Unigine.Plugins.UltraleapDevice Class
UltraleapDevice Class
Name | Description |
HMD_VARJO = 0 | HMD Pose from AppVarjo and the IModelView from Game::getPlayer() are used for transform. |
MANUAL = 1 | The user manually sets the transform matrix as described for the Ultraleap Coordinate System. |
bool IsStatusConnected#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device is connected.
bool IsStatusStreaming#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device is sending out frames.
bool IsStatusPaused#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device streaming has been paused.
bool IsStatusRobust#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device has transitioned to robust mode in order to compensate for known sources of infrared interference.
bool IsStatusSmudged#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device’s window is smudged. If the device’s window is smudged, tracking may be degraded.
bool IsStatusLowResource#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device has entered low-resource mode.
bool IsStatusUnknownFailure#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device has failed, but the failure reason is not known.
bool IsStatusBadCalibration#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device has a bad calibration record and cannot send frames.
bool IsStatusBadFirmware#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device reports corrupt firmware or cannot install a required firmware update.
bool IsStatusBadTransport#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device USB connection is faulty.
bool IsStatusBadControl#
The value indicating if the Ultraleap Controller device USB control interfaces failed to initialize.
string Serial#
The device serial number.
float HFov#
The horizontal field of view of this device in radians.
float VFov#
The vertical field of view of this device in radians.
double Range#
The maximum range for this device, in meters.
double DistanceBetweenCameras#
The distance between the Ultraleap cameras, in meters.
UltraleapDevice.HARDWARE_TYPE HardwareType#
The hardware type. One of the HARDWARE_TYPE values.
uint LeapID#
The device ID.
bool IsSupportedColorImages#
The value indicating if color images are supported for this device.
bool IsSupportedAccelerometer#
The value indicating if the accelerometer is supported for this device.
bool IsSupportedGyroscope#
The value indicating if the gyroscope is supported for this device.
bool IsSupportedTemperature#
The value indicating if temperature measuring is supported for this device.
vec3 Accelerometer#
The accelerometer measurements, in m/s^2.
vec3 Gyroscope#
The gyroscope measurements, in rad/s.
float Temperature#
The measured temperature, in deg C.
vec3 TrackingOffset#
The default offset for the newly connected device. The Y value specifies the offset from the eyes to the frontal camera plane, in meters, and the Z value — the offset from the eye level up to the camera level, in meters. The X value should be set to 0.
float TrackingFPS#
The tracking FPS value.
mat4 Transform#
The transformation matrix.
UltraleapDevice.TRANSFORM_MODE TransformMode#
The transform mode. One of the TRANSFORM_MODE values.
UltraleapHand LeftHand#
The object for the left hand.
UltraleapHand RightHand#
The object for the right hand.
bool IsLeftDistortionReceived#
The value indicating if the distortion calibration map for the left-eye image has been received.
Image LeftDistortionImage#
The distortion calibration map for the left-eye image.
bool IsLeftColorReceived#
The value indicating if the color image for the left eye image has been received.
Image LeftColorImage#
The color image for the left eye.
bool IsRightDistortionReceived#
The value indicating if the distortion calibration map for the right-eye image has been received.
Image RightDistortionImage#
The distortion calibration map for the right-eye image.
bool IsRightColorReceived#
The value indicating if the color image for the right eye image has been received.
Image RightColorImage#
The color image for the right eye.
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