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CigiWaveControl Class

Header: #include <plugins/Unigine/CIGIConnector/UnigineCIGIConnector.h>
Inherits from: CigiHostPacket

CigiWaveControl Class


int getRegionID ( ) const#

Returns the Environmental region ID specified in the packet.

Return value

  • Entity ID if Scope is set to Entity (2).
  • Region ID if Scope is set to Regional (1).
This value will be ignored if Scope is set to Global (0).

int getWaveID ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Wave ID specified in the packet.

Return value

Wave ID parameter value.

int getWaveEnabled ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Wave Enable parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Wave Enable parameter: 1 - wave is enabled and will contribute to the shape of water's surface; otherwise, 0.

int getScope ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Scope parameter specified in the packet. Determines whether the wave is defined for global, regional, or entity-controlled maritime surface conditions.

Return value

Scope parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 0 - Global
  • 1 - Regional
  • 2 - Entity

int getBreaker ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Breaker Type parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Breaker Type parameter value. The following values are supported:
  • 0 - Plunging. Plunging waves peak until the wave forms a vertical wall, at which point the crest moves faster than the base of the breaker. The wave shall then break violently into the wave trough.
  • 1 - Spilling. Spilling breakers break gradually over a great distance. White water shall form over the crest, which spills down the face of the breaker.
  • 2 - Surging. Surging breakers advance toward the beach as vertical walls of water. Unlike with plunging and spilling breakers, the crest shall not fall over the front of the wave.

float getHeight ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Wave Height parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Wave Height parameter value.

float getLength ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Wavelength parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Wavelength parameter value.

float getPeriod ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Period parameter specified in the packet. Determines the time required for one complete oscillation of the wave.

Return value

Period parameter value.

float getWindDirection ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Wind Direction parameter specified in the packet. Determines the direction in which the wave propagates.

Return value

Direction parameter value in the [0; 360] range.

float getOffset ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Phase Offset parameter specified in the packet. Determines the phase offset of the wave.

Return value

Phase Offset parameter value in the [-360; 360] range.

float getLeading ( ) const#

Returns the value of the Leading parameter specified in the packet.

Return value

Leading parameter value.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 13.12.2024
Build: ()