Mesh Transparent
Implements the basic render functionality for a transparent mesh. Can be used for the following objects (inherited from parent abstract material — Mesh):
- ObjectMeshStatic
- ObjectMeshDynamic
- ObjectMeshSkinned
- ObjectMeshCluster
- ObjectMeshClutter
- ObjectMeshSplineCluster
You can find the source code for this abstract material here: <SDK>/data/core/materials/abstract/mesh/mesh_transparent.abstmat
The Mesh Transparent abstract material has features implemented as internal states that can be enabled on demand in the child material:
State Name | Default | Conditions | Description |
transparent_blur | false | (none) | Enables rendering of transparent blur effect. |
refraction | false | (none) | Enables rendering of post-processing refraction. |
refraction_information_lost_fix | false | refraction | Enables correction of refraction for “information lost” areas using information from areas beyond the object's internal volume. |
refraction_front_side | false | refraction && refraction_information_lost_fix | Renders refraction only for front faces. This option can be used for glass objects with no cavities inside. When enabled, the surface shall overlap all transparent objects located behind it. |
planar_reflection | false | (none) | Enables rendering of dynamic reflections. Using this option you can create realistic flat mirrors and flat reflective surfaces (parquet, flat varnished surfaces, etc.) |
reflection_size | 7 | planar_reflection | Reflection map size, in pixels. Possible values: [128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, quart_height, half_height, height] |
reflection_two_sided | false | (none) | Use Two Sided option for reflections |
reflection_show_pivot | false | (none) | Enable two-sided planar reflection mode. |
reflection_blur | true | (none) | Show the reflection pivot point. |
ambient_light | true | (none) | Enables the support for two and more World Lights. |
ambient | true | (none) | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by an environment probe light source. |
environment_probe | true | ambient | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by an environment probe light source. |
voxel_probe | true | ambient | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by a voxel probe light source. |
planar_probe | true | ambient | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by a planar probe light source. |
light_omni | true | (none) | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by an omni light source. |
light_proj | true | (none) | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by a projected light source. |
light_world | true | (none) | Enable rendering of the material illuminated by a world light source. |
multiple_environment_probes | false | environment_probe | Illuminate a transparent object with several environment probes and map their cubemaps to this object. |
lerp_cascades | false | (none) | Lerp Cascades |
shadow_filter_mode | 2 | (none) | Filter Mode. Possible values: [none, low, medium, high ultra] |
shadow_penumbra_mode | 0 | (none) | Penumbra Mode. Possible values: [none, low, medium, high ultra] |
shadow_filter_noise | true | (none) | Filter Noise |
shadow_penumbra_noise | true | (none) | Penumbra Noise |
For every type of light the right PASS is called based on which one can choose the right shading logic:
- transparent_blur
- refraction
- ambient
- light_omni
- light_proj
- light_world
- light_environment_probe
- light_voxel_probe
- light_planar_probe
Fragment shader has the following output values:
Output Data#
Name | Type | Description |
OUT_FRAG_TRANSPARENT_REFRACTION | float2 | UV offset for transparent refraction (requires enabled transparent_blur and refraction) |
OUT_FRAG_TRANSPARENT_BLUR | float | transparent blur radius |
Here’s the list of available textures that are pre-defined and used in fragment shader:
Texture name | Texture type | State | Pass | Description |
TEX_REFLECTION_CUBE | Cube | ambient | ambient | Reflection cubemap |
TEX_REFLECTION_2D | 2D | ambient && planar_reflection | ambient | Reflection texture |
TEX_TRANSPARENT_ENVIRONMENT_PROBE | 2D | ambient && multiple_environment_probes | ambient | Environment probes rendered on transparent objects |
TEX_SKY_LUT | 2D Array | ambient && ambient_light | ambient | An array of sky lookup tables |
TEX_REFLECT | 2D | ambient | light_planar_probe | Planar reflection texture |
TEX_REFLECT | Cube | ambient | light_environment_probe | Cube reflection texture |
TEX_LIGHTMAP | 2D | lightmap | ambient, deferred | Baked lightmap texture |
Usage Example#
BaseMaterial <parent=Unigine::mesh_transparent>
Texture2D albedo = "core/textures/common/"
Color albedo = [1 1 1 0.5]
// optimization
State static_shadow = true
State vertex_velocity = false
Shader vertex_struct =
Shader common =
float4 sample_color(float2 uv)
return TEXTURE(tex_albedo, uv) * var_albedo;
Shader fragment =
float4 color = sample_color(DATA_UV.xy);
OUT_FRAG_ALBEDO = color.rgb;
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