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Sound Objects
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Materials and Shaders
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Double Precision Coordinates
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Material Nodes Library
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Unigine.BootConfig Class

A singleton that controls the Engine startup configuration and enables you to customize the boot screen.

Fonts, textures, or any other resources used in the boot screen cannot be packed into an UNG archive.

Usage Example#

By using the BootConfig class, you can customize the boot screen and change the startup settings and save them to the configuration file for the next engine start-up. For example:


Source code (C#)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

using Unigine;

namespace UnigineApp
	class AppSystemLogic : SystemLogic
		public override bool Shutdown()
            // set the window title
            BootConfig.WindowTitle = "Project Name";
            Unigine.Console.SetString("starting_world", "my_world");

            // customize the boot screen
            BootConfig.ScreenWidth = 960;
            BootConfig.ScreenHeight = 540;

            BootConfig.ScreenBackgroundColor = vec4.BLACK;
            BootConfig.ScreenTransform = new vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 0.5f);

            BootConfig.ScreenThreshold = 16;
            BootConfig.ScreenTexture = "textures/boot_screen.png";

            BootConfig.ScreenText = @"
			<p align=""center"">
				<font color=""#ffffff"" size=""64"">
					<xy x=""%10"" y=""%50""/>Small Village

            BootConfig.ScreenMessageEngineInit = @"
			<p><font size=""24"" color=""#777777"">
				Engine initialization.
            BootConfig.ScreenMessageFileSystemInit = "Custom message for file system initialization.";
            BootConfig.ScreenMessageMaterialsInit = "Custom message for materials initialization.";
            BootConfig.ScreenMessagePropertiesInit = "Custom message for properties initialization.";
            BootConfig.ScreenMessageShadersCompilation = "Custom message for shaders compilation.";


            return true;

See Also#

BootConfig Class


bool ScreenEnabled#

The value indicating if the boot screen is enabled.

string ScreenMessageShadersCompilation#

The message currently displayed on shaders compilation.

string ScreenMessagePropertiesInit#

The message currently displayed on properties initialization.

string ScreenMessageMaterialsInit#

The message currently displayed on materials initialization.

string ScreenMessageFileSystemInit#

The message currently displayed on the file system initialization.

string ScreenMessageEngineInit#

The message currently displayed on the engine initialization.

string ScreenText#

The current text of the boot screen.

string ScreenFont#

The current path to the font for text rendering.

string ScreenTexture#

The current path to the boot screen texture.

int ScreenThreshold#

The current threshold for blending based on the alpha-channel.

vec4 ScreenTransform#

The current transformation of the boot screen texture.

vec4 ScreenBackgroundColor#

The current background color of the screen.

int ScreenHeight#

The height of the boot screen window, in pixels.

int ScreenWidth#

The current width of the boot screen window.

int NumExternPlugins#

The number of plugin libraries to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. These plugins are specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumExternPlugins() and getExternPlugin(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange them via swapPluginPath().

int NumPluginPaths#

The number of directory(ies) containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. These directories are specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumPluginPaths() and getPluginPath(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath()

string ConsoleCommand#

The Console command(s) currently used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the console_command element of the .boot configuration file).

string ExternDefine#

The Extern define(s) currently used at the Engine startup (corresponds to the extern_define element of the .boot configuration file).

string SoundApp#

The The sound API currently used (corresponds to the sound_app element of the .boot configuration file).

string VideoApp#

The The graphics API currently used for rendering (corresponds to the video_app element of the .boot configuration file).

string SystemCache#

The The current path to a cache file to be used by the Engine (corresponds to the system_cache element of the .boot configuration file).

string EditorCache#

The The path to a cache file currently used by the UnigineEditor (corresponds to the editor_cache element of the .boot configuration file).

string CachePath#

The The current path to store system and Editor cache files(corresponds to the cache_path element of the .boot configuration file).

string EditorScript#

The The path to the editor script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).

