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Video Tutorials
How To
Professional (SIM)
Interface Overview
Assets Workflow
Settings and Preferences
Working With Projects
Adjusting Node Parameters
Setting Up Materials
Setting Up Properties
Using Editor Tools for Specific Tasks
Extending Editor Functionality
Built-in Node Types
Light Sources
World Nodes
Sound Objects
Pathfinding Objects
Setting Up Development Environment
Usage Examples
UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
File Formats
Materials and Shaders
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Double Precision Coordinates
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
Content Creation
Content Optimization
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Warning! This version of documentation is OUTDATED, as it describes an older SDK version! Please switch to the documentation for the latest SDK version.
Warning! This version of documentation describes an old SDK version which is no longer supported! Please upgrade to the latest SDK version.

Unigine.EditorLogic Class

The EditorLogic class is used to control the logic of the editor. Methods of this class are called after corresponding methods of the editor script.

EditorLogic class methods are called only if the UnigineEditor is loaded.

EditorLogic Class


int Init ( ) #

Engine calls this function on editor initialization. Similar to the editor script's init() function.

Return value

1 if the editor is initialized successfully; otherwise, 0.

int Shutdown ( ) #

Engine calls this function on editor shutdown. Similar to the editor script's shutdown() function.

Return value

1 if the editor shutdown is performed successfully; otherwise, 0.

int Update ( ) #

Engine calls this function before updating each render frame when editor is loaded. Similar to the editor script's update() function.

Return value

1 if there were no errors during the editor update; otherwise, 0.

int PostUpdate ( ) #

Engine calls this function after updating each render frame when editor is loaded. Similar to the editor script's postUpdate() function.

Return value

1 if there were no errors during the editor post update; otherwise, 0.

int WorldInit ( ) #

Engine calls this function on world initialization when editor is loaded. This function is similar to the editor script's worldInit() function.

Return value

1 if there were no errors during the world initialization; otherwise, 0.

int WorldShutdown ( ) #

Engine calls this function on world shutdown when editor is loaded. Similar to the editor script's worldShutdown() function.

Return value

1 if there were no errors during the world shutdown; otherwise, 0.

int WorldSave ( ) #

Engine calls this function on world save when editor is loaded. Similar to the editor script's worldSave() function.

Return value

1 if there were no errors during the world saving; otherwise, 0.

void Clear ( ) #

A callback on world reloading and clearing nodes list.

void nodeReparented ( const NodePtr & node ) #

Callback called on node reparenting.
Source code (C#)
override void NodeReparented(Node node) {
	if(node.Name == "my_node") {
		Log.Message("The parent of the node my_node has been changed\n");


  • const NodePtr & node - Node.

void nodeReordered ( const NodePtr & node ) #

Callback called on node reordering.
Source code (C#)
override void NodeReordered(Node node) {
	if(node.Name == "my_node") {
		Log.Message("The node my_node is reordered\n");


  • const NodePtr & node - Node.

void nodeRenamed ( const NodePtr & node, const char * old_name ) #

Callback called on node renaming.
Source code (C#)
override void NodeRenamed(Node node, string old_name) {
	if (old_name == "my_node") {
		Log.Message("The node my_node has been renamed\n");
		Log.Message("The new name of the node is {0}\n",node.getName());


  • const NodePtr & node - Node.
  • const char * old_name - Old name of the renamed node.

void nodeShowInEditorChanged ( const NodePtr & node ) #

Callback called on changing displaying in world hierarchy option for a node.
Source code (C#)
override void nodeShowInEditorChanged(Node node) {
	if (node.GetName() == "my_node") {
		Log.Message("Displaying in world hierarchy has changed for the my_node node\n");


  • const NodePtr & node - Node.

void materialAdded ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on adding a material.


void materialRemoved ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on removing a material.


void materialChanged ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on changing a material.


void materialReparented ( const UGUID & guid, const UGUID & old_parent, const UGUID & new_parent ) #

Callback called on changing material's parent.


  • const UGUID & guid - Material GUID.
  • const UGUID & old_parent - Old parent material GUID.
  • const UGUID & new_parent - New parent material GUID.

void propertyAdded ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on adding a property.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property added.

void propertyRemoved ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on removing a property.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property removed.

void propertyMoved ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on moving a property.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property moved.

void propertyChanged ( const UGUID & guid ) #

Callback called on changing a property.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property changed.

void propertyReparented ( const UGUID & guid, const UGUID & old_parent, const UGUID & new_parent ) #

Callback called on changing property's parent.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property reparented.
  • const UGUID & old_parent - Old parent property GUID.
  • const UGUID & new_parent - New parent property GUID.

void propertyReplaced ( const UGUID & guid, const UGUID & new_guid ) #

Callback called on replacing a property with another one.


  • const UGUID & guid - GUID of the property being replaced.
  • const UGUID & new_guid - GUID of the replacing property.

void materialCompileShadersBegin ( ) #

Callback called on launching shader compilation process.

void materialCompileShadersEnd ( ) #

Callback called on completion of shader compilation process.

void materialCompileShaders ( const MaterialPtr & material, int num ) #

Callback called on completion of shader compilation process.


  • const MaterialPtr & material - Current material for which shaders are compiled.
  • int num - Number of remaining remaining materials for which shaders are to be compiled.
Last update: 2022-12-14
Build: ()