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Unigine::ParticleModifierVector Class

Header: #include <UnigineObjects.h>
Inherits from: ParticleModifier

This class is used to represent a particle system modifier, that controls a vector parameter (position, direction, etc.). Modifiers are used to control how various parameters of particle systems change over the particle's life time.

ParticleModifierVector Class


void setConstant ( const Math::vec3 & constant ) #

Sets a new constant vector value for the modifier. In the CONSTANT modifier mode the actual value of the controlled parameter remains equal to this constant throughout the particle's lifetime.


  • const Math::vec3 & constant - Constant vector value to be set for the modifier (all components are constant).

Math::vec3 getConstant ( ) const#

Returns the current constant vector value set for the modifier. In the CONSTANT modifier mode the actual value of the controlled parameter remains equal to this constant throughout the particle's lifetime.

Return value

Current constant vector value set for the modifier (all components are constant).

void setConstantMin ( const Math::vec3 & min ) #

Sets a new minimum constant vector value for the modifier. This vector defines the lower limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter. The actual value varies randomly between the lower and upper limits.


  • const Math::vec3 & min - Minimum constant vector value to be set for the modifier (all components are constant).

Math::vec3 getConstantMin ( ) const#

Returns the current minimum constant vector value for the modifier. This vector defines the lower limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter. The actual value varies randomly between the lower and upper limits.

Return value

Current minimum constant vector value set for the modifier (all components are constant).

void setConstantMax ( const Math::vec3 & max ) #

Sets a new maximum constant vector value for the modifier. This vector defines the upper limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter. The actual value varies randomly between the lower and upper limits.


  • const Math::vec3 & max - Maximum constant vector value to be set for the modifier (all components are constant).

Math::vec3 getConstantMax ( ) const#

Returns the current maximum constant vector value for the modifier. This vector defines the upper limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter. The actual value varies randomly between the lower and upper limits.

Return value

Current maximum constant vector value set for the modifier (all components are constant).

void setCurveScale ( float scale ) #

Sets a new curve scale for the modifier. The scale defines the maximum possible value for the components of the vector parameter controlled by the modifier.


  • float scale - Curve scale value to be set for the modifier.

float getCurveScale ( ) const#

Sets a new curve scale for the modifier. The scale defines the maximum possible value for the components of the vector parameter controlled by the modifier.

Return value

Current curve scale set for the modifier.

void setCurveX ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvex ) #

Sets a new curve for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvex - Curve to be set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveX ( ) const#

Returns the current curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

Return value

Current curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveY ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvey ) #

Sets a new curve for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvey - Curve to be set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveY ( ) const#

Returns the current curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

Return value

Current curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveZ ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvez ) #

Sets a new curve for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & curvez - Curve to be set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveZ ( ) const#

Returns the current curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

Return value

Current curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveXMin ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & xmin ) #

Sets a new minimum curve for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the X component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & xmin - Minimum curve to be set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveXMin ( ) const#

Returns the current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the X component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveYMin ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & ymin ) #

Sets a new minimum curve for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the Y component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & ymin - Minimum curve to be set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveYMin ( ) const#

Returns the current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the Y component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveZMin ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & zmin ) #

Sets a new minimum curve for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the Z component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & zmin - Minimum curve to be set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveZMin ( ) const#

Returns the current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the lower limit for the value of the Z component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current minimum curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveXMax ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & xmax ) #

Sets a new maximum curve for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the X component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & xmax - Maximum curve to be set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveXMax ( ) const#

Returns the current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the X component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the X component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveYMax ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & ymax ) #

Sets a new maximum curve for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the Y component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & ymax - Maximum curve to be set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveYMax ( ) const#

Returns the current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the Y component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the Y component of the vector parameter.

void setCurveZMax ( const Ptr<Curve2d> & zmax ) #

Sets a new maximum curve for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the Z component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.


  • const Ptr<Curve2d> & zmax - Maximum curve to be set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

Ptr<Curve2d> getCurveZMax ( ) const#

Returns the current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter. This curve defines the upper limit for the value of the Z component of the controlled vector parameter at each point of the particle's lifetime. The actual value changes randomly over time between the lower and the upper limits.

Return value

Current maximum curve set for the modifier to control the Z component of the vector parameter.

Math::vec3 getMaxValue ( ) const#

Returns the maximum value for the modifier defining the upper limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter.

Return value

Maximum value for the modifier.

Math::vec3 getMinValue ( ) const#

Returns the minimum value for the modifier defining the lower limit for the value of the controlled vector parameter.

Return value

Minimum value for the modifier.

The information on this page is valid for UNIGINE 2.19.1 SDK.

Last update: 13.12.2024
Build: ()