Unigine.LoadingScreen Class
A singleton that controls the settings of the loading screen. Demonstration of it gives UNIGINE the time to load all world nodes and resources. You can also show your own loading screen when needed.
A loading screen displays a texture that is usually divided into two parts stacked vertically — the initial and final pictures — which are gradually blended from the beginning up to the end of loading to show the progress. Blending is performed based on the alpha channel of the outro (lower) part of the texture so pseudo-animation can be created using the alpha channel: regions of the lower half with small alpha values will be shown first, regions with larger alpha values will be shown last.
See Also#
A set of UnigineScript API samples located in the <UnigineSDK>/data/samples/widgets/ folder:
- loading_screen_00
- loading_screen_01
- loading_screen_04
- Quick Video Guide: How To Customize Loading Screens
Here's a code example on how to add your own loading screens for application and world loading.
To show your loading screen on system logic initialization before a world is loaded, define it inside the init() method of the System Logic:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Unigine;
namespace UnigineApp
internal class AppSystemLogic : SystemLogic
public override bool Init()
// get the size of the main window
EngineWindow main_window = WindowManager.MainWindow;
if (!main_window)
return false;
ivec2 main_size = main_window.Size;
// define new transform for loading screen texture
vec4 transform = new vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// enable the loading screen
LoadingScreen.Enabled = true;
// set transform to the loading screen texture
LoadingScreen.Transform = transform;
// compute the aspect ratio to show corresponding texture
float aspect_ratio = (float)main_size.x / (float)main_size.y;
// if the aspect ratio is 4:3 show the following loading screen
// during world loading
if (aspect_ratio < 1.5f)
LoadingScreen.TexturePath = "textures/splash_4x3.png";
// if the aspect ratio is 16:9 show this loading screen
// during world loading
LoadingScreen.TexturePath = "textures/splash_16x9.png";
// set the text to be displayed on the loading screen
// with a certain displacement along the X and Y axes
LoadingScreen.Text = "<xy x=\"%50\" dx=\"0\" y=\"%50\" dy=\"0\"/>LOADING_PROGRESS";
// set duration (in milliseconds) and display the loading screen on world loading
int duration = 5;
DateTime begin = DateTime.Now;
while (DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin).TotalSeconds < duration)
LoadingScreen.Render((int)(DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin).TotalSeconds / duration * 100.0f));
// disable the loading screen
LoadingScreen.Enabled = false;
return true;
/* ... */
A loading screen defined in the Init() method of the World Logic will be shown right after a world is loaded:
private void Init()
// enable the loading screen
LoadingScreen.Enabled = true;
// set the text to be displayed on the loading screen,
// specifying a color, a font, and a certain displacement along the X and Y axes
LoadingScreen.Text = "<p align=\"center\"><font size=\"20\" color=\"#FF0000FF\">CUSTOM LOADING TEXT</font></p>";
// set duration (in seconds) and display the loading screen on world loading
int duration = 5;
DateTime begin = DateTime.Now;
while (DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin).TotalSeconds < duration)
LoadingScreen.Render((int)(DateTime.Now.Subtract(begin).TotalSeconds / duration * 100.0f));
// disable the loading screen
LoadingScreen.Enabled = false;
/* ... */
LoadingScreen Class
string Message#
int Progress#
string MessageShadersCompilation#
string MessageLoadingWorld#
string FontPath#
string Text#
vec4 BackgroundColor#
vec4 Transform#
string TexturePath#
int Threshold#
bool Enabled#
void SetImage ( Image image ) #
Sets an image for a custom loading screen.Arguments
- Image image - Image to be used as a custom loading screen.
void RenderInterface ( ) #
Renders a static loading screen. Such a screen does not display any progress.void Render ( ) #
Renders the loading screen in the current progress state and with the current stage message.void Render ( int progress ) #
Renders a custom loading screen in a given progress state. Use this function in a loop to create a gradual change between the initial (upper opaque part) and the final states (bottom transparent part) of the loading screen texture.Arguments
- int progress - Progress of alpha blending between 2 screens stored in the texture. The value in range [0;100] sets an alpha channel threshold, according to which pixels from the initial (opaque) or final (transparent) screen in the texture are rendered. By the value of 0, the initial screen is loaded. By the value of 100, the final screen is loaded.
void Render ( int progress, string message ) #
Renders a custom loading screen in a given progress state and prints a given message. Use this function in a loop to create a gradual change between the initial (upper opaque part) and the final states (bottom transparent part) of the loading screen texture, while printing a custom loading stage.Arguments
- int progress - Progress of alpha blending between 2 loading screens stored in the texture. The value in range [0;100] sets an alpha channel threshold, according to which pixels from the initial (opaque) or final (transparent) loading screen in the texture are rendered. By the value of 0, the initial screen is loaded. By the value of 100, the final screen is loaded.
- string message - message to print representing the loading stage.
void RenderForce ( ) #
Renders the loading screen regardless of whether the manual rendering is allowed or not.void RenderForce ( string message ) #
Renders the loading screen regardless of whether the manual rendering is allowed or not and prints a given message.Arguments
- string message - message to print that represents the loading stage.
IntPtr AddRenderBeginCallback ( RenderBeginDelegate func ) #
Adds a callback function that will be executed when a text is output to the console. The function is useful when you implement a custom loading screen rendering function, for example. The callback function must not take arguments.// the callback function
private static void render_begin_callback()
/* .. */
public override bool Init()
// set the callback
IntPtr id = LoadingScreen.AddRenderBeginCallback(render_begin_callback);
return 1;
- RenderBeginDelegate func - Callback function with no arguments.
Return value
ID of the last added callback of the specified type, if the callback was added successfully; otherwise, nullptr. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.bool RemoveRenderBeginCallback ( IntPtr id ) #
Removes the specified callback from the list of render begin callbacks.Arguments
- IntPtr id - Callback ID obtained when adding it.
Return value
True if the callback with the given ID was removed successfully; otherwise false.void ClearRenderBeginCallbacks ( ) #
Clears all added render begin callbacks.IntPtr AddRenderEndCallback ( RenderEndDelegate func ) #
Adds a callback function that will be executed when a text is output to the console. The function is useful when you implement a custom loading screen rendering function, for example. The callback function must not take arguments.// the callback function
private static void render_end_callback()
/* .. */
public override bool Init()
// set the callback
IntPtr id = LoadingScreen.AddRenderEndCallback(render_end_callback);
return 1;
- RenderEndDelegate func - Callback function with no arguments.
Return value
ID of the last added callback of the specified type, if the callback was added successfully; otherwise, nullptr. This ID can be used to remove this callback when necessary.bool RemoveRenderEndCallback ( IntPtr id ) #
Removes the specified callback from the list of render end callbacks.Arguments
- IntPtr id - Callback ID obtained when adding it.