string SystemScript#

The The path to the system script (corresponds to the system_script element of the .boot configuration file).

string EngineLog#

The A log file (in txt format) currently used by the Engine. The path can be absolute or relative to the binary executable. For relative paths, if the Project Name startup parameter is set, the log file with the specified name will be created in the corresponding directory in the User profile (only the name will be used, the remaining part of the relative path will be discarded).

string GuiPath#

The A path to a gui skin currently used for the engine interface. the path can be specified as absolute or relatively to the data folder.

bool Autosave#

Console: boot_config_autosave
The A value indicating if current startup configuration settings are automatically saved to the corresponding config file on loading, closing, and saving the world, as well as on the Engine shutdown.

string Path#

Console: boot_config
The current path to the startup configuration file (default: configs/default.boot).

string WindowTitle#

The Title of the application window.

string WindowIconPath#

The Path to the custom icon for the final application's window.


bool Load ( ) #

Console: boot_config_load
Loads Engine startup configuration from the file. To change the path to the configuration file use the setPath() method.

Return value

true if the config is successfully loaded from the file; otherwise, false.

bool Save ( ) #

Console: boot_config_save
Saves the current Engine startup configuration to the file. To change the path to the configuration file use the setPath() method.

Return value

true if the current configuration is successfully saved to the file; otherwise, false.

void Reset ( ) #

Resets the settings in the Engine startup configuration file to the default.

void RemovePluginPath ( int num ) #

Removes a plugin path with the specified number from the list of the plugin paths specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup.


void SwapPluginPath ( int num0, int num1 ) #

Swaps two plugin paths with the given numbers specified in the .boot configuration file. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The list of these plugin paths can be obtained via the getNumPluginPaths() and getPluginPath(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath()


string GetPluginPath ( int num ) #

Returns a plugin path with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath().


Return value

Path to the plugins directory with the given number in the list of the plugin paths. Сan be absolute or specified relatively to the binary executable.

void SetPluginPath ( int num, string value ) #

Sets a new path for the item of the list of the plugin paths with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the plugin_path element. A plugin path is a directory containing plugins to be automatically loaded at the Engine startup. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapPluginPath().


  • int num - Plugin path number in the list of the specified plugin paths.
  • string value - New path to be set for the specified item of the list of the plugin paths. Сan be specified relatively to the binary executable or as an absolute path.

void RemoveExternPlugin ( int num ) #

Removes a plugin with the specified number from the list of the plugins specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element.


void SwapExternPlugin ( int num0, int num1 ) #

Swaps two plugins with the given numbers specified in the .boot configuration file. The list of these plugins can be obtained via the getNumExternPlugins() and getExternPlugin(int num) methods. The order of loading plugins matters, this method enables you to rearrange plugins to change loading order.


string GetExternPlugin ( int num ) #

Returns the name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapExternPlugin().


Return value

Name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file. Plugin library name goes without any prefixes and postfixes (e.g., is listed as "Network").

void SetExternPlugin ( int num, string value ) #

Sets a new name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file via the extern_plugin element. The order of loading plugins matters, you can rearrange the paths via swapExternPlugin().


  • int num - Number of the plugin to be set in the list of the specified plugins, in the range from 0 to the total number of plugins specified.
  • string value - Name of the plugin with the given number specified in the .boot configuration file. Plugin library name goes without any prefixes and postfixes (e.g., is listed as "Network").

void SetWindowTitle ( string title ) #

Sets a new title for the application window.


  • string title - New application window title to be set.

string GetWindowTitle ( ) #

Returns the current application window title.

Return value

Current application window title.

static void setWindowIconPath ( string path ) #

Sets the path to the custom icon for the final application's window.


  • string path - Path to the custom icon for the final application's window.

static string getWindowIconPath ( ) #

Returns the path to the custom icon for the final application's window.

Return value

Path to the custom icon for the final application's window.
Last update: 2022-12-14
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