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Продвинутый уровень
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Программирование на C#
Профессиональный уровень (SIM)
Принципы работы
Свойства (properties)
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Браузер SDK 2
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Работа с проектами
Настройка параметров ноды
Setting Up Materials
Настройка свойств
Использование инструментов редактора для конкретных задач
Расширение функционала редактора
Встроенные объекты
Ноды (Nodes)
Объекты (Objects)
Источники света
Звуковые объекты
Объекты поиска пути
Настройка среды разработки
Примеры использования
Унифицированный язык шейдеров UUSL (Unified UNIGINE Shader Language)
Форматы файлов
Материалы и шейдеры
Rebuilding the Engine Tools
Интерфейс пользователя (GUI)
Двойная точность координат
Animations-Related Classes
Common Functionality
Controls-Related Classes
Engine-Related Classes
Filesystem Functionality
GUI-Related Classes
Math Functionality
Node-Related Classes
Objects-Related Classes
Networking Functionality
Pathfinding-Related Classes
Physics-Related Classes
Plugins-Related Classes
IG Plugin
CIGIConnector Plugin
Rendering-Related Classes
VR-Related Classes
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Оптимизация контента
Визуальный редактор материалов
Material Nodes Library
Art Samples
Учебные материалы

Unigine::Variable Class

Header: #include <UnigineInterpreter.h>

Universal variable for functors.

Variable Class


Variable ( ) #

Default constructor.

Variable ( const Variable & v ) #

Copy constructor.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( int v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of int type.


  • int v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( long long v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of long long type.


  • long long v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( float v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of float type.


  • float v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( double v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of double type.


  • double v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const vec2 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of vec2 type.


  • const vec2 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const vec3 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of vec3 type.


  • const vec3 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const vec4 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of vec4 type.


  • const vec4 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const dvec2 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of dvec2 type.


  • const dvec2 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const dvec3 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of dvec3 type.


  • const dvec3 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const dvec4 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of dvec4 type.


  • const dvec4 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const ivec2 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of ivec2 type.


  • const ivec2 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const ivec3 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of ivec3 type.


  • const ivec3 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const ivec4 & v ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of ivec4 type.


  • const ivec4 & v - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const mat4 & m ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of mat4 type.


  • const mat4 & m - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const dmat4 & m ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of dmat4 type.


  • const dmat4 & m - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const quat & q ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of quad type.


  • const quat & q - The value of the variable.

explicit Variable ( const char * s ) #

Explicit constructor for a variable of string type.


  • const char * s - The value of the variable.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const char * type_name, void * object, int append, int manage ) #

External class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const char * type_name - Name of the external class object type.
  • void * object - Pointer to the object.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const BodyPtr & body, int append, int manage ) #

Body smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const BodyPtr & body - Body smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Body and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Body lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const CameraPtr & camera, int append, int manage ) #

Camera smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const CameraPtr & camera - Camera smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the camera and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the camera lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const ControlsPtr & controls, int append, int manage ) #

Controls smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ControlsPtr & controls - Controls smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const DatasetPtr & dataset, int append, int manage ) #

Dataset smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const DatasetPtr & dataset - Dataset smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Dataset and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Dataset lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const DecalPtr & decal, int append, int manage ) #

Decal smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const DecalPtr & decal - Decal smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const EllipsoidPtr & ellipsoid, int append, int manage ) #

Ellipsoid smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const EllipsoidPtr & ellipsoid - Ellipsoid smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const GuiPtr & gui, int append, int manage ) #

Gui smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const GuiPtr & gui - Gui smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const ImagePtr & image, int append, int manage ) #

Image smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ImagePtr & image - Image smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const LightPtr & light, int append, int manage ) #

Light smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const LightPtr & light - Light smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const MaterialPtr & material, int append, int manage ) #

Material smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const MaterialPtr & material - Material smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const MeshPtr & mesh, int append, int manage ) #

Mesh smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const MeshPtr & mesh - Mesh smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const NodePtr & node, int append, int manage ) #

