property IsHeadRotationLocked | Renamed as HeadRotationLock. |
SetHeadPositionLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadPositionLock property instead. |
SetHeadRotationLock( bool ) | Removed. Use HeadRotationLock property instead. |
SetVelocityEnabled( bool ) | Removed. |
IsVelocityEnabled( ) | Removed. |
SetVelocityPrecision( float ) | Removed. |
GetVelocityPrecision( ) | Removed. |
SetVelocityTimeDelta( float ) | Removed. |
GetVelocityTimeDelta( ) | Removed. |
New Functions
New Properties
Last update:
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