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Setting Up Materials
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Import Data Structures

The functionality described in this article is not available in the Community SDK edition.
You should upgrade to Engineering / Sim SDK edition to use it.

This section describes basic metadata structures used to represent various scene objects, such as cameras, lights, meshes, etc.

These data structures are available via C++ API only.

ImportAnimation Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported animation and has the following set of properties:

name Name of the animation.
min_time Start time of the animation in seconds.
max_time End time of the animation in seconds.
The ImportAnimation structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportAnimation
	String name;
	float min_time;
	float max_time;

ImportCamera Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported camera and has the following set of properties:

node Scene node to which the camera is attached as an attribute.
data Camera metadata.
The ImportCamera structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportCamera
	ImportNode *node = nullptr;
	UserData *data = nullptr;

ImportLight Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported light and has the following set of properties:

node Scene node to which the light is attached as an attribute.
data Light metadata.
The ImportLight structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportLight
	ImportNode *node = nullptr;
	UserData *data = nullptr;

ImportMesh Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported mesh and has the following set of properties:

name Mesh name.
filepath Path to the mesh file.
animation_filepath Path to the animation file.
has_animations Flag indicating whether the mesh has aminations or not.
nodes List of nodes to which the mesh is attached as an attribute.
geometries Mesh geometry. A vector of ImportGeometry
The ImportMesh structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportMesh
	String name;
	String filepath;
	String animation_filepath;
	bool has_animations = false;
	Vector<ImportNode *> nodes;
	Vector<ImportGeometry> geometries;

ImportMaterial Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported material and has the following set of properties:

name Material name.
filepath Path to the material's *.mat file.
data Material metadata.
The ImportMaterial structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportMaterial
	String name;
	String filepath;
	UserData *data = nullptr;

ImportNode Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported node and has the following set of properties:

name Scene node name.
filepath Path to the node file.
parent Parent node.
children List of all node children.
mesh Mesh node attribute. ImportMesh structure pointer if a mesh attribute is assigned to the node; otherwise, nullptr.
light Light node attribute. ImportLight structure pointer if a light attribute is assigned to the node; otherwise, nullptr.
camera Camera node attribute. ImportCamera structure pointer if a camera attribute is assigned to the node; otherwise, nullptr.
transform Node's transformation matrix.
data Node metadata.
The ImportNode structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportNode
	String name;
	String filepath;

	ImportNode *parent;
	Vector<ImportNode *> children;

	ImportMesh *mesh = nullptr;
	ImportLight *light = nullptr;
	ImportCamera *camera = nullptr;
	Unigine::Math::dmat4 transform;
	UserData *data = nullptr;

ImportTexture Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported texture and has the following set of properties:

filepath Path to the texture file.
original_filepath Path to the original texture file.
The ImportTexture structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportTexture
	String filepath;
	String original_filepath;

ImportSurface Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported surface and has the following set of properties:

filepath Surface name.
filepath Path to the mesh file.
min_visible_distance Minimum visibility distance for the surface.
max_visible_distance Minimum visibility distance for the surface.
material Material assigned to the surface. ImportMaterial structure pointer if a material is assigned to the surface; otherwise, nullptr.
target_surface Morph target surface number if any; otherwise, -1.
data Surface metadata.
The ImportSurface structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportSurface
	String name;
	String filepath;
	float min_visible_distance = -Consts::INF;
	float max_visible_distance = Consts::INF;
	ImportMaterial *material = nullptr;
	int target_surface = -1;
	UserData *data = nullptr;

ImportGeometry Structure#

This data structure contains metadata on an imported geometry and has the following set of properties:

transform Transformation matrix.
surfaces List of surfaces as a vector of ImportSurface structures.
data Geometry metadata.
The ImportGeometry structure is declared as follows:
Source code (C++)
struct ImportGeometry
	Math::dmat4 transform;
	Vector<ImportSurfacegt; surfaces;
	UserData *data;
Last update: 2021-04-29
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