Node smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const NodePtr & node - Node smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const ObjectPtr & object, int append, int manage ) #

Object smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ObjectPtr & object - Object smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const PathPtr & path, int append, int manage ) #

Path smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PathPtr & path - Path smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const PlayerPtr & player, int append, int manage ) #

Player smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PlayerPtr & player - Player smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const ShapePtr & shape, int append, int manage ) #

Shape smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ShapePtr & shape - Shape smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Shape and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Shape lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const StreamPtr & stream, int append, int manage ) #

Stream smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const StreamPtr & stream - Stream smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const PropertyPtr & property, int append, int manage ) #

Property smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PropertyPtr & property - Property smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const PropertyParameterPtr & property_parameter, int append, int manage ) #

PropertyParameter smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PropertyParameterPtr & property_parameter - PropertyParameter smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const RenderEnvironmentPresetPtr & preset, int append, int manage ) #

RenderEnvironmentPreset smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const RenderEnvironmentPresetPtr & preset - RenderEnvironmentPreset smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalDetailPtr & detail, int append, int manage ) #

TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalDetailPtr & detail - TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalDetail and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalDetail lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodHeightPtr & lod, int append, int manage ) #

TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodHeightPtr & lod - TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLodHeight and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalLodHeight lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodPtr & lod, int append, int manage ) #

TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodPtr & lod - TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLod and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalLod lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodsPtr & lods, int append, int manage ) #

TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodsPtr & lods - TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLods and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage

Variable ( void * interpreter, const TypeInfo & type_info, void * object, int append, int manage ) #

External class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TypeInfo & type_info - Type information.
  • void * object - Pointer to the object.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const WidgetPtr & widget, int append, int manage ) #

Widget smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const WidgetPtr & widget - Widget smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( void * interpreter, const XmlPtr & xml, int append, int manage ) #

XML smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const XmlPtr & xml - XML smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

Variable ( const UGUID & g ) #

UGUID smart pointer class object constructor.


Variable ( void * interpreter, const JointPtr & joint, int append, int manage ) #

Joint smart pointer class object constructor.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const JointPtr & joint - Joint smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Joint and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Joint lifetime through reference counting.

void set ( const Variable & v ) #

Sets a variable.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the variable.

const Variable & get ( ) const#

Returns the current variable.

Return value

The value of the variable.

void setBody ( void * interpreter, const BodyPtr & body, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a Body smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const BodyPtr & body - Body smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Body and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Body lifetime through reference counting.

const BodyPtr & getBody ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a Body smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Body smart pointer.

int isBody ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a Body.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a Body; otherwise, 0.

void setCamera ( void * interpreter, const CameraPtr & camera, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a Camera smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const CameraPtr & camera - Camera smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Camera and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Camera lifetime through reference counting.

const CameraPtr & getCamera ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a Camera smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Camera smart pointer.

int isCamera ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a Camera.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a Camera; otherwise, 0.

void setControls ( void * interpreter, const ControlsPtr & controls, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a controls smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ControlsPtr & controls - Controls smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the controls and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the controls lifetime through reference counting.

const ControlsPtr & getControls ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a controls smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Controls smart pointer.

int isControls ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a controls.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a controls; otherwise, 0.

Variable::VariableData * getData ( ) #

void setDataset ( void * interpreter, const DatasetPtr & dataset, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a Dataset smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const DatasetPtr & dataset - Dataset smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Dataset and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Dataset lifetime through reference counting.

const DatasetPtr & getDataset ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a Dataset smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Dataset smart pointer.

int isDataset ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a Dataset.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a Dataset; otherwise, 0.

void setDecal ( void * interpreter, const DecalPtr & decal, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a decal smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const DecalPtr & decal - Decal smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the decal and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the decal lifetime through reference counting.

const DecalPtr & getDecal ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a decal smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isDecal ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a decal.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is a decal; otherwise, 0.

void setDVec2 ( const dvec2 & v ) #

Sets a two component vector for the variable.


