Transformation and common parameters are available on the Node tab of the Parameters window. These parameters are common for all types of nodes and always available for editing.转换和公共参数在Parameters窗口的Node选项卡上可用。这些参数对于所有类型的节点都是通用的,并且始终可用于编辑。
The topmost section of the Parameters windows includes common node description:Parameters窗口的最顶部部分包含公共节点描述:
- Enabled flag toggles the node on and off. If unchecked, the node will not be rendered. Enabled标志用于打开和关闭节点。如果未选中,则不会渲染该节点。
- Name — the name of the node. Name —节点的名称。
- Type — the type of the node, it defines the set of node-specific parameters. Type —节点的类型,它定义了特定于节点的参数集。
- ID — the ID of the node. ID —节点的 ID 。
Transformation Parameters转换参数#
Position | Specifies the position coordinates for the node.指定节点的位置坐标。 |
Rotation | Specifies the rotation coordinates for the node.指定节点的旋转坐标。 |
Scale | 指定X,Y和Z轴的比例因子。 |
Common Parameters常用参数#
Triggers Interaction | Enables interaction of the node with World Triggers.启用节点与世界触发器的交互。 |
Clutter Interaction | Enables interaction of the node (Object or Decal) with World Clutters and Mesh Clutters. This option enables cutting out clutter objects in the areas of intersection with an Object or a Decal (e.g., can be used to remove vegetation under houses or from the surface of roads projected using decals). 注意 It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of clutters is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.启用节点(对象或贴图)与World Clutters和Mesh Clutters。此选项可在与对象或贴花相交的区域中切出杂物(例如,可用于去除房屋下方或贴花投影道路表面的植被)。It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of clutters is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of clutters is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes. 注意 It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of clutters is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.当不需要将节点切出混乱时,建议禁用此选项以获得更好的性能。尤其是当世界包含大量此类节点时。 |
Mobility |
When switched to Immovable the node is moved to a separate spatial tree for immovable (static) objects optimizing node management. Using this parameter can improve performance. Immovable is set by default. Switch the Mobility of the node to Dynamic, if you intend to move a node, assign a physical body to it (other than Dummy Body) to make it physics-driven, or make any other changes affecting the spatial tree (see below).切换到 Immovable 时,节点将移动到单独的空间树中,用于优化节点管理的不可移动(静态)对象。使用此参数可以提高性能。Immovable 是默认设置的。将节点的 Mobility 切换到 Dynamic,如果您打算移动节点,请为其分配一个物理实体(Dummy Body 除外)以使其由物理驱动,或进行任何其他影响空间树的更改(见下文)。 There are several restrictions on nodes considered immovable. Any action affecting the spatial tree is prohibited and causes a warning: you cannot change the node state (enabled/disabled), surfaces, bounds, transformation, visibility distance, as well as move the node, assign a non-dummy physical body or even change the Mobility state as it also leads to rebiulding of the spatial tree.对于被视为不可移动的节点,存在一些限制。任何影响空间树的操作都是被禁止的,并且会引发警告:您不能更改节点状态(启用/禁用)、表面、边界、变换、可见距离,也不能移动节点、分配非虚拟物理实体,甚至更改 Mobility 状态,因为这也会导致空间树的重建。 注意
Culled by Occlusion Query | Enables occlusion query for the objects. The objects are tested whether their bounding boxes are seen. It allows reducing the number of rendered triangles, which is beneficial by using heavy shaders. This option provides the substantial performance gain when enabled for water or meshes with reflections.
Enable this option only for a few nodes that use heavy shaders; otherwise, the performance will decrease instead of increasing.Enable this option only for a few nodes that use heavy shaders; otherwise, the performance will decrease instead of increasing. Culling will be performed if the hardware occlusion query test is enabled for the scene (the Rendering -> Occlusion Culling -> Occlusion Query flag is set).Culling will be performed if the hardware occlusion query test is enabled for the scene (the Rendering -> Occlusion Culling -> Occlusion Query flag is set). Enable this option only for a few nodes that use heavy shaders; otherwise, the performance will decrease instead of increasing.Culling will be performed if the hardware occlusion query test is enabled for the scene (the Rendering -> Occlusion Culling -> Occlusion Query flag is set).启用对象的遮挡查询。测试对象是否可见其边界框。它允许减少渲染三角形的数量,这通过使用较重的着色器是有好处的。当启用水或带有反射的网格时,此选项可显着提高性能。注意
Enable this option only for a few nodes that use heavy shaders; otherwise, the performance will decrease instead of increasing.仅对使用大量着色器的少数节点启用此选项。否则,性能将下降而不是提高。 Culling will be performed if the hardware occlusion query test is enabled for the scene (the Rendering -> Occlusion Culling -> Occlusion Query flag is set).如果为场景启用了硬件遮挡查询测试(设置了Rendering -> Occlusion Culling -> Occlusion Query标志),则会进行剔除。 |
Grass Interaction | Enables interaction of the node (Object or Decal) with Grass. This option enables cutting out Grass in the areas of intersection with an Object or a Decal (e.g., can be used to remove vegetation under houses or from the surface of roads projected using decals). 注意 It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of grass is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.启用节点(对象或贴图)与Grass。此选项可在与“对象”或“贴花”相交的区域中剪除草(例如,可用于去除房屋下方或贴花投影的道路表面上的植被)。It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of grass is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of grass is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes. 注意 It is recommended to disable this option for better performance, when cutting node out of grass is not necessary. Especially when the world contains a significant number of such nodes.当不需要从草皮中剪掉节点时,建议禁用此选项以获得更好的性能。尤其是当世界包含大量此类节点时。 |
本页面上的信息适用于 UNIGINE 2.19 SDK.