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Unigine::WorldOccluderMesh Class

Header: #include <UnigineWorlds.h>
Inherits from: Node

This class is used to create an occluder based on an arbitrary mesh, which culls surfaces, bounds of which are currently hidden behind it. If any part of the bound of the object's surface is visible behind the occluder, the surface will not be culled. The objects' surfaces behind the occluder are not sent to the GPU, thereby saving performance.

The occluder itself is rendered by the CPU and stored in a separate buffer.


In order to enhance performance, occluders should be used wisely. The following notes will help you to decide whether to use the occluder or not:

  • Occluders can be highly effective in case of complex environments where there are many objects that occlude each other and are costly to render (they have a lot of polygons and/or heavy shaders).
  • Effective culling is possible if objects are not too large, since if any part of their surface is seen, it cannot be culled. In case objects are big and have a few surfaces, it is likely that an additional performance load of an occluder will not pay off.
  • In case the scene is filled with flat objects or a camera looks down on the scene from above (for example, in flight simulators), it is better not to use occluders at all or disable them.

See Also#

WorldOccluderMesh Class


static WorldOccluderMeshPtr create ( ) #

Constructor. Creates a new world occluder mesh with the default distance value.

static WorldOccluderMeshPtr create ( const char * name ) #

Constructor. Creates a new world occluder mesh from the given *.mesh file.


  • const char * name - A mesh file name.

void setDistance ( float distance ) #

Updates the distance between the camera and the bounding box of the occluder mesh, at which this occluder mesh becomes disabled (it isn't processed by the CPU, hence it isn't rendered). By default, the inf value is used.


  • float distance - The distance in units.

float getDistance ( ) const#

Returns the current distance between the camera and the bounding box of the occluder mesh, at which this occluder mesh becomes disabled (it isn't processed by the CPU, hence it isn't rendered). By default, the inf value is used.

Return value

The distance in units.

bool setMesh ( const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh ) #

Allows for reinitialization of the occluder mesh: the function copies a given mesh into the current mesh used for the occluder mesh.


  • const Ptr<Mesh> & mesh - A mesh to be copied.

Return value

true if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, false.

bool getMesh ( Ptr<Mesh> & mesh ) const#

Copies the current mesh, on which the occluder mesh is based, into the target mesh.


Return value

true if the mesh is copied successfully; otherwise, false.

bool setMeshPath ( const char * name, bool force_load = 0 ) #

Sets a new path for the mesh, on which the occluder mesh is based and forces loading of the mesh with the new path for the current occluder mesh.


  • const char * name - A new path to be set for the mesh.
  • bool force_load - Force flag.
    • If true (1) is specified, the mesh with the new path will be loaded immediately.
    • If false (0) is specified, only the mesh path will be updated.

Return value

true (1) if:
  • The current mesh path coincides the new path.
  • The mesh with the new path has been loaded successfully.
  • The force flag is set to 0.
In other cases, false (0).

const char * getMeshPath ( ) const#

Returns the path of the mesh, on which the occluder mesh is based.

Return value

Mesh path.

bool loadMesh ( const char * name ) #

Loads a mesh for the current occluder mesh from the file. This function doesn't change the mesh name.


  • const char * name - The mesh file name.

Return value

true if the mesh is loaded successfully; otherwise, false.

bool saveMesh ( const char * name ) const#

Saves the mesh, on which the occluder mesh is based, into a file.


  • const char * name - The mesh file name.

Return value

true if the mesh is saved successfully; otherwise, false.

static int type ( ) #

Returns the type of the node.

Return value

World type identifier.
Last update: 13.12.2024
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