  • const dvec2 & v - The value of the variable.

const dvec2 & getDVec2 ( ) #

Returns the current variable as a two component vector, if possible.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isDVec2 ( ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a three component vector.

Return value

1 if the variable is a two component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setDVec3 ( const dvec3 & v ) #

Sets a three component vector for the variable.


  • const dvec3 & v - The value of the variable.

const dvec3 & getDVec3 ( ) const#

Returns the current variable as a three component vector, if possible.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isDVec3 ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a three component vector.

Return value

1 if the variable is a three component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setDVec4 ( const dvec4 & v ) #

Sets a four component vector for the variable.


  • const dvec4 & v - The value of the variable.

const dvec4 & getDVec4 ( ) const#

Returns the current variable as a four component vector, if possible.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isDVec4 ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a four component vector.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is a four component vector; otherwise, 0.

void setEllipsoid ( void * interpreter, const EllipsoidPtr & ellipsoid, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a ellipsoid smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const EllipsoidPtr & ellipsoid - A smart pointer to Ellipsoid.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the ellipsoid and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the ellipsoid lifetime through reference counting.

const EllipsoidPtr & getEllipsoid ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as an ellipsoid smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

A smart pointer to Ellipsoid.

int isEllipsoid ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is an ellipsoid.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is an ellipsoid; otherwise, 0.

int isExternClass ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable belongs to the external class.

Return value

1 is the variable belongs to the external class; otherwise, 0.

void setExternClassObject ( void * interpreter, const char * type_name, void * object, int append, int manage ) #

Sets an external class object for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const char * type_name - Name of the external class object type.
  • void * object - Pointer to the object.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

void setExternClassObject ( void * interpreter, const TypeInfo & type_info, void * object, int append, int manage ) #

Sets an external class object for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TypeInfo & type_info - Type information.
  • void * object - Pointer to the object.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

void setExternClassObject ( void * interpreter, Type * object, int append, int manage ) #

Sets an external class object for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • Type * object - Pointer to the object.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

void * getExternClassObject ( void * interpreter, const TypeInfo & type_info ) const#

Returns the external class object pointer.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TypeInfo & type_info - Type information.

Type * getExternClassObject ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the type of the external class object.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Object type.

int isExternClassObject ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the object belongs to the external class.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 is the variable belongs to the external class; otherwise, 0.

Type & getExternClassObjectRef ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the type of the external class object stored in the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Object type.

TypeInfo getExternClassType ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns type information about the external class object stored in the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Type information.

void setGui ( void * interpreter, const GuiPtr & gui, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a gui smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const GuiPtr & gui - Gui smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the gui data and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the gui data lifetime through reference counting.

const GuiPtr & getGui ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a gui smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isGui ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a gui.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is a gui; otherwise, 0.

void setImage ( void * interpreter, const ImagePtr & image, int append, int manage ) #

Sets an image smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ImagePtr & image - Image smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the image and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the image lifetime through reference counting.

const ImagePtr & getImage ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a image smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isImage ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is an image.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is an image; otherwise, 0.

void setJoint ( void * interpreter, const JointPtr & joint, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a Joint smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const JointPtr & joint - Joint smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Joint and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Joint lifetime through reference counting.

const JointPtr & getJoint ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a Joint smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Joint smart pointer.

int isJoint ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a Joint.


  • void * interpreter

Return value

1 if the variable is a Joint; otherwise, 0.

void setLight ( void * interpreter, const LightPtr & light, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a light smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const LightPtr & light - Light smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the light and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the light lifetime through reference counting.

const LightPtr & getLight ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a light smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isLight ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a light.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a light; otherwise, 0.

void setLong ( long long v ) #

Sets a long long value for the variable.


  • long long v - The value of the variable.

long long getLong ( ) const#

Returns the current variable as a long long value, if possible.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isLong ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a long long value.

Return value

1 if the variable is a long long value; otherwise, 0.

void setMaterial ( void * interpreter, const MaterialPtr & material, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a material smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const MaterialPtr & material - Material smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the material and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the material lifetime through reference counting.

const MaterialPtr & getMaterial ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a material smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isMaterial ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a material.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a material; otherwise, 0.

void setMesh ( void * interpreter, const MeshPtr & mesh, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a mesh smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const MeshPtr & mesh - Mesh smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the mesh data and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the mesh data lifetime through reference counting.

const MeshPtr & getMesh ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a mesh smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isMesh ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a mesh.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a mesh; otherwise, 0.

void setNode ( void * interpreter, const NodePtr & node, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a node smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const NodePtr & node - Node smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the node and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the node lifetime through reference counting.

const NodePtr & getNode ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a node smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isNode ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a node.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is a node; otherwise, 0.

int isNull ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a null value.

Return value

1 if the variable is a null value; otherwise, 0.

void setObject ( void * interpreter, const ObjectPtr & object, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a object smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ObjectPtr & object - Object smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.

const ObjectPtr & getObject ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as an object smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isObject ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is an object.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is an object; otherwise, 0.

void setPath ( void * interpreter, const PathPtr & path, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a path smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PathPtr & path - Path smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the path data and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the path data lifetime through reference counting.

const PathPtr & getPath ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a path smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isPath ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a path.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a path; otherwise, 0.

void setPlayer ( void * interpreter, const PlayerPtr & player, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a player smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PlayerPtr & player - Player smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the player and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the player lifetime through reference counting.

const PlayerPtr & getPlayer ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a player smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isPlayer ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a player.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a player; otherwise, 0.

void setProperty ( void * interpreter, const PropertyPtr & property, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a property smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PropertyPtr & property - Property smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the property and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the property lifetime through reference counting.

const PropertyPtr & getProperty ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a property smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isProperty ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a property.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a property; otherwise, 0.

void setPropertyParameter ( void * interpreter, const PropertyParameterPtr & property_parameters, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a property parameter smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const PropertyParameterPtr & property_parameters - PropertyParameter smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the property parameter and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the property parameter lifetime through reference counting.

const PropertyParameterPtr & getPropertyParameter ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a property parameter smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isPropertyParameter ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a property parameter.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a property parameter; otherwise, 0.

void setRenderEnvironmentPreset ( void * interpreter, const RenderEnvironmentPresetPtr & preset, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a RenderEnvironmentPreset smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const RenderEnvironmentPresetPtr & preset
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the RenderEnvironmentPreset and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the RenderEnvironmentPreset lifetime through reference counting.

const RenderEnvironmentPresetPtr & getRenderEnvironmentPreset ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a RenderEnvironmentPreset smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

RenderEnvironmentPreset smart pointer.

int isRenderEnvironmentPreset ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a RenderEnvironmentPreset.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a RenderEnvironmentPreset; otherwise, 0.

void setShape ( void * interpreter, const ShapePtr & shape, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a Shape smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const ShapePtr & shape - Shape smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the Shape and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the Shape lifetime through reference counting.

const ShapePtr & getShape ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a Shape, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Shape smart pointer.

int isShape ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a Shape.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a Shape; otherwise, 0.

void setStream ( void * interpreter, const StreamPtr & stream, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a stream smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const StreamPtr & stream - Stream smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the stream data and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the stream data lifetime through reference counting.

const StreamPtr & getStream ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a stream smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isStream ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a stream.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is a stream; otherwise, 0.

void setTerrainGlobalLod ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodPtr & lod, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodPtr & lod - TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLod and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalLod lifetime through reference counting.

const TerrainGlobalLodPtr & getTerrainGlobalLod ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

TerrainGlobalLod smart pointer.

int isTerrainGlobalLod ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLod.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLod; otherwise, 0.

void setTerrainGlobalLods ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodsPtr & lods, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodsPtr & lods - TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLods and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalLods lifetime through reference counting.

const TerrainGlobalLodsPtr & getTerrainGlobalLods ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

TerrainGlobalLods smart pointer.

int isTerrainGlobalLods ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLods.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLods; otherwise, 0.

void setTerrainGlobalLodHeight ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalLodHeightPtr & lod, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalLodHeightPtr & lod - TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalLodHeight and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalLodHeight lifetime through reference counting.

const TerrainGlobalLodHeightPtr & getTerrainGlobalLodHeight ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

TerrainGlobalLodHeight smart pointer.

int isTerrainGlobalLodHeight ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLodHeight.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a TerrainGlobalLodHeight; otherwise, 0.

void setTerrainGlobalDetail ( void * interpreter, const TerrainGlobalDetailPtr & detail, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const TerrainGlobalDetailPtr & detail - TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the TerrainGlobalDetail and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the TerrainGlobalDetail lifetime through reference counting.

const TerrainGlobalDetailPtr & getTerrainGlobalDetail ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns the current variable as a TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

TerrainGlobalDetail smart pointer.

int isTerrainGlobalDetail ( void * interpreter ) #

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a TerrainGlobalDetail.


  • void * interpreter

Return value

1 if the variable is a TerrainGlobalDetail; otherwise, 0.

int getType ( ) const#

Returns the variable type.

Return value

Variable type (see Unigine::Variable:: Enumeration).

String getTypeInfo ( ) const#

Returns the variable type info.

Return value

Variable type info string.

String getTypeName ( ) const#

Returns the variable type name.

Return value

Variable type name string.

void setUserClass ( int type, int number, int instance ) #

Sets a user class for the variable.


  • int type - User class type ID.
  • int number - User class number.
  • int instance - User class instance.

int isUserClass ( ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is an user class.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is an user class; otherwise, 0.

int getUserClassInstance ( ) const#

Returns user class instance.

Return value

User class instance.

int getUserClassNumber ( ) const#

Returns user class number.

Return value

User class number.

int getUserClassType ( ) const#

Returns user class type.

Return value

User class type ID.

void setWidget ( void * interpreter, const WidgetPtr & widget, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a widget smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const WidgetPtr & widget - Widget smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the widget and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the widget lifetime through reference counting.

const WidgetPtr & getWidget ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a widget smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isWidget ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is a widget.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

1 if the variable is a widget; otherwise, 0.

void setXml ( void * interpreter, const XmlPtr & xml, int append, int manage ) #

Sets a XML smart pointer for the variable.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
  • const XmlPtr & xml - XML smart pointer.
  • int append - The script will take ownership of the XML data and be responsible for deleting it.
  • int manage - The script will manage the XML data lifetime through reference counting.

const XmlPtr & getXml ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns the current variable as a XML smart pointer, if possible.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

The value of the variable.

int isXml ( void * interpreter ) const#

Returns a value indicating if the variable is an XML.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

Return value

Returns 1 if the variable is an XML; otherwise, 0.

void appendExternClass ( void * interpreter ) const#

The script will take ownership of the object and be responsible for deleting it.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

void manageExternClass ( void * interpreter ) const#

The script will manage the object lifetime through reference counting.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

int operator!= ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable not equal comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator% ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable modulo operation.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator& ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable binary and.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator&& ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable logical and.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator* ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable multiplication.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator+ ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable addition.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator- ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable subtraction.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator/ ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable division.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator< ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable less than comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator<< ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable binary left shift.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator<= ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable less than or equal to comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable & operator= ( const Variable & v ) #

Assignment operator for the variable.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the variable.

int operator== ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable equal comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator> ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable greater than comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator>= ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable greater than or equal to comparison.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator>> ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable binary right shift.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator^ ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable binary xor.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

Variable operator| ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable binary or.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

int operator|| ( const Variable & v ) const#

Variable logical or.


  • const Variable & v - The value of the second variable.

Return value

The resulting variable.

void releaseExternClass ( void * interpreter ) const#

The script will drop ownership of the object and clear all references to it.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.

void removeExternClass ( void * interpreter ) const#

The script will drop ownership of the object and be not responsible for deleting it.


  • void * interpreter - Interpreter pointer.
Last update: 13.12.2024
Build